The Night Parade

Xing Lei was back to shadowing the main road in no time, sticking to the side streets he could well see the number of people increasing and after a bit, once the main street was choked with people, so too did the side streets begin filling up. It was becoming harder and harder to go unnoticed by the crowds whom of which many gave the short passer by a weird look. With his size he could easily pass for a child, but dressed as he was it would be easier to call him a member of one of the shorter other races.

With the increase in the crowd, so too did the noise increase. Closer to the arena the sounds of battle, cheers and gasps could be heard like the dull roar of a dragon contesting with the lively festive atmosphere of the surrounding street. Xing Lei slipped into the crowd, weaving through the congested group of bodies as he skirted the arena and headed for the merchant street, even here the throng of bodies continued, though most surrounded various street stalls selling everything from skewers of meat and sweet treats to hawking regular items like weapons and armor.

Paying these little head, he continued on keeping a look out for the Night Parade, much like the thief had said, the tall dark stoned building loomed like a tombstone at the end of the street, just before a small plaza that lead to the noble quarter guard station. The building itself seemed to draw in light, muting the area around it. The grim shadow it cast on the street seemed to lay an oppressive shawl over the other shops by it. Oddly enough for a 'slave market' Xing Lei saw no posted guards outside, one would even suspect it was closed except for the wary individuals slipping in through the front door.

Settling at a wine shop further up from the building, Xing Lei ordered a cup and swirled the fluid as time passed, his eyes followed the people going about their business, but paid special note to the ones that headed to the Night Parade. From what he could guess, the street entrance was exactly that, the exit had to be elsewhere since none who entered emerged again. Glancing over the crowds that began to thin out as evening drew long shadows from the peaks of the shop buildings, the cries of the arena died down as well for the night.

As twilight draped the city in a soft blanket of moonlight, Xing Lei left a few coins for his server then walked back to the Night Parade. The formerly dark structure now glowed with a light of it's own, eerie fire flickered over the roof and edges, fantastical designs covered the once smooth black face, strange lettering hovered above the simple sign that spoke of mystery within. Smiling to himself, Xing Lei slipped through the door and came up short, in contrast to the outside, the entry was draped in shadows, the simple hall lead forwards to where a cloaked and hooded figure waited patiently by a podium, flipping idly through a set of scrolls.

As Xing Lei walked up to the figure a lyrical yet distinctly male voice spoke in a strange tongue, while this was the first time hearing it Xing Leis ability kicked in to translate it, "Well well another youngling here to waste his family's coin. Let's see how much we can fleece..." Looking at the short robed figure the hooded speaker inclined their head respectfully and spoke in a heavily accented common, "Welcome young master to the Night Parade. How may I help you this fine eve?"

Xing Lei looked the figure in the eyes speaking back in common, "I was told the special stock would be worth seeing at twilight, so here I am, where is this special stock?"

The hooded figure blinked and rolled his shoulders, "All our stock is special young master, shall you be desiring a room? May this humble one suggest the east wing palatial suite, the harem troupe are simply exquisite tasting, all verified free of poisons, diseases and problematic behaviours..."

Xing Lei held up a hand before this guy could up sell their brothel service any further, "I came to buy, not rent."

The hooded figure crossed his arms glaring at the young master before him, "I'm sorry sir we do not lease our special suites, we merely rent them by the hour..."

Before the entry guard could continue his 'offended' act, Xing Lei reached out, a gold coin sliding over the top of the podium and slid down the front of the scrolls. "We both know what I'm here for, if my coin is no good then I'll simply return and let my family know the Night Parade's reputation is disgustingly over inflated."

Holding up the coin the man seemed to consider, "Oh I'm terribly sorry young master, I thought you said you were here for our special service not our special stock, so silly of me to offend your greatness. Please, pass through the gate behind me and take the stairs down, you want landing three. Feel free to choose any room you like, each attendant inside knows how to guide and serve yourself." Sweeping aside, the mans eyes never left Xing Lei, watching the short fellow step past and head down.

Each landing was similar, a thick beaded curtain vaguely hid a long corridor, along the hall there were four plain doors. From the sounds within the first landing it would seem the customers were sampling the stock. Heading further down, there was less noise at the second landing with only three doors. Heading down again the third landings corridor had two doors, glancing to the last flight of stairs, Xing Lei wondered what would be shown in the exclusive private basement? Shaking his head he focused on the two doors he was presented with, both stood slightly ajar, likely indicated either was available so Lei chose the right door.

Stepping inside the lavish room his eyes swept what looked to be a VIP suite from one of the auctions he had attended in his old life. A single large chair dominated the otherwise sparce room, beside the thickly cushioned seat was a small table laden with a bowl of fruit and a decanter of wine. In front of the chair was a darkened viewing window that occupied the majority of that wall. The two side walls held a collection of cabinets that in Lei's expectations likely held more foods and wine or highly likely toys to tease his service person with, or to use on any purchases.

A cabinet on the left wall slid to the side revealing a hidden door and as if on cue from studying the cabinets a young woman stepped carefully into the room. Xing Lei looked her over and frowned, wild most auctions in his past life presented such companions, they were treated as courtesans, finely dressed and accented, showing the prestige of the auction house. Such was not the case here. The rail thin girl, looking half starved and terrified shuffled over in a wisp of fabric. To call it a dress would be an insult to fabric as this fully transparent silk simply had a hole for the girl's head and neck and was draped over her shoulders.

The sad excuse for clothing hid nothing, her young body, likely barely of age of adulthood was covered in whip marks and bruises. This was not a typical high regard customer companion. To Xing Lei this was more a fetch slave, the kind even servants and hirelings would abuse. Ignoring the terrified girl, he stepped forward and sat in the chair, the gloom of the viewing area seemed to choke out even the candle light of the viewing room. Reaching up he tugged off his hood, revealing his scaled visage as his fingers steepled and sat back watching the darkness, "Isn't it about time you showed yourself?"

"So that worthless male was onto something." The husky voice was muffled through the glass but the darkness began to melt away, a similarly sitting figure was opposed to Xing Lie. When the girl saw who it was she screamed and clawed at the shut exit that Xing Lie had entered, her nails cracking off as she clawed with desperation at the now firmly locked portal. Ignoring her painful, bleeding fingers the waif of a girl hurled to a corner curling up into a ball and wept to herself.

"Seems your slaves know you are to be feared." Xing Lie ignored the feelings of the girl, getting his own ass out of the fire was his main concern, saving her from this miserable existence wasn't even a vague consideration at this time as his eyes took in the woman on the other side of the glass.

Sat in a chair like his own, the elven woman was like Alustriea and Yelrena yet at the same time could not be any more different. Where they were pale of skin, this elf had skin like polished onyx. Where their hair was shades of sun lit gold or wheat, this elf's hair was as stark as snow. Alustriea had eyes of soft emeralds, this elf visage was fiery red filled with loathing and hatred. The elves he had seen favored modest, earth tone clothing... this elf... the strip of cloth the crying slave girl wore both was more colorful and hid more of her body, and while all others had modest bodies this dark elf had a body that would make most prostitutes green with envy.

"They do. If they displease, we kill them. They speak out of turn, we kill them. They run, we kill them. If they truly anger us... we ensure they don't die." A faint sneer of contempt crossed her full ebony lips feeling the kobolds gaze taking her body, "I have to say that this is a first for me, that one of you offal species dares to look upon my majesty without fear of losing your eyes."

Xing Lei chuckled, looking completely at ease yet internally he was going over options, chances were high they were going to flood in for him soon, better to get what information he could and escape later. "So does this happen to all your high profile clientele or was I singled out?"

The elf laughed loud and fully, her full breasts heaving with the motion as she narrowed her red eyes, "Oh you were quite unique. Select few know to ask for the twilight special, those that do have dealt with our little operation before and received an invite token. Bribing the guard with gold? How shameful."

Nodding as she spoke Xing Lei had to admit he had went in blind, being offered a subterranean viewing location was very risky, but considering what the special stock might be it had rang true enough from the door guards lips. "So what now?"

"Now little kobold you will strip naked, set your things beside the chair and be questioned. Thoroughly."

Xing Lei chuckled, shucking the heavy robe that kept his inhuman form hidden, a fine metal spear appearing in his hand. Stepping around the chair he glanced back over his shoulder, that single reptilian eye watching his adversary with contempt which saw her bolt from the chair screaming, "TAKE IT!"

Before the door could even open the waif of a girl that sat terrified lunged at Xing Lie, her thin arms outstretched to try and tie up this creature that had so angered the mighty Owner. The poor girls dull eyes opened in shock, when a serrated blade blossomed from her chest, cutting deftly between her budding breasts and sinking into her heart, slumping to the floor the poor slave girls misery came to an abrupt end, but the door opened and a handful of armored dark elven males rushed the room. The fight had only begun.