The Astral Light

Alex and Bonnie were waiting in front of a sandwich shop just outside the entrance to the vampire dungeon. Each of them had ordered something and were now just chatting and trying to ignore the stares from the people who walked by. The Pink Coast Forest was deep inside elven territory, which also meant that most people who lived here were elves. Occasionally, a dwarf, a triton, or a harpy would pass by, but their numbers were few and far between. In addition, the overall sentiment the Alliance had about humans was getting worse and worse.

They understood that there were some humans on their side, but even so, it was hard not to be suspicious. At least no one was being openly aggressive towards them, only weary. For Bonnie, it was, unfortunately, a somewhat familiar feeling, but it was something new for Alex.

After getting their second sandwich and drink combo, an elf finally approached them. It was a woman with long hair like a rainbow. It started off silver near the roots, but as it went down to the edges, the colors would shift from one hue to the other. That wasn't just a light effect or some spell. Instead, it looked like the elven woman carefully dyed her hair in those colors that blended perfectly together. She had a small button nose and long ears, with emerald green eyes and plump lips.

She wore a blue and gold sleeveless high neck top, revealing her thin but muscular arms while hiding her ample breasts. Her top left her bellybutton exposed, revealing her skin until a bit below her waist where a white, pink, and teal skirt appeared, covering everything until her ankles. However, there was a long slit on both sides that stopped halfway in the elf's rump, making so that each step revealed almost the entirety of the elf's legs.

"Hello, I am Elistrae. Lady Faunalyn asked me to help you," her voice was melodic and had a hint of flirt that caused even some of the passersby people to freeze on the spot.

Neither Bonnie nor Alex ever understood stories like the Trojan war. How one woman would be pretty enough to drive entire nations to such extremes. But right now, those tales felt like accurate historical descriptions than stories that might not have happened.

Alex watched the elf for a moment, processing the sight. After almost half a minute without answering the greeting, the assassin nodded, "Yeah… I'm straight."

Elistrae blinked slowly, "Ex-fucking-cuse me?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean anything bad about it. I was struggling with my sexuality lately and you are without a doubt the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. But I'm not attracted to you like that. Then I think about the guys I am attracted to and… like in comparison to you, they are so bland. But I'm still attracted to them. So yeah. I think I'm straight," Alex nodded.

Elistrae shook her head slightly, "Well. You are welcome for giving you that revelation. Good for you for being straight,"

"I'm not. Not completely," Bonnie chimed in, but at how eager her reply was, it made her want to dig a hole and hide there until she died.

The elf just smiled and started walking towards the shop.

When she was far enough away, Alex snorted, "Smooth."

"Fuck you," Bonnie groaned, "Is this how guys feel? When they see a pretty woman, their minds just turns to mush?"

"I don't know. As I just established, I'm straight."

Bonnie rolled her eyes, "Let's just go. And do you think we can trust her?"

"Lady Faunalyn said it was someone trustworthy, and that I could use my legacy without the fear of it being stolen by someone stronger. I think we are ok," Alex nodded.

It didn't take long for Elistrae to return, carrying a plastic bag with a few sandwiches inside, "I got us some food for the road. Shall we get going?"

"Yeah, yeah," Bonnie nodded quickly.

"Are you going to be like that for long?" Alex sighed as they started walking.

"What? It's not my fault. I'm more into men, but just look at her," Bonnie gestured to Elistrae," She's just… Fuck."

The elf smiled at Bonnie, who started to giggle in response. Glancing at Alex, who was more stoic, she couldn't help but speak, "I'm really not used to seeing your kind of reaction. Her's I understand. And honestly, I don't think I enjoy the indifference."

Alex frowned, "I don't think I will be fawning over you like Bonnie, but I can pretend if that would be better. I'm Alex, by the way."

"A pity compliment would be even worse. But yeah, I don't like this. It's like you are ignoring all my effort. Which, fine, you do you. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don't mean you are the first to not be attracted to me, but at least people agree that I'm pretty." Elistrae continued as they walked inside a large building where the dungeon entrance was located. It was a small house with a vampire motif. Several books about vampires and magic that used blood were on display. Each wall was covered in fake spiderwebs, magic candles, and other decorations in black and blood red.

"But you are pretty. I said so. And you do this all on purpose? Is it just for show or does it have an effect? If it doesn't do anything, I'm not sure I think it would be worth the effort," Alex asked.

"Sweetheart. Everything we do is just for show. More often than not, we are showing off to ourselves. I just accept that fact. And the effort is for me. I like being pretty, and I like having pretty boys," Elistrae turned to Bonnie, "And girls, admiring me. So judge me all you want. I've been around for long enough to be beyond those kinds of existential crisis."

"I wasn't going to judge," Alex replied, "I just don't get it. Even when you put it as something for you."

Elistrae shrugged, "It's a shame. You have some potential. A lot of people like the androgynous look. But you do you."

They didn't say anything else and continued walking towards the dungeon entrance. It was on the basement level of this building and the elves who ran the place created a large coffin that served as a door for it. After one last quick check if everyone was ready, the three women walked inside.


You are entering the Bloodmoon Manor dungeon.


They crossed a small hallway before reaching a fire exit in the back. Once open, they were in the middle of a modern city. Buildings were everywhere, with the light posts shining from above. A distant sound of cars moving, likely in a traffic jam, could be heard, and they saw some people walking around. All elves wearing the random mixed bag of clothing one would see in a metropolis.

Looking towards the left, they could only see more of the streets, and the buildings on top of small stores, restaurants or other commerce. Turning right, however, things changed a lot. There was a long street where the structures became more sparse, even showing some trees. All the way in the back was a Gothic mansion with five floors, tall black towers on the sides and a massive bat statue looking over it. Above that bat, in the sky, was the blood-red moon shining in the night sky.

"Wow… that is kind of awesome," Alex gasped.

Elistrae rolled her eyes, "Sure, the bat makes you excited. I don't think your problem is being straight. You are just a furry."

The Purifying Light frowned, "You are really salty about what I said, huh? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you and you are truly breathtaking. But like… do you really need my approval?"

The elf looked at Alex and let out a sigh, but she still keep her head high, "I don't know why what you said upset me so much, and I may be old compared to you, but that doesn't mean my ego is invulnerable. I'll try to be less snippy about everything."

"Thank you. And I'll do my best to not… Make you jealous?" Alex replied with a confused expression. Her reply was just a similar gesture. Making it clear that Elistrae didn't understand if that was the case, either.

After the two were just staring at each other for a moment, and Bonnie had already started mapping the night sky with her legacy, the Astral Witch turned to the duo, "So. How do we get the quest? Do we have to go somewhere or…?"

"Just give it a minute," Elistrae replied. Almost as if on cue, someone let out a scream of pure fear from one of the alleys nearby. The three of them turned to face the direction and watched as a woman in a neon green skirt, fishnet stockings, and wearing small fluffy coat that didn't even reach the midsection of her torso appeared and started running away from the mansion, "Oh? It's the factory party this time. That is one of the most fun ones."

"Why is that? The dungeon has different quests?" Bonnie asked.

"Not really, it has different endings. And on each run, there will be a big event going on. It can be a gala, a protest, a red carpet, an award show. There is even this big Italian food festival. It's a shame it's not that one, the pasta they serve is out of this world. The factory party is one of the events. We don't have to go there to finish the quest, but there is one way to solve this that will take us there. The party itself is pretty fun. People dancing, drinking, and… other things. Just be careful not to take any drugs, those pack a punch." Elistrae explained.

"And for now we need to go to that alley?" Alex gestured to where the woman came running from.

"Yes, also. Do you want me to just tell you the solution to this quest or do you want to try it yourselves?" Elistrae asked.

Bonnie and Alex looked at each other and gave a knowing nod before the Astral Witch spoke, "Let us try for ourselves. If we get stuck or start to take too long. We'll ask for help. Is that ok?"

"Sure. But I will say, if the whole point was to just level up. Killing everyone is a way to finish this," Elistrae started walking to the alley.

"But how are we going to find who is a vampire and who isn't? Or is everyone here a vampire?" Alex asked.

"Who said anything about finding out? You can just start killing. The vampires, the people, even the hunters. If we are the only ones left in the city, the quest will be complete. It will probably happen before that, but if we go on a killing spree, the people won't just sit idly by. And for the record, if you decide to do that. I won't judge you. I've done that before. It's a good way to experience being wanted by an entire city. Or a good way to use massive spells if you have that option," the elf stopped in front of the alleyway, "I think you two should go in first."

Alex and Bonnie walked forward. It didn't take long for them to realize what had happened. There was a body on the ground. It was a male elf, and it was deathly pale, it also looked dehydrated. As if to stop any possible confusion, there was also a pair of small incisions on the side of his neck. Another elven man appeared from behind one of the large dumpsters wearing a long black coat, heavy duty boots and a scruff on his chin. He walked towards them with purpose and before saying anything, he tossed an odd whitish powder at them.

"What the-?" Alex couldn't continue speaking before she started sneezing.

Bonnie sneezed a couple of times and started to rub her eyes, "Fuck, fuck, fuck," she felt an intense taste in her mouth as she gasped for air, "Who the fucks toss garlic at people?!"

"A vampire hunter," Elistrae said with a smirk, already aware of the man's introduction.

"Use something else then! A cross, holy water, an UV light. Don't waste food," Alex groaned.

"He's not wasting, this one shouldn't be used as a spice," Bonnie was rubbing her tongue against the inside of her cloak, trying to get rid of the taste.

"I grew that one…" the man said with a somewhat sadden voice.

Bonnie didn't care and continued, "You should stop. I don't know what you are doing with that poor plant, but this is absolutely disgusting. How did you make it taste like old pickles?"

Taking a step back, the man grumbled, "I like pickles."

"Then buy a jar! Don't mix it with garlic! And you are using it as a weapon. Why are you trying to change the flavor?" Bonnie complained again, even if, by now, she had recovered from the 'assault.'

Alex took a swig of water, "Ok, I this was a test to see if we were vampires, right? I'm assuming we passed. So who are you?"

"I'm Uav Silenteden. Vampire Hunter. We live in harmony with the vampires of the city due a treaty created generations ago," he glanced to the body, "But it seems one of them broke it. Since you saw the body, the one that killed it will try to get rid of any witness. Usually, I would offer shelter until this is sorted. However, you seem capable enough and we are short staffed. A group of hunters went to the mansion, and we lost contact. I was the only one who stayed behind and now I'm the sole hunter in the city. So, I ask for your help. We need to figure out if this was just the act of a rogue agent. Or if the vampires are going to break the treaty and the city will become their feeding grounds."


You have discovered a dungeon quest

Vampiric Feast

The league of vampire hunters worry that this is just the first body of many. Help them discover the fate of the missing hunters, locate the vampire criminal and deal with the threat.

First time rewards

Vampire Hunter gear set, or Vampire Lord gear set.


"Take this. It's a tracker. If you die, or go missing, it will give us an idea on where to start looking," Uav passed an old flip phone to Alex, "And do you have a team name? We give each group of hunters a name to know who is going where."

"Do we have to use a specific name?" the assassin turned to Elistrae.

"You can use whatever," the elf replied.

"We are the Astral Light," Bonnie said with a smile, using the same name that the Alliance used to refer to the pair.