Chapter 8

"Furthermore, Adelaide has a unique trait about her healing capability, it's faster than an average human has. Her healing capability is so inhumane fast that the sprain at her left foot ankle will heal when she woke up later, my granddaughter will be walking in no time. You'll see her walking down the stairs like a normal person and act as nothing happened, however, when my dear granddaughter goes out of this villa of ours, she'll act like a damsel in distress that needs her knight in shining armor to rescue her. And that's where you, Caius, will make an appearance, helping her here and there at school only because in here, at the villa while we are here to take care of her. Besides you are his partner."

"Of course, that's my plan from the very beginning, sir. You don't have to ask for such a request, I understand my obligation and priorities when I agreed to accept this opportunity that your family has given to me. I won't neither disappoint you nor let you Sirs down."

At last, the long-lasting discussion has ended between these gentlemen who had been their minds filled by their beloved sleeping princess upstairs in her room. Concern and worrying will not suffice all the negatives, only a living thing that they train to be perfect guard, that suitable for her. Bryan heaved a sigh breathing lightly with no weight on his heart anymore, this is the first step for their goal. Before they get the outcome, they were dreaming, no crave, Caius must learn every knowledge the Lux family will give him to overcome every part of challenges, hardship is evident in this path Caius choose nonetheless they have faith that he will not give up or back out. If Caius in the future will somehow betray their faith and trust, the Lux family gave to him then the price is his own blood.

Time goes one as the moon and stars arrive, the sun departs from its throne up high at the sky, a princess slowly wakes up from her deep slumber, opening her dreamy oceanic eyes. Yawning softly while stretching every fiber of her stiff muscle resides inside of her delicate body, her hair spread her like a blooming petal of a new bud on a cherry blossom branch. Adelaide stands up slowly balancing herself first before she started walking to her bathroom and began her ritual. Seconds after seconds, minutes after minutes pass by as she gets ready to go down and meet her overprotective family. Unbeknownst to her that Caius is still waiting downstairs with the rest of her family, and so she goes downstairs with no ankle brace or whatsoever she walks properly as nothing happened. Caius and the rest of her family heard Adelaide's foot stepped going down the stairs, they hastily approached their princess descending the stairs. Caius's breath stopped involuntarily as he saw his own partner not limping but graciously approached them with a gentle smile as her eyes are glimmering of happiness.

"Adelaide, you finally wake up from your sweet slumber. How's your ankle dear, does it still hurt, or do you feel uncomfortable?" Asked the worried grandfather with furrowed brows scrunched together creating a few lines of frown on his forehead.

"I'm fine, grandpa. All of you don't have to be worried over such trivial matter, this sprain on my left ankle is already healed up. You guys know that already, worrying over a small matter is really troublesome to do, I heal faster than anyone."

"We know that sweetheart, but you couldn't blame us for worrying even if it's just a small scratch." Proclaimed Xavier as the others nodded their head agreeing to what Xavier just mentioned to Adelaide.

"~sigh~ Caius you're still here I thought you already gone home to rest and prepare for school tomorrow." Asked the curious Adelaide.

"I'm your partner, of course, I'll wait for you to wake up and besides my parents already agreed for me to go with you to the UK to study even though my mother is kind of reluctant to agree to it, however, in the end, I persuade her to give me permission to study abroad."

"Really! So, the two of us is going to be schoolmate and maybe dormmate too!"

Adelaide's words are full of excitement that she couldn't help but jump down one stair after the other causing the men to feel nervous and immediately run towards her to support Adelaide in case an accident happens, and she slips or something. Nevertheless, Adelaide just keeps continuing to skip one after the other not realizing the uproar of her action leading into a chaos of the heart of the men around her. Even the soldiers close by patrolling the whole villa watched in terror, all of them want to join in and somehow or at least try to help out protecting their princess. However, they realized that their honorable generals and Caius are there on her side protecting her on the sidelines in case she totally slips and fall down. And so, time goes on, while Adelaide, Caius, and the rest of her family continue to chat around, ate their dinner and finally getting ready to rest while Caius is been transported to his home.