The Truth of Alustriea

Despite Alustriea looking awkward then angry, Xing Lei casually leaned on the door frame and motioned to the dark cloaked elf who had spun in her crouch a long dagger held ready should the kobold advance, "Your rescuers seem a touch over protective. The other one tried to break Fleet Spear's egg."

While Alustriea still had not come to terms with Xing Lei's wish, she could not direct her rage at his mate, her emerald eyes switched to the elven woman who crouched on guard before her, "What is the meaning of this Yelrena? What were you and your brother sent to do?" Glancing at Xing Lei, "You didn't...?"

Shaking his head he chuckled, "He'll have a nice bruise on his head but he'll live otherwise. Care to introduce Alustriea?"

The elven mage sighed motioning to the woman before her, "Xing Lei, this is Yelrena Swiftstride, you've met her twin, Volune Swiftstride. Growing up they were my friends and my protectors. I think they're under the impression you've kidnapped me."

Xing Lei chuckled looking to Yelrena, "This true, you two here for Alustriea?"

The dark clad elven woman didn't reply, just crouched ready to prevent his approach, tilting his head Xing Lei chuckled and walked back to his room, after a bit he dropped the dead weight of the other unconscious elf into the room, grinning at Alustriea he nodded, "I'll be in mine and Fleet's room, oh and I'm keeping his dagger."

Laughing lightly he walked out closing the door behind him to return to the eggs side. He had to take some time and consider what to do now, if this towns response was of any indication could he expect such dismissal even in future? Settling down to meditate, he had to think of some way to continue forward but asking Alustriea seemed unlikely to bear fruit after their earlier discussion. Proceeding through a familiar sort of kingdom was suddenly going to be much harder, he had gotten use to interacting with whom ever in the savage lands, but now he was back amongst primarily humans, he would have to be extra careful.

As Xing Lei was contemplating on what to do next Alustriea had moved to help Yelrena unite Volune who sat up rubbing the bruise on the side of his head. Looking between the two he smiled, "We did it sister? We beat the foul creature and saved Alustriea?" Sighing Yelrena smacked the back of his head before cutting the cloth binds on his limbs, "Ow! Sister why do you hit me? We won did we not, Miss Alustriea is saved, the vile monster that enslaved her is dead..."

Alustriea giggled softly, the twins hearts were in the right place but Volune wasn't the sharpest sword in the scabbard and Yelrena tended to be overly serious, "Actually he bested you Volune then dumped you off in front of your sister."

Volune's eyes widened patting his hips for his weapon, "Uhhh...?"

"Yes he disarmed you and kept your blade, your own fault for trying to stab that egg."

Volune's ears drooped, the elven man looked to be near in tears before his sister stroked his hair, her voice was soft yet firm. "I will see it returned my dear brother."

Volune's smile nearly took in his ears, "Sister is always best to me!"

Alustriea giggled behind her hand and shook her head, she had missed being amongst her own kind. "Come on, I'll introduce you properly, and he's not an abductor you two, he saved me, twice..." Her voice grew soft considering her own words, he had saved her twice hadn't he? If power was all he sought why save her time and again? She condemned him as a monster but hadn't he been nothing but straight with her? Exhaling softly, she'd wait and see the state of her homeland, after all, thanks to its walls, Ironhand here was looking verifiably untouched, perhaps due to the magic and wards of her own people they too were safe.

Helping Volune up, the trio returned to the other room, finding Xing Lei sat before Fleet Spears egg, Volune's blade was in one hand slashing at a short sword in the other. The elven enchanted edge easily shaving metal chunks off the larger blade making the kobold hold the dagger up for close inspection, when he heard the three coming he made himself comfortable and looked to the brother and sister pair that fell in step behind his travelling companion. Volune was eying his stolen blade while his sister glared at Xing Lei, caught in the middle and addressing Xing Lei before completely ready to, Alustriea was blushing fiercely.

Mustering her resolve she exhaled softly, "Xing Lei, these are two of my friends from my homeland, as I said in my room, this is Yelrena Swiftstride. She is something akin to a sister but also a bodyguard, the common dialect has no translation for what she is to me, but this is the closest description." Motioning to the frowning elf who looked at Xing Lei with killing intent. Alustriea sighed and motioned to Yelrena's brother, "Volune Swiftstride, he is like my little brother and is in training to be the bodyguard of my youngest sister. Therefore, Xing Lei, could you please return his weapon, it's a large dark mark on his reputation and potential if you take it."

Xing Lei gave a chuckled, flipping the blade into the air, Yelrena instinctually made a motion to grab it from the air while Volune dived behind Alustriea, before Yelrena could touch the blade, Xing Lei had the viciously sharp weapon held by the point and held out hilt first. The female bodyguard blinked at the kobolds speed while Volune came out of Alustriea's shadow to accept his weapon back.

Alustriea chuckled and motioned to Xing Lei, "Yelrena, Volune, he is Xing Lei..." Biting her lip she thought about how to introduce him, saviour? Destroyer of their world? Lecher? Sighing she shook her head before continuing, "... he is a polymorphed human who saved me after me and my party were captured on my hunt."

Xing Lei's eyes widened a bit at how she chose to introduce him, while he'd not heard of the term before, he surmised polymorphism was a condition similar to reincarnation, he'd have to remember the description in future, if the mortals of this world had such a condition, perhaps he could use such a lie to get around the racial discrimination he had faced while trying to avail himself of the merchants.

Yelrena glanced at Alustriea not believing for a second the made up on the spot lie, but Volune had stepped ahead to apologize, frowning, his sister once again leaned over to smack her dim witted sibling for so easily going along with the deception. Rubbing the fresh sore spot on the back of his head, the male elf looked aggrieved at his sister but stayed silent.

Motioning to the large egg behind Xing Lie, "And I'm guessing that's the third of our party, another friend, Fleet Spear, who is currently evolving her race. Please don't attack her in future, Xing Lei will be upset if you do, and Yelrena, as strong as you are, he can most likely take you with both his arms tied behind his back. He faced a dwarf and easily handled him after all."

Xing Lei chuckled and inclined his head, "Now that we're all making nice, care to explain why you two thought she had been kidnapped?"

Alustriea suddenly turned a deep crimson, even her ears were shining a glowing red, "Um... technically I guess this mess is my fault Lei. While it's true that it's my coming of age journey, my family actually wanted me to stay close to our homeland unlike how others journey afar. I... sort of... ran away without saying where I would be..."

Xing Lei blinked then laughed hard, "Now something tells me you have a tale of your own to tell, since it's a day of truths I think it only fair you spill your own little secret."

Alustriea continued to blush hard fidgeting with her repaired robe, the patchwork of different cloths made her look like a princess dressed as a pauper, biting her lip she really didn't want to say it, bad enough she now had conflicting thoughts of him, what would he think of herself? He'd brushed off her revealed title at the border but listening to her background may result in his looks upon her becoming vastly different.

Sighing she walked over sitting beside Xing Lei bowing her head, she wished she still had her long hair to hide her burning face, "Ah, you know my name and house from the border, well in my homeland, House Illtalian is a noble house, for the last two millenia one of my family has stood alongside the Queen of Silvertrees as the court arch mage. Um..." Her voice drifted into a soft whisper, "... technically I'm being groomed to replace my father for that position. It's a very prestigious job, but, um... I'm not so great at the Art yet. I know a bit! But I'm not an arch mage yet since my talent is a bit... weak. In a century if my skills are not up to task, House Illtalian will be replaced with House Deferess."

"You have to understand, our homeland is currently debating its foreign policy. As a tolerant House, mine seeks peaceful coexistence, travel and trade with our neighbors. Deferess, however, believes the border should be closed and if Ironhand continues infringing on our territory to chop down trees we should go to war. Sadly many of our people agree with them, since they proport that elves are superior to humans, especially after recent incursions saw Ironhand tree cutters also attacking any villages they find, we've heard reports that there's an elven slave trade openly running in the capital. We were going to send an envoy to investigate but... I... sort of... stolehisbadgeandcamemyself!"

The last string of words came out in a rush as Alustriea buried her face in her hands, her cheeks so red they could practically spontaneously bleed at this point. Yelrena had face palmed shaking her head while Volune had fist pumped and gave Alustriea a thumbs up, "Badass Miss!" Earning him a quick slap up the backside of his head from the exasperated sister.

Xing Lei just looked at Alustriea in silence, his quiet made her peek at him, her emerald gaze wondering if he would be like her former friends who turned a touch distant to know she was a royal ambassador... well a fake one with a real badge anyways... still he watched her before speaking, "Looks like we have to go to the capital before I guide you home then. No worries, I wanted to see what passed for a seat of power anyways so a detour won't be a problem."

Alustriea blinked, her emerald gaze widening, Xing Lei seemed to only focus on the stolen job, the rest didn't seem to effect him one little bit, sniffling and smiling she whispered quietly, reaching out to hug this strange being tight, "Thanks Xing Lei. And... I'm sorry... for getting mad and yelling at you earlier..."

Xing Lei chuckled and pat her back, "I expected it when you asked, you care alot about everything Alustriea, makes you a good person, just have to realize focusing on the good of everyone often leads to a short personal existence. Being a little selfish and self interested, isn't a bad thing. More than anything it'll keep one alive."

Alustriea frowned at his words but didn't want to argue, it was clear now that while this scaly warrior had replaced the image of a shining knight prince charming in her thoughts, he was not the pristine hero of her childhood dreams, maybe that wasn't good, but perhaps tempering childish fantasy with a sturdy reality was not truly bad.

Yelrena frowned watching the two hug, her hands on her hips glaring fiercely, "And who said you're going Miss?! We were dispatched by your father himself to bring you back, along with the head of your kidnapper, seeing as it was Miss running away again we can let him off, but to go back without you? No way, no how! You HAVE to come home Miss."

Sitting up Alustriea looked at Yelrena thinking a moment, biting her lip and glancing at Xing Lei, who similarly was giving her a sidelong glance. That gaze alone told her that he knew what she was going to do, yet he did not stop her. Smiling she exhaled, "Then come with us Yelrena, you can protect me while we investigate that rumor... and maybe this time I'll be able to keep my clothes on too..."

Yelrena was about to argue when Alustriea finished her little speech and went slack jawed, Volune had gone wide eyed and a thin line of blood dripped down from his nose. Xing Lei just watched the three elves and shook his head, at least the journey would be interesting.