Chapter 10

Although mixed emotions swirling on his heart and mind keeping him occupied to even forget some things he needed to do until it's badminton season and try out have been announced in the school.

One of his friends, Lucas, asked or more like annoyed Caius if he would try out for the team and what will Caius choose to play. At the end of their annoying and persistent conversation with Lucas, he agreed to just try out at least one day because he has to focus on his basketball and school stuff. When he heard Adelaide was trying out, he immediately forgotten his decision and just throw it in the garbage bin. Caius was so nervous, wanting to make a conversation with her but cannot. Lucas noticed this sign and so he somehow thought of something naughty that will definitely irritate his friend. Lucas approached Adelaide and played with her in the badminton court multiple times that cause Caius to feel mad and pathetic to himself downgrading himself for being a piece of coward man.

The next day of their try out Adelaide didn't show up and he asked the coach, then the very last day of their badminton try out she showed up gathering every ounce of his courage he asked her to be his partner and go against to random mixed doubles.

Reminiscing while looking at Adelaide with great affection shown through Caius' eyes that made others gawk at his surprise and unbelievable are written to the faces of spectators on the side. Especially the two best friends of Adelaide, Sameria and Louise, these two are nodding their heads approvingly and shamefully walked towards the two and starts teasing Adelaide.

"Hey, you didn't tell us that you already have a boyfriend and nonetheless it's your badminton partner, and the famous Caius." Exclaimed Sameria

"I thought we were your best friends; how could you do this to us, Adelaide." Complained Louise hurtfully.

"Oh, come on you guys I was injured last night in one of the games, and Caius is just helping me out of concern as his partner." Explained Adelaide to the two who were acting like a whining child.

"~sigh~ We heard del, so how's the left foot? Tsk, it just has to be your left foot that freaking thing hit the soft spot." Said Louise shaking her head.

"I know right we heard everything about the accident, are you even in the right situation to go to school? Why can't you just rest at your home?" Sameria scolded Adelaide it's kind of refreshing for her.

Before it was always Adelaide the one doing the scolding for the two of them but now it's quite the opposite. She couldn't help but giggle and chuckle messily but cutely and she just nodded off towards Sameria and Louise, while Caius watch on the sideline amuse to see Adelaide interacting with her friends and it the first time, he sees Adelaide being relaxed around them not having her guard up.

What could have happened if the time of their departure would come?

What would her friends feel when they found out about her origins?

Questioning the future now in the present is useless thought Caius, the only thing he assured himself whatever happens in the future he will protect Adelaide from anything or anyone that will threaten her very safety.

The school first warning bell begin the long day for the students to enter their perspective classes, the hallway is a pack of students scurrying away, others are waiting for the second warning bell and they were just chatting and wasting time with their friends.

Whereas Caius and Adelaide are slowly and carefully walking towards her class even though her injured left ankle is perfectly fine and healed properly in less than an hour. They have to act their part hiding and lying to her true friends are the hardest and ruthless action she had done to her whole life. Pretending to be not who you really are, pretending to be the kind of person that surely some people will certainly like but it's different when a person finds the right people to be with, to share their lifetime creating memories and moments they surely remember.

Every interval of classes Caius will run towards where Adelaide's class is assisting her to walk, casually but intimately escorting her to the next class thankfully Caius next lecture is near to her class which will not bring trouble to Caius thus Adelaide's worries are not that too much.