Breaking a Slump

Xing Lei watched Destorianaxe present herself to him, even from here he could tell she did not desire this. Her words and feelings carried a great deal of depression and killing intent. The latter had been suppressed thus far but he was sure, had he just transformed and had at, the dragoness would turn and go for him with her life. Every fiber of her being seemed ready to fight against being just another conquest despite how she projected herself as a helpless woman unwilling to change the fate their god laid out for her.

Xing Lei glared at the dragon so ready to attack him had he given himself into base lust, did she think him a mindless tool of this Dragon God? So little did she think of him! Cultivators, by their sheer nature, went against the will of the heavens! Glaring at her backside the kobold's form did indeed shift, his body growing larger as he focused the magic on a shape from his world. A number of techniques gave rise to a giant humanoid with three heads and six arms, it was this giant form that he adopted.

As Destorianaxe braced herself, ready to turn and stake her life against the Dragon God's implement she instead widened her eyes! Firm hands grabbed her hind legs, her hips and her tail! Her full bottom was lifted from the bed as her neck arched to see a giant humanoid behind her, five of its arms held her bottom up while the sixth arched back and swung forward, the wind whistling as the flat of the monstrously sized hand connected with her backside!

Her fore claws dug at the torn bedding as a growl of pain escaped her jaws, her eyes widening as the thing that Xing Lei had become held her in place easily. No matter how she clawed and twisted those arms held her up and vulnerable as the sixth hand continued its assault upon her backside. Crying out each time that hand struck her posterior she felt the shame and indignation building. A few times she even tried to breath out behind her, spraying part of her wall with flame, then acid, as Xing Lei lurched to the side dragging her bottom with his twist.

"God's damn it Xing Lei! Release me you bastard! I am Destorianaxe not some whelp of a human to be spanked!"

Suddenly the grip on her backside was gone, her bottom dropping suddenly and unceremoniously as Xing Lei appeared to the side, once more a kobold and shaking his right hand as if it hurt, "About time you remembered who you were, damn your ass is solid."

Destorianaxe looked at him in disbelief, did he just insult the firmness of her backside after spanking it?

The dragon blinked looking at the shameless kobold who continued to massage his hand. Xing Lei truly looked aggrieved that spanking her had hurt his hand.

She was going to kill him.

Destorianaxe turned with a savage roar that shook the stone of her lair, her once yellow eyes shone an angry red as her jaws snapped where the kobold had stood. Her claws dug into the floor as she swung her head around looking for that shameless, insufferable bastard. Her eyes narrowed not seeing him around her, double checking her rear since this was twice now that he had targeted her backside for his shameful actions.

Suddenly her neck sank as a weight dropped upon her upper back behind her fore shoulders. She felt hands gripping her scales as her head turned slightly to see a mirthful looking Xing Lei perched between her wings. Her furious eyes narrowed as she charged, not around like some mindless beast would but rather towards a large passage to the side. Xing Lei held on tighter, while he knew what she was doing, there was little he could do to stop her at this point, the passage around them was too narrow to simply hop off and at the end...

The ledge high on the mountain was swiftly under them as Destorianaxe leapt out into the air, her wings snapping wide and pulling from Xing Lei's grip as she took wing and soared into the clouds. The kobold had grabbed the back of her long neck to hold on as she roared in her fury, "You want to ride me Xing Lei?! Well hope you have a good grip!"

Her body arched as she broke above the cloud layer, the warm sun beating on both reptiles as she quickly did a barrel roll before diving back into the cloudscape beneath. The kobold clutched her back, his claws gripping the edge of her thick scales as she flew swiftly around the clouds. Her wings furled and unfurled, her body twisting more than a bucking wild stallion as she tore through the open skies at increasing speeds. Her angry roars swept over the lands below as her people looked to the heavens wondering what had so upset her?

In the town beneath the mountains shadow a different pair of watchers gave sighs of discontent. Xing Kah and Osilliaice both watched the Mistress twisting and turning sharply, her body cutting tight turns and rolls high above in the clouds. Both looked to the other and shook their heads, if Xing Lei wasn't involved they'd eat each others spear! Both, however, could only look on in silence as crowds of kobolds and lizardfolk crowded the streets and wondered what had so ticked off their Mistress.

High above Destorianaxe finally leveled off, breathing hard she glanced back at the frustrating kobold still latched to her back like some annoying tick. Xing Lei lifted his head meeting her gaze and chuckled, "Feeling better?" Destorianaxe didn't answer right away, rather he felt her body wriggling beneath him as the dragon morphed into her dragoness form, with no wings to hold them aloft the pair started to free fall.

Twisting her more flexible arms around she pulled Xing Lei from her back and hugged him tightly to her front. His angular face nestled between her full leathery breasts as she leaned down to luck his face, "Somewhat but this will be much better." Her form shifted again as Xing Lei gaped, no longer nestled between her breasts he found himself beneath her sizable dragon body! Looking down with mischief in her eyes she shoved off the kobold, her wings spread wide as he was ripped from her chest and she ascended leaving him in free fall, his arms crossed over his chest, some what unamused.

Feeling the wind ripping past him, Xing Lei glanced briefly at the ground swiftly growing larger behind him and then above to Destorianaxe who casually flapped her wings maintaining her height above. While the fall didn't concern him he still marveled at how a creature the size of a dragon managed to stay in the air, even in the past he had questioned it but seeing her hold position in the sky it still struck him as absurd that a creature of such size could stay aloft so easily.

Even as he contemplated the absurdity of a dragon's dynamic make up Xing Lei was still in free fall. Destorianaxe watched is disbelief as the kobold, lost in thought, continued to hurtle towards the ground. Growling to herself, she had been sure he would change. A dragon as rumored or at the very least a bird or gave himself wings! Yet there he continued his fall, completely unconcerned that he was soon going to be a stain on the trees below!

Grumbling, Destorianaxe tucked her wings close and dived after the kobold, her keen eyes following his falling form with ease. What truly surprised her was the fool had shifted from his crossed arm stance to one where he appeared seated, his legs crossed. His entire posture was relaxed as he fell, as if the ground rushing to meet him was of no consequence. Destorianaxe snarled as she angled herself to intercept his falling body determined to smack the fool when he wasn't in danger of being killed!

As the dragon raced to catch the falling kobold, the crowd below were yelling pointing upwards. At first Destorianaxe had thought they were pointing at her and Xing Lei but the screams if terror were too pronounced, if he hit a building he might cause some damage with that chunk of metal like body he boasted but most only needed to get out of the way, there was certainly no need for terror that lifted her peoples voices to the heavens.

That was when she looked back.

High above her, the lazy clouds that she had danced through but minutes prior were gone. Angry storm clouds choked the sky now, serpents of lightning slithered through the dark banks. Odd that there was no thunder but the energy in that storm made her eyes narrow, she could feel an almost ethereal intent in those clouds, a like of which she had never seen or felt before. She attempted to swallow but her mouth was dry, true fear clutched her chest. Fear! When did a dragon fear anything?! Yet she could only call this feeling such, much to the one she felt in her youth when her brother lorded above her...

She turned to reach for Xing Lei but something rebuffed Destorianaxe. Banking sharply she looked in concern to the falling kobold who still looked serene... then his eyes opened! Energy filled his gaze an energy that made even her turn her gaze away, yet still she tried to wing in, she had to get him out of the sky, if lightning struck her she'd be fine but there was no way he would...

Yet that is exactly what happened.

The skies above ignored the dragon and spat forth a bolt of lightning the likes of which she had never seen before, this bolt was like a whip unfurled from the heavens and snapping at Xing Lei. Yet he did not shy away, rather he met the bolt with a yell and a thrown fist, the two powers colliding like gnomish black powder, the explosion shook the skies and deafened Destorianaxe sending her spiraling from the skies. Her head arched, watching the kobold who no longer fell, rather he stood wrapped in the lightning meeting it head on.

Even as she crashed to the ground she stared up at Xing Lei who had beaten back the lightning, even as she watched a second bolt tore from those clouds. It dwarfed the first bolt by almost five times, yet Xing Lei stood between the heavens and earth an immutable force as he struck out this time not with fist but the mangled remains of his mithril spear, the guttering light of the tip a pale flame beside the lightnings hungry roar.

His companion for years the spear stabbed into the monstrous bolt and sang out a final warriors cry. His faithful weapon shattered in his grip, the mithril tip exploding into dust as the second bolt tire through the tired weapon and struck the kobold wrapping him in a cocoon of light that seemed almost alive. Destorianaxe tried to stand, to take flight again but something was pushing her down. In the distance, kobolds and lizardfolk alike were pushed to the ground by some unseen force.

Even as she fought against it, footsteps approached. Glancing slowly to the side she watched Osilliaice and Xing Kah walking over. Well, Osilliaice walked, Kah limped slowly, the unseen force was almost driving him to the ground but his determined eyes spoke of just how much he fought it. The dragon struggled to speak, "What... what... is... happening?"

Osilliaice looked at Destorianaxe and chuckled, "Thank you Mistress, you've helped him break his slump. He's breaking through."

Destorianaxe blinked and looked to the skies where the cocoon had broken open, Xing Lei stood tall facing the clouds that even now rolled and shook, the loose robe he wore was in tatters and some of his scales were charred. It defied her knowledge but Destorianaxe swore a third bolt was coming, but if the second was strong like that... could Xing Lei survive another without his weapon?