At the party ( part 1 )

Time passed by like water and the day finally come . Everyone in mansion busy in the preparation of party. Best chefs of famous countries are invited to cook for today's party.

The Ground hall already Decorated for the party. Everyone is busy for final Preparations. Best dishes of famous countries will serve today. The bar counter is ready with most expensive wine. Zara look at the Preparations when Sahil ask Zara to come with her.

Zara in the living room with Sahil. She A saw a woman sit on a Sofa.

" her. she is Maya . She do your makeup today. She also choose a dress for you which suit you . she is a very trusted person " Sahil introduce Zara to Maya.

" Nice to meet you , young miss "

" Me to " Zara greet Maya.

" I handed my sister to you " Sahil tell Maya and leave from there.

Inside the room in a mansion...

Maya chooses some dresses and place infront of Zara . Zara look at the dresses. The dresses are revailing and sexy. The dresses are very tight fittings.

" Are not the dresses are too revailing. Actually I don't want to look like ,some kind of rich spoilled brat who revelling their curves to attract man " Zara look at Maya.

Actually, Maya is also not fond of this kind of dresses. As famous make up artist , she handle many rich young ladies before. She tried to gave her opinion before to which dresses suit them better. But they ultimately choose this kind of dresses to show of . When she offer to makeup the young miss of Raizada family, she thought she was same kind of opinion.

" What kind type of dress , you want to wear young miss " Maya ask politely.

" Something simple but elegant , Which enhance my personality and give me confident....can you choose something like this " Zara ask Maya.

" let's give me a minute " Maya leave from there and come back after ten minutes.

" I think this is perfectly suit your personalty " Maya hold a dress and place infront of Zara.

A smile appeare on Zara's face after see the dress. A blue colour anarkali gown which is made from soft net fabric .

This gown has been designed keeping in mind the latest trends in contemporary casual fashion. The dress combines ethnic with the fashion of today and makes you stand out among others when you adorn it. The dress features a beautiful flair and has intricate detailing on the arms and front and along the flair. This enhances the overall look of the gown and gives it an elegant look.

" Perfect ...You choose what I want. You are great Maya " Zara complement Maya.

" Thanks to you young miss, You give the chance. Now let me do your make-up. Which suit you ".

" Of course, I am all yours " Zara sit on a Chair and close her eyes.

After getting confident , Maya deside to give Zara no make up look. Her skin is already fair and flawless. At first Maya wash Zara's face with cleanser, then she put rose water on her face with cotton pad , give her fresh and glowing look. After that he apply compact powder her face to give the finishing touch. After happy her done . She go to her eyes. She choose light smoky eyes , which suits her perfectly. After done with her eyes , she apply peach colour lipstick on her lips.

" Done...Wow she looks beautiful " Maya compliment Zara in her mind . " now let's do the hair ". Maya grab Zara's hair make it a bun.she secure it with clips. She put a small diamond earrings on her ears , to finally comple the look.

" It is done wear the dress " Maya wake up Zara , Who fallen in sleep.

" is done " Zara look at the mirror. " is it really me " Zara shocked to see the face in mirror. She looks flawless.

After change the gown , and ready herself. Zara and Maya walk out from room.

" Brother I look " Zara ask Sahil.

Sahil who is talk to someone else, look at Zara. he can't able to took off her eyes to her.

He know his sister is very beautiful. But today it is like Her beauty fully enhance. She looks dropdead gorgeous. He don't have any word to compliment her beauty.

It is not only Sahil , everyone present in living room is same expression as his.

" Brother....Brother " Zara called again when she see , he don't tell anything. After hear her voice , Sahil back to her senses .

" Of course , you look stunning ....why not you rest in your room. I called you when every one arrived " Sahil reply . Zara give smile to him and go from there. Sahil look at Raj , Who look at Zara from behind.

" Don't get your hopes up....She thinks you as her brother " Sahil look at Raj.


At first , Sahil think there is something going on between Vivek and Zara. But he was wrong. For all this year he never see her to attract to any guy. he thought she may be miss Rian. But talk with her he realised, she already forget him . Some time when he visit her to university, He see how boys tried to use many tricks to get near her. but all come with a shattered hearts. So when he look at Raj , Who admirely see Zara. He warn him beacase he don't want to him flase hope.

" Let's start to welcome the guests " Sahil instruct Raj and leave from there.

In a venue...

People started to gather to the party. Everyone chatting themselves. Waiters serve the drinks to the guest. Sahil and Raj welcome the guests. Famous celebrities , businessman, government officials come to the party. Sahil busy to welcome everyone.

" Hello , Mr Raizada. I am happy to get invite today " Mr Das greet Sahil.

Mr Das is police commissioner of the depertment which Zara's father was work. The list Sahil's informers give him. His name is written there one of the suspects. It is heard that his name is nominated for Head of the all police depertment in this country. Sahil know He surely come here if get invited. With supports from Raizada he definitely win. So he give every try get close to them.

" Hello.....Mr Das . please welcome " Sahil handshake with him a smile on his face.