A Dragon's Purpose

Travelling between a swamp and a forest was a very surreal feeling, while it would be easy to say they shared similarities it was more how the road acted as a barrier cutting off nature from intermingling the two regions. As the solitary mountain loomed ever closer the signs of civilization returned. Unlike the tribe of old, nestled amongst trees well hidden from the world, the training town stood openly daring any to assault it. The difference between it and the main city were slight, like there, the training town favored stone structures yet they were short square buildings rather than majestic pyramids that stabbed towards the sky.

Armed guards patrolled a wooden wall that seemed to circle the town, unlike the gate guards many of these stopped their patrols to shout and wave to the procession. Not solely due to Xing Kah at the lead either, many of the shouts were welcoming the return of Kobolicus and Osilliaice, most of the defenders here seemed to be those from the original tribe. Even more telling was the growing crowd at the gate, many of which were similarly shouting for the notables in the group.

For the guards surrounding Xing Lei and his mate this sort of welcome was quite shocking. A few even turned to relook at the large kobold their leader had personally came to fetch. Originally they though it might be the powerful female that had their boss stepping out, but the shouts of Kobolicus which threatened to shake the trees and mountain told a vastly different tale of just who they were escorting. Xing Kah had a similar reaction, he had often been welcomed back with fan fare but this? This was just obscene.

Silently he prayed the Mistress held back, if she too swooped down to greet his father just what would his father become in the eyes of his people? They already believed the great dragon was a deity but if their god figure personally came to greet Xing Lei again? There'd be no way that their faith didn't shift to revering the kobold. Xing Kah sighed to himself before feeling a hand touch his shoulder, glancing back to see Osilliaice giving him an understanding look, he couldn't help but relax a bit, tense as he was it too would effect their people.

Thankfully, Kah's fears did not come to be as Destorianaxe didn't even yell out from where ever she was to, instead the group was shuttled around the town by the eager old tribesmates. The ones that knew Osilliaice when she was Fleet Spear were particularly interested in how great her strength had grown. She had been the head huntress for their early development so they knew travelling with 'Dull Scale' would certainly have had extreme benefits.

For much of the day, the two were shown around town, dragged by eager Lizardfolk excited to show off to the two former heroes of the tribe. For Osilliaice, she felt a great honor being recognized by her people, where as Xing Lei was rather put out. He kept glancing to the mountain, his mind in turmoil as the non reaction of Destorianaxe continued to weigh heavily on his mind. The longer the dragon stayed silent and avoided him, the more his unease grew.

Ultimately his concern won over and Xing Lei stepped from the group. The eager lizardfolk really didn't notice as Osilliaice had begun telling of their time below ground amongst the dark elves, her friends were listening with rapt attention about these strange dark skinned elves that chose caves over forests. With the group making their way through the town, Xing Lei found his steps retracing a familiar path, even the winding trail at the back of the large cavern had been recreated.

He looked out at the town, recalling the mud huts and tents of the first encampment before turning to walk into a narrow passage. Even this had been updated, the walls and ceiling were no longer natural but instead worked and smoothed over, torches sputtered softly at regular intervals rather than being choked in mysterious darkness. The hatchery was barred off by a solid door, murals depicting a dragon surrounded by wyrmlings, kobolds and lizardfolk took up much of its face, even Xing Lei had to admit it was a far better entrance than the original.

The door swung inwards slowly revealing a large room, unlike the hatchery of old there were no shelves for eggs, it seemed more akin to a large entry hall as even here torches and enchanted crystals kept the room well lit. The old encompassing darkness was gone, and in its place a stone stair wound upwards. His foot claws clacked softly on the smooth stone steps as he walked up each flight towards a large, dragon sized, arch.

It seemed to him that Destorianaxe had forsworn her usual mysterious god thing persona here, instead it seemed her lair was more akin to a minister's office. Finely detailed and richly decorated. As he walked up the sloping passage that connected the hatchery to her lair, Xing Lei wondered what Destorianaxe's actual abode would look like this time? Even this tunnel was worked, the walls smooth and polished while the floor was slightly pitted, which given a dragons claws, was to be expected.

At the top of the sloped passage a lift for visitors was in place, the wooden construct bearing him up the vertical stretch of tunnel for several minutes before stopping. Before his eyes was a well worked wall that seemed to stretch upwards for several scores of feet. Every inch of the wall however had plaques, cast in bronze, baring draconic runes. Stepping off the lift Xing Lei strode forward touching the plaques reading the words which turned out to be names.

"They are, were, my companions."

The soft voice from behind pulled Xing Lei from his curiosity, glancing back Destorianaxe sat on cushioned throne, she reclined against the piled cushions with a look of discomfort on her face before speaking again with a gesture, "When I first established my lair I came into contact with a tribe of kobolds, in my time studying them I stole away one of their numbers to learn from them. For uncountable generations, they have given me a companion, one who would walk beside me reminding me that mortals matter. Some were great, others got lost in their own ambitions, but all deserved to be remembered by me."

The dragoness pushed off her throne and carefully walked over, from her posture it had not been readily apparent but now that she walked over an arm rested on her bulging abdomen, it went without saying that she was ready to lay an egg. Transforming in her state left her looking pregnant, almost obscenely so. Walking past Xing Lei, Destorianaxe reached out to stroke a plaque in the lowest left corner. "Stares at Skies Vast was the first. Like your mate she aspired to be a hunter not a breeder, in the end she became my companion and achieved neither goal."

Xing Lei stepped closer looking at the marker, the plaque looked no older than the others which meant the original tomb was likely still back in the dragons original lair. "Where is your companion for this generation?"

Destorianaxe looked at him and chuckled, "This generations companion walked out on me. Stole himself a mate and a wife and went out from my lair to make a name for himself instead of propping up my own."

Xing Lei chuckled rubbing the side of his muzzle, not too surprised he was suppose to be her companion, it didn't really change anything, he would have walked his path regardless. "Well I'm back now."

Destorianaxe shook her head and turned, her body growing as she shed her dragonfolk form for her true shape. Slowly moving over to a large bed to curl up, "It no longer matters, with what you became you can no longer connect me with the mortals. To be honest, that outcome was predetermined by your birth. It was highly unlikely a demigod could ever truly understand mortals, it was in your blood since conception to stand above them."

Xing Lei walked over watching her and shaking his head, "I am mortal, I was born..."

"Fully formed in an adult body. Knowing things no childe should know, with powers beyond any kobold has ever touched before. Yes Xing Lei, you are a completely normal kobold." The dry sarcasm in her voice rumbled out as she snorted in disgust. "You're about as mortal as your father is."

Destorianaxe lifted her head and sighed, "I was listening when you talked with my general, the truth of the matter is the Dragon God rescued me from my family some twelve centuries ago. At first I thought he was just a benevolent god but then I realized why the other pantheons hate him. He's a schemer. My rescue is just part of a big plan he cooked up. My rescue came with the promise of a favor when I reached adulthood. Surprise surprise he wanted me for the same thing my family did. To make a lineage."

The growl of displeasure in her voice grew deeper as her eyes narrowed watching him, "You're his chess piece. It's why I don't welcome your presence Xing Lei. You here means his plan is still going. Whatever part you're suppose to play for his end game has yet to happen, but with this egg in my body refusing to come out I'm starting to think I know your part."

Destorianaxe sighed curling back up on her bed, her face turning away from the kobold, "And again, as expected of him, I'm nothing more than an incubator for his chess pieces." Her voice was low and deeply filled with aggravation. She wanted to be the next Dragon God, but it was looking more like she would just be the next candidates mother. Her claws raked over the bedding, the silken sheets and cushions tearing beneath the violent drag of sharpened claws against the soft material.

"Your son told me of your change. Well change and just do it already, I want this accursed thing out. Once the Dragon God gets what he wants I can focus on usurping his throne. He'll get his precious egg. I just want his throne long enough to do what I need to do."

Xing Lei glanced at her, walking to the side so he could face her again, "And just why do you want to be such Destorianaxe?"

She lifted her head looking to the wall of plaques, "For them. I stole their lives, most lived a long time for kobolds or lizardfolk but they were tied to my side for all of it. I want to make their sacrifice more than the babysitters of DG's egg layer. If they were the companions of the future Dragon God, don't you think they can rest easier?"

Xing Lei glanced over and shook his head, "This doesn't sound like you, since when do you surrender yourself so easy to another? Where's the dragon that nearly planted me in a wall of bedrock?"

Destorianaxe looked at the kobold, "She's tired Xing Lei. I've fought my entire life time to be free, to make my own way rather than be a breeder for my brother. This war was to complete centuries of planning as the foundation of my ascension... and when it comes down to it, my original situation never changed. I'm still just a breeder doing my part for the great plan of a bigger, badder dragon."

Slowly she turned away, her large derriere on display with her thick tail limply held aloft, "Well do it Xing Lei, we're both here due to a god's will, best let you get it over with and I can reclaim my life."