At the party ( part 3 )

Sahil started to introduce Ayana ( Zara ) to everyone. Mr Das get near to Ayana ,

" Zara ...." Mr Das speak willingly the name to see Ayana 's expression.

For a minute Zara about to response but hold herself imidietly and ignore it .

" Who is Zara...Mr Das " Sahil come infront of him.

Mr Das see no expression on Ayana 's face and look Front when heard Sahil's Voice.

" Ah...please don't mind. Actually my junior's daughter name was Zara and your sister just look like..." He can't able to complete his sentence , Sahil cut his words.

" Are you compare my sister, Hairess of Raizada family to any Ordinary girl Mr Das " Mr Das shivers from Sahil's cold Voice. How can he so he compare the Ordinary girl to Raizada. It is impossible.

" Ah...Please don't take my word in your heart , Mr Raizada. I was just confused. there is no comparison between them " Mr Das try to defend her self.

" What happened brother....." Ayana ( Zara ) appeare in the side of Sahil.

" Oh....its nothing , Ms Ayana. My apology. Nice to meet you.....I am Mr Das . Police commissioner of Police " Mr Das greet Ayana .

Zara , distinguish as Ayana greeted him sweetly. Only she knows , How much anger she hold inside her. When she hear Mr Das's name as suspect . She don't believe at first. She always respected him as her father. She never thought he will ... Zara feels Sahil's hand around her wrist , Who held her tightly. Zara look at him with a smile assure him That she is ok.

Everyone enjoyed the party....Ayana or Zara go to bar counter and order a orange juice.

" Here is juice mam "

" Thanks " Ayana take a sip from her glass , when she feels some one's presence behind her.

" Hello...I am, Amir Chanda. There is a small gift for this beautiful lady " A Young Tall man in his thirties , greet her with bunch of flowers.

Zara look at man from head to. Certain reallization hit her. He is one of person from there list . For every one he is an ordinary business , but what Sahil's people inform them he involves in many illegal activities and very dangerous. He has connections with Mafia and he also involves with terrorists , for money he help them supply illegal weapons. Zara's father was after him.

" ahh...thank you. But I don't know who you are " Ayana take the flowers from his hand and place it on counter table.

Amir clench his shit with Irritation. He is very famous businessmen in this City. Also very popular among girls , If he eye for one girl then he definitely get her. She is not able to ignore his charm. Today when come to the party...He was taken aback by Ayana's beauty.

He promise himself to make this girl fall for him.

" Never mind....You were in States, maybe you not hear not my name . How about a drink together....." Amir reply.

" Is that so , maybe. By the way I have to excuse myself " Ayana leave from there without waiting for reply.

" hmm...interesting. you play hard ha.." A evil smile appeare on his face.

Zara give a fresh breath after leave from there. She don't like how he look at her. she clearly fill his intentions is not good.