The Capital City

Xing Lei was not disappointed to see the hamlet shrinking behind them, the people there had proven quite single minded when it came to non-humans. Even the elves were barely tolerated while he and Fleet Spear had been met with naked hostility. Between the merchants who refused them business, to the local militia shadowing them, he could not really put his finger on why the people were so against non-human travelers.

With Fleet Spear having grown with her evolution rather than sharing a horse she now rode her own. Similarly, Yelrena was now riding the fourth, she had ditched her dark assassins outfit for a more earth tone outfit, looking between her and Alustriea he found elven looks largely the same, even Volune had a more feminine quality to how he carried himself. Xing Lei couldn't help but wonder what their Silvertrees empire was like.

As they rode, silence prevailed. Unlike the savage lands to the south it appeared the kingdom of Ironhand was largely untouched, the rolling green hills were mingled with vast wheat fields. Farmers focused on their daily lives unconcerned about the riders hurrying along the roadway. Still Xing Lei kept alert to the surroundings, ever since they left sight of the hamlet he felt like they were being watched, it made his scales itch.

It took time to travel from the outer fringes to the capital, when ever they stopped Fleet Spear and Xing Lei would practice, helping her get use to her new body. No longer being short and agile, her techniques started to evolve towards a steady power focus. She was still surprised by Xing Lei, his over all growth still outstripped her evolved strength. While the two lizards trained they were watched by Alustriea and Yelrena, the elves themselves trained on their own. The former now and then advised Xing Lei on his magic, while Yelrena continued to give him the silent treatment.

The days slipped by, for the most part they avoided the smaller farming villages and towns, the few times they were forced to seek lodging due to weather or restocking of their supplies they found that the outlaying hamlets attitude was not unique. It would seem that the kingdom of Ironhand was now repulsing other races. Even the more human looking, like elves and dwarves, would be treated curtly or just flat out rude. Xing Lei and Fleet Spear? They had come to donning heavy hooded robes when they got near civilization. Most villages met them with drawn blade and more than one village had chased them away.

Alustriea was vastly confused by this shift, when she had first travelled through these parts she had been treated kindly, not deferential respect, but she wasn't verbally abused due to her ears either. Despite the relative peace, it would seem something drastic had occurred. Yelrena wasn't commenting either, even Alustriea couldn't get her bodyguard and friend to spill what she knew. She just kept close to her charge, always alert, especially against Xing Lei for some reason.

Stopping by a forest they made to set camp, sitting around the fire an uneasy silence fell across them. The view of the capital had been growing the last couple of days, as had the frequency of meeting travellers, the oddest thing was they met no other races but humans. It had struck Alustriea profoundly, while Ironhand was predominantly human, they still had many elves, dwarves and other races within their borders. While it was possible to miss one or the other, to see none at all, not even half bloods, was exceptionally strange.

"We should make for the border Miss, going to the capital with this much strangeness is too dangerous." Yelrena stated, finally breaking the door silence.

Alustriea shook her head, "I used my title at the border, if I don't make a brief visit to his Majesty King Ironhand, it would be rude and possibly make this situation worse. Besides, between you and Xing Lei, I feel safe."

"But we are decidedly not safe Miss, the two of us might get in and out with more of the same verbal jousting we've seen, but with those two? They will bring trouble to you."

Xing Lei chuckled and shrugged, "Yelrena is not entirely wrong, I think the three of you should wait in these woods, I'll ride ahead and see how much trouble will be roused by just showing up."

Fleet Spear immediately shook her head, "We shouldn't separate, we will be harder to deal with together."

Yelrena nodded, "Well do both, the two of you ride ahead and I'll protect my Miss back here."

Alustriea and Xing Lei both looked at Yelrena and sighed. The elven womans desire to be done with both he and Fleet Spear was starting to show through all the clearer. "No better Fleet Spear stays with you both, sadly with her evolution stealth won't be as easy for her as it is for me, and I'd feel better knowing she's safe with you."

"I'd suggest waiting three days, if I don't come back in that period, ride fast for your empire, I'll catch up when I can." Xing Lei continued before reaching over to capture Fleet Spears hand before she objected, "You know I'm right Fleet Spear, better I go in and assess the risks alright? And no heroic charging in after me, no need giving them hostages I care for."

Fleet Spear frowned but kept silent, while she had only freshly evolved she knew she wasn't the same as she was before, to be pushed aside to let her mate take all the risks riled her scales. Still glancing to Alustriea she nodded, "Three days, then I deliver them home. After that I'll be back for my mate."

Xing Lei chuckled and shook his head, while he didn't feel the same sense of home Fleet Spear did, he was at least able to acknowledge her determination. "Very well, but I hope if that time comes you listen to their advice before you charge back in. Besides, if I can creep past the panther folk, infiltrating a human city should not be harder, they hardly have the same range of senses the Panthers did."

Spending that final night in the arms of his mate the dawn quickly rose. Leaving his horse behind, the trio took it into the forest to find a camp until his return, while Xing Lei dashed down the road. On his own he was able to make decent time, swiftly approaching the large walled city. Compared to the city-states of his old life he could barely say this was a capital, it just seemed vastly smaller than what he was use to. Still, a vast throng of travellers was already lined up before the gate, everything from merchants to adventurers were present, but the universal factor was, they were all human.

Feeling definitely out of place being almost child sized yet in a distinctly more suspect attire, Xing Lei hurried to conceal himself amongst some wagons. While they were being searched and observed, he used his skills to stay just ahead of the guards while avoiding the view of the others waiting in line, eventually the wagon was waved through and when the opportunity presented itself, Xing Lei hopped down and darted into an alley.

Keeping to the side streets, Xing Lei worked his way along the roadways, crossing streets that were lesser travelled and doing his best to stay out of sight while still glimpsing the city. The interior started off looking very normal, the poorer and fringe citizens lived closer to the exterior walls, but what he found highly suspicious was the lack of other races. With elves and beastial humanoids on the borders there should be -some- racial diversity, especially here in the outer slums, even more so if this kingdom went human supremacist, other races would be pushed to servant status... Yet Xing Lei saw nothing but more poor and down trodden humans.

Thankfully, as he probed deeper I to the city, it would seem there was some measure of luck with him. Blown by the wind a poster slapped across his muzzle, looking it over it looked like Ki g Ironhand was using a tournament for some reason. While he could not read the common dialect, the picture of two people in armor crossing swords before an audience was a rather clear give away, and if a tournament was under way it would explain the increased traffic outside, and the luxury of empty streets within.

As he looked over the poster, his eye shifted noting his wandering around the slum had finally drawn attention to the city's underworld, it had taken them long enough. Either they were very wary of officials or these were just runners and thugs that were not assigned to work the tournament. Either way it benefitted him. Folding up the parchment, pretending to not notice the clumsy stealth of a rather robust man off to the side, Xing Lei turned to walk casually down another alley way, this one had appeared to be the most likely to be setup for an ambush.

Still true to form, from behind a stack of crates ahead two thick armed humans blocked the exit of the alley. Glancing back two other thugs cut off the road of retreat. Looking between the four, his hooded head turned to look up slightly, watching a slim figure drop from a roof. "I do so love when marks behave properly. This area belongs to the Red Talons kid, there's a toll if you wanna cross our alleys."

The leader casually stood near Xing Lei, a thin bladed sword in one hand. His four thugs pushed inward to limit the targets movement and intimidate him. Yet this runt just stood there as if thinking, briefly the short looked over the five and asked, "What's the toll, and I'm actually searching for information."

The sword weilder drew up short staring at this unperturbed 'victim's, most caught in this situation were nervous and afraid yet this kid was like a rock. Still smiling slowly he held up his hand five fingers extended. "Fifty copper, if you dont have it, we know a place a young thing like yourself can earn a nice little wage to pay the difference."

"Fifty... copper you said?"

The thief nodded, "That's right dont have it then you'll..."

Before the man could finish a bag was tossed at his feet, as it struck the pavers it broke open, but rather than dull copper coins, the shine of silver spilled around the mans boots. Looking from the coins to the supposed child, the man swallowed, fifty silver? That was about a hundred times the asked toll. This wasn't some unsuspecting yokel lost in the city.

Licking his lips, refusing now to take his eyes off the short one before him, "What information does the young master require?"

Xing Lei sneered to himself, how quick the form of address became respectful, "I've come to procure special stock, stock not often spoke of in the daylight market, I heard that a certain unique trade had opened in the capital and wished to see for myself. Where is it?"

The thief relaxed and chuckled, "Ahhh that's what young Master wants? Easy enough, on the very edge of the merchant street just before you cross into the noble quarter you're looking for a tall building made of dark stone, goes by the name the Night Parade. As for the stock, depends when you visit, I'd suggest young Master wait till twilight, that hour seems to be when the... special... stock is made available."

Xing Lei nodded, turning to walk towards one of the thug duos, "And merchant street is where from here?"

The thief waved away the thugs, who parted like water before the short young man, "Head back to the main street, right, then left and straight on. Once there hang a left and follow the main road to the arena, merchant street surrounds it then stretches to the north."

Xing Lei waved his hand, another five silver struck the pavers at the thief's feet before the short man slipped back into the alley ways. The thief dropped down hurriedly scooping up the massive take, glancing in the way the short one had left and making sure he was gone. Looking to the four thugs a slow gleam crossed his eyes, the thief whispered to them softly. "Follow him, once his business is done at the Night Parade we'll strip him of all his coin and whatever stock he gets."