Chapter 11

There are five periods in one day in Cerulean High school. At the end of the 4th period, Adelaide waited for Caius but the last warning bell for the 5th period just rung and so she leaps her way slowly to her next class when a nice guy from her 4th class came and approached her and ask if she needs any help walking. Adelaide wanted to refuse but the guy insists.

"Hi sweetie, are you alone? I thought Caius is with you earlier. So, can I walk you to your next class?"

"Ah, yes thank you…"



Caius was on his way to Adelaide, but he accidentally bumps into a girl, he helps her to stand and pick up some of the things that girl dropped when they bumped into each other.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm Sue by the way. Are you on your way to your next class?"

"No, I need to go"

"Wait! Caius… umm… I… I lik…. I LIKE YOU…umm do you want… to go out... this Saturday."

Asked the girl shyly while fidgeting her fingers and looking at the floor, blushing all the way to her ears.

The standby students stop, they wait and see what will happen next. Adelaide is chatting with Zheng happily; she laughs quite freely that Caius heard it from all the way to the very back of the crowd of students. He saws someone irritating and that someone is with his love, laughing with him and Caius noticed that guy's hand is wrapped around Adelaide's waist supporting her.

Caius couldn't hold his irritation and frustration and walk towards them whereas ignoring Sue who confessed to him. Adelaide noticed someone is approaching them and she look up seeing Caius with a cold stare and blank face which is rare to see even for Adelaide.

"Caius, I thought you already go to your next class. Oh, by the way, this is Zheng he helps me to walk to my next class because it seemed you're not coming."

"I'm sorry about that Adelaide I bumped into someone. It's not important but she just said something unnecessary."

Gasped could be heard around the hallway which confuses Adelaide and seeing someone crying at the center of the crowd confuse her more.

"What happened here, Caius?"

"It seemed to me that girl confessed to him after they bumped into each other and asked him out that's why he was late to escort you, Adelaide. Maybe the rumor going on is really fake and just talk." Answered Zheng

"What rumor?" asked Adelaide

"That Caius harbored feelings for you but I don't think so because he's not in a hurry to help you that much and even stop to hear the girl confessed to him. It only means that you're not important to him that much and he only feels responsible for causing you to have an injury but don't worry I'm here to take care of you if you want to Adelaide." Explained Zheng to her resulting in Adelaide to look at Caius asking him with her eyes if she's bothering him too much.