Fleet Spear Hatches

Xing Lei chuckled watching the looks on the sibling faces, for a second he thought about dropping the news their runaway princess had once considered joining in on an orgy just to see if Volune would faint or if Yelrena would instantly combust. Still he kept silent as he realized Alustriea's own response to her frank admission had also registered, and like Volune was about to just up and bury herself.

Coughing he reached over to squeeze Alustriea's hand, "Well those times don't count, they weren't your choice and something your captors forced on you."

Alustriea smiled softly feeling that reassuring touch, her blush fading slowly as she calmed down, only to be dragged off back to her room by Yelrena who obviously wanted details, while leaving Xing Lie to babysit the still goofy eyed younger brother, grinning slightly Xing Lie leaned back against Fleet Spear's egg, "So you have something for Alustriea?"

Volune stood petrified, his head slowly creeping to the side to look at the relaxed kobold before waving his hands frantically, "Nonono... you're getting me all wrong Mr. Xing Lei, Sir. I have no designs on Miss Alustriea..."

Xing Lei laughed, "Just Lei is fine Volune, and if not Alustriea then... her sister?"

Volune turned beat red, Xing Lei could practically see steam coming out of the neck line of the elf's tunic. Forcibly swallowing Volune looked down trying to hide his face.

Xing Lei though pondered and asked, "Your reaction to Alustriea being naked, likely means you've seen the sight yourself and since her sister likely looks much the same were picturing it?"

Volune slumped to the floor, his entire face looked like a bright red tomato, his eyes rolled back and his spirit seemed to escape him, under Xing Lei's probing the stress finally got to the younger elf and he simply checked out for awhile. The kobold grinned and stroked the egg tenderly, "If they come with us Fleet, things shouldn't be boring at any rate."

Letting Volune rest where he slumped, Xing Lei returned to his meditation. Across the way the sound of Yelrena dressing down her charge could be heard through the walls, from the volume, likely half the town had heard her scolding Alustriea about protecting her purity and not becoming a pervert like her brother... who naturally slumped forward hearing his own sister throw him under proverbial pachyderm.

With the intervention of Alustriea's friends, Xing Lei settled in to rest. Volune eventually woke and returned to the others, the trio hiding away in Alustriea's room catching up. The night passed quietly with the only disturbance being Volunes return to Xing Lei's room after Alustriea and Yelrena kicked him out. Their stay in the little hamlet dragged on. During the day Alustriea accompanied Yelrena and Volune around town, with some money from Xing Lei, they were able to procure what he needed easy enough. While there were rude comments along their way being elves, they at least were not eyed by the local militia.

Xing Lei took to staying in his room, meeting up with the elves for Morningfast and Eveningfast, he had traded his boar hide armor for set of monk-like robes, while they didn't hide his inhuman nature, it at least looked better than his caveman attire. Besides meditating Xing Lei took the waiting time to process some of the harvest from the beasts, while using the alchemy flame exhausted him greatly with each use, his control slowly reshaped. He still couldn't use it long, but it helped to speed up the process.

On the fifth day, Xing Lie was going over his status...


Name: Xing Lei (Dull Scale)

Gender: Male

Race: Kobold (Variant)

Level: 14

Job: Soul Traveller Rank: Mithril

Titles: Slayer of the Forest Lord, Elven Friend, Fleet Spear's Mate, Dwarf Friend, Executioner of Infernals

Strength: 8(+6) Dexterity: 10(+6)

Constitution: 11(+6) Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 18 Charisma: 14(+6)

Charm: 15(+6) Luck: 15

Mana: 50/50

Condition: Healthy

Innate Abilities: Varied Voice (Supreme) Rank: Mithril, Alchemy Flame (Novice) Rank: Iron, Inspection (Intermediate) Rank: Iron, Draconic Breath (Basic) Rank: Copper

Skills: Alchemy (Novice) Rank: Bronze, Crimson Mountain Sects Body Tempering (Basic) Rank: Iron, [Dragon Scales], [Sealed], [Sealed], [Sealed], Herbology (Basic) Rank: Iron, Cloud Dragons Spear Technique (Basic) Rank: Gold, Weapon Crafting (Basic) Rank: Iron, Kobold Swordsmanship (Basic) Rank: Bronze, Kobold Archery (Basic) Rank: Copper, Pottery (Basic) Rank: Iron, Stealth (Basic) Rank: Mithril, Kobold Axe Weilding (Basic) Rank: Copper, Elven Spellcasting (Basic) Rank: Copper, Draconic Spellcasting (Novice) Rank: Bronze, Alcohol Resistance (Novice) Rank: Bronze.

Elven Spells: Ignite

Draconic Spells: Minor Heal, Curse, Bless, Dragon's Strength, Light Heal, Light Harm, Dragon Fear, Heavenly Feast, Wyverns Grace

Unused Points: 0

Dwarf Friend - You know how to talk the basic language of dwarves. Strength, Honor and Greed, dwarves are less likely to attack you on sight, but still expect it anyways.

Executioner of Infernals - Hazim Al-Duress, an infernal prince met his true death through your wish, all other infernals will hate you till the end of time.


Looking it over he noticed he was not getting as many stat points any more, it appeared evolving into a kobold variant of the dragon bloodline had slowed his growth a bit, but such was to be expected. Cultivation was the same way, the further one progressed the harder it was to raise your strength further. Other than his stats it appeared that only his alchemy and inspection abilities had benefited from his seclusion.

Looking to Fleet Spear's egg his eyes glowed softly...


Name: Fleet Spear

Gender: Female

Race: Blackscale Lizardfolk

Level: 1

Job: Hunter (Experienced) Rank: Nine

Title: Progeny, Mate of Xing Lie

Strength: 12 Dexterity: 10

Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 12

Wisdom: 11 Charisma: 14

[Sealed] [Sealed]

Condition: Evolving

Innate Abilities: Draconic Tongue (Taught) Rank: Seven, Poison Resistance (Aware) Rank: Six, Improved Swimming (Aware) Rank: Three, Poison Breath (Mundane) Rank: One.

Skills: Draconic Spearmanship (Experienced) Rank: Six, Skinning (Experienced) Rank: Eight, Butchery (Taught) Rank: Six, Stealth (Taught) Rank: Five, First Aid (Aware) Rank: Nine, Alcohol Resistance (Mundane) Rank: One.

Unspent Attribute Points: 0


With the increase in Inspection, he could now see Fleet Spear's status, while before he could not see her stats, he could see them fine now. It would appear that nlackscale lizardfolk were alot hardier than kobolds and like awakening his own dragon breath she'd possess a poison breath, when they left this hamlet they'd have to practice those skills.

Sighing he walked to a window and peered out, the town was nice enough according to Alustriea but being so close to the rough border, the people were just use to goblin kin who were brash and violent. Hopefully Fleet Spear would hatch soon, the urge to see the capital was gaining ground for him. Sadly for Xing Lei, it would be another four days of waiting before the egg began to rock, the shadow inside squirming around as it attacked the interior and bursting from its shell.

Stretching as if from a long nap, Fleet Spear looked around wondering why the room had gotten smaller. When she caught sight of Xing Lei beside her, her head tilted slightly. Why was Zing Lee so much smaller now? Before her evolution they were eye to eye, now evolved both sitting on the bed, even if the shell of the egg she sat in was removed, she was still a good two feet taller. Climbing out of the egg she wrapped her sticky arms around his body and held him close, "What happened Zing Lee? When I laid down to evolve everything was bigger, now everything seems small. What is going on?"

Xing Lei smiled and pulled a reflective metal plate from his ring, angling it towards her, she gasped softly. While Lizardfolk was certainly not a kobold, she didn't expect such drastic changes. Before she was only about three feet tall with a very slender and smooth scaled body. Now however she was closer to five foot with a muscular body, while still feminine in shape she felt a little self concious she was far more muscular than her old body. Her slender muzzle had shortened but become a little wider, she had sharp teeth before but these teeth were strictly carnivorous based. Her shadowy gray scales were now an inky black with a stripe of white leathery flesh stretching from just below her neck to down her body, reaching the underside base of her tail.

Her tail had also become bigger and like her back had a pair of raised ridges down the length. Looking at herself then running her hands over her sides she sighed looking to Xing Lei, "I look hideous don't I Zing Lee?"

Reaching up he smiled and stroked her cheek, drawing her face to his their tongues meeting as they kissed in their own special way as he drew her bigger body against his smaller frame, "You are not hideous Fleet Spear, you are beautiful and powerful. You are also my mate, so I won't have you put yourself down."

"Thank you Zing Lee."

Another voice called out from the door as Alustriea pushed it open, "Xing Lie, is that Fleet Spear I hea... errr... Fleet Spear?"

Laughing, Fleet Spear rose up and walked on shaky legs to stand before Alustriea, her stance a little shaky she still almost made it to Alustriea's face. "Ha! Can't completely outmatch me in size now elf! No way you're getting my mate..."

Alustriea laughed and hugged the much missed Fleet Spear, "It's good to have you and your humor back."

Fleet squirmed in Alustriea's arms, she wanted to face her rival not be hugged by her! Xing Lei chuckled as he watched, "We'll have to do something about her armor, her old things will be too small now. Alustriea, can you and Yelrena find her something suitable?"

Alustriea nodded and released Fleet Spear who staggered back from the elf, glancing at Xing Lei with a question in her eyes. Xing Lei shrugged, "A friend of Alustriea we met while you were evolving, now that you've 'hatched' she'll be joining us on our trip to the capital, her brother Volune is being sent back to their kingdom to let her family know we're coming."

"The capital? Why are we going there?"

Xing Lei chuckled and filled his mate in on their comrades rather interesting situation before stating simply, "Plus I want to see it, maybe our luck will be good there."

Fleet Spear frowned then shrugged, "I guess, just feels like we're walking into trouble, my gut is telling me we should just send Alustriea home with these elves and go home ourselves."

Xing Lei sighed and reached out to stroke her cheek, "I can't go back, not yet. Maybe down the road when I'm stronger and ready to resolve the karma between myself and the Mistress. If I go back as is I'll get swept up in her momentum."

Fleet Spear nodded leaning into Xing Lei's touch, "I just miss our home, even if Leaf Dancer would try jumping you again."

Xing Lei pulled her close and licked her cheek, "Well neither of us would be there long you know, don't forget what you told me, evolved kobolds are sent elsewhere, better we choose our own home than being sent elsewhere."

Fleet Spear nodded softly, "True, just doesn't feel right to be so far from the tribe."

Xing Lei pulled her close giving rise to the awkward visual of a five foot Lizardfolk cuddling on the lap of a three foot kobold, yet it was exactly thus when the two elven women returned, Alustriea fuming that Fleet was hogging Lei and thought to try sitting on him as well while Yelrena was holding her back. Volune shook his head and wept quietly, he was handsome, he was tall. Yet he couldn't attract the attention of Alustriea's little sis. Yet here was a kobold being fought over by two others... life just wasn't fair!