Chapter 9

Morning came at the window of Adelaide intruding her slumber making her wake up, as she scrunches her nose with her eyes she groans while pulling her blanket towards her face to cover the ray through the window. A knock made its way to Adelaide's door making her groan more of irritation not wanting to get up and get ready for school, but she just pushed back all her laziness to the side and started to do her morning routine. Time flies by fast, now it's almost lunch break, a while ago before Adelaide and Caius' school started they met up it the student parking lot. Caius was waiting for his partner to arrive and support her to walk even though he already knows that Adelaide's left ankle was healed up last night Caius still feel worried and uneasiness fills up his heart. As Adelaide arrived at school her grandfather and the rest of her cousin escorted Adelaide until Caius shows up.

Practically all the students of Cerulean High gawked at the two wondering if Adelaide and Caius are dating or maybe that close for the two to be walking so closely as anyone could barely see the space between Adelaide and Caius. Others squeals and gossiping about how the two will be a cute couple in the near future however others oppose those people and rebuked that the two are already dating and both of them are so adorable. Others stare at them with pure envy and jealousy at both genders, the ladies glared at Adelaide mentally cursing her some of those ladies tried to flirt with Caius before trying so hard to catch his attention that those ladies almost strip in front of Caius because of their clothes barely covered their woman parts. The men are also mentally cursing at Caius especially those who admired Adelaide deeply, others are wishing for them to be the ones whose beside her and supporting Adelaide as she walks while their arms are around her feminine body that would be dream come true for those men. However, all of them could do is sigh mentally they couldn't help but just forget those negative feelings growing inside of their hearts and just let Adelaide and Caius be together. All of them know how kind-hearted those two are and not even one did they act against them or tried to ruin their image in their own high school life, both Adelaide and Caius are friendly, and they would do their very best to help their friends and also schoolmates if they ask.

However, there is one person who's trembling of jealousy and rage, her eyes are a field of hatred towards Adelaide. She was Caius's ex-girlfriend, they've dated almost 6 years and last week was supposed to be their anniversary but that didn't happen because three months ago Caius break up with her. And so, she spread a rumor about Caius cheating with another girl people hardly believe it but few of them believe it seeing Caius being close to Adelaide. Cassie, the jealousy ex-girlfriend is a hypocrite Caius investigate and ask around who started this rumor fearing it will affect the life of Adelaide. He found out that Cassie was the one who's cheating on him in the past two years when they were still dating. Then Caius threatened Cassie to stop spreading a baseless and false rumor about him cheating or else he will be ruined everything she has until this moment.

At those events of his life when he saw a glimpse of Adelaide before on the very first day of their school. Caius feels familiar with her it's like a brick of wall blocking his way to remember a memory buried deep into his mind. As Caius familiarizing himself with trying to reminisce an old memory, his feelings towards Cassie seems to go downhill losing the sparks he felt towards her. Until he finally recalled the very first time he and Adelaide met when they were just naïve children, Caius realized the feelings he, himself, hidden for fearing the past will repeat once again. He decided to end things between him and Cassie to not hurt her furthermore than he already hurt her enough in the past few weeks he was together with her.