At the party ( part 2 )

Hello.....Mr Das . please welcome " Sahil handshake with him with a smile on his face.

" It is my pleasure to invited , I hope we can help each other in future " Mr Das reply.

" Of course...Of course please enjoy the party " Sahil excuse from there.

" Excuse me ladies and gentlemen , I very happy to today. I know You all have the curiosity to meet the hariess of Raizada Family. Now let me introduce my sister, Ms Ayana Singh Raizada!! " Sahil instructed everyone to look at Stairs.

Spot light appeared on the Stairs , A beautiful and elegant young women walk downstairs. Her beautiful smile can melt every guy's heart. Her dress gave her royal yet mordarn look , which perfectly fit her. Her light colour lipstick enhance her beauty. Her smoky eyes hides many imotions . Her tied hair revel her long slender neck. Everyone can feel her confident in her walk. Sahil place her hand infront of Zara , Who held his hand.

" This is my dearest sister and Hairess of the Raizada family Ms Ayana Singh Raizada " Sahil introduce her sister.

At a distance some people 's face become confused and pale. Zara and Sahil look at each other with meaningful look. They new many people know Zara , so they maybe indified her . but they already prepare for this.