Chapter 6

Thirty minutes had passed already, the gentlemen are sitting in the living room of the vast villa, and the matter about Caius had reached Fabian's ear and even the others have known. The air felt edging by the tense, eerie and seriousness aura around the family members of Adelaide. The matter they were about to discuss is really important to them, not only it involves Adelaide's safety and life but also the future of the young man in front of them. Xavier, who specializes in gathering information has already investigated Caius's life, average grades in his past and current subjects, furthermore it's concerning his parents or family and especially friends, and teachers. Ian summarized everything that needed to be known and what's more important for them to know he really is based on the comments of his teachers, and achievement until this moment. In such a short time they've found out everything that's needed to know about Caius except his hidden feelings for their precious princess. Who right now is sleeping peacefully upstairs in her room, the guards are scouting the perimeter around the villa making sure no intruder will trespass.

Caius had informed his parents and already talked to them and her mother is very reluctant to agree to this chance for his son to finally and will surely achieve his dream to an agent and at the same time a businessman. His father just asked him if Caius himself wants to accept this chance, and Caius firmly answered yes, he certainly wishes to accept it. Caius's father just sighs, after quite a moment of silent and sobbing coming from his mother, he finally gave Caius a consent and full support, also some wisdom of advice from his father who understands him. As for his mother, it was hard to persuade nonetheless agreed and gave his one and only son permission to accept their sponsorship. His parents decided that they will be staying in here for not to disturb their only son, however, he needs to call them once in a while or something. Caius contentedly agreed to it without complaining nor even commenting on his parents.

"Tell me, Caius, are you ready for the challenge in front of you? These challenges will absolutely feel like breaking your every bones and muscle, you will surely feel to want to give up in every training we will give you. As her future personal bodyguard and assistant, you must have a strong resolve to only prioritize her safety in any kind of situation even if you have to sacrifice yourself to do so. However, she totally opposes someone sacrificing themselves for her, and so she will certainly order you in a commanding voice to not die until everything is over. All of us in here in this room will train you to become a killing machine when there is a danger, not only your body but also your mind to withstand anything that may come to way."

Fabian's word struck Caius as thunder came from the sky electrocuting him to wake up and think very carefully because the world that he would be involved in will be dangerous, like in the middle of war or battlefield. Those people who oppose them will do underhand tricks to get what they want even if that must kill innocent people around them. Caius knows this deeply, buried under his mind, his not that innocent or ignorant to not know about this kind of thing. Nevertheless, everything that Fabian told him just fuels his overprotective self for Adelaide, in his eyes, Adelaide will always be a fragile, innocent and goddess looking young girl even if she's stronger than him. He doesn't care about it.