The Night Before (Ch. 6)

It is late at night Sam, Eric, Umbra, Trinity, Eve, and Ella are all asleep. What makes this night so special is that this night is the night before their first big trip for their new business. Everything has been set. All their materials are purchased. All of their routes have been planed. Even their house is under watch by a new neighbor. All-day and all afternoon there was not a fright nor a fight, or a complaint it was actually quite quaint. However, tonight some things went bump in the night. Two little children, a dog, and a bird to be precise. They are sneaking out so late at night, into a field that is light by the bright moon.

"Ohh Umbra, it has been quite a while, has it not. But I think it is time for you to come clean. What we know and what we share are not one and the same. As your master, I order you to reveal the truths that lie beneath. What really happened that fateful night?"Asked Eric.

"Why are you rhyming?" Asked Sam.

"I don't know." Said Eric.

"But yea serially, tell us what happened there's no possible way it was a meteor that destroyed the ship, what are you not telling us. Tell us the truth, or we will lock you up again." Said Eric as his face started to turn black.

"I... It... It's not my place to answer the master." Said Umbra, who is now trembling in fear.

After Umbra said this, Sam, who heard it, started to glow a dark, dark blue, and the air around them began to get ice cold as if a cold snap washed though not seconds ago. The anger radiating off of Sam was so intense and focused that it started to appear physically in the outer world. In a rough deep, and menacing voice that resounded from Sam, Umbra violently shook, in utmost fear from fealing this rage and hatred directed towards him.

"So... Let us ask Umbra, one of the central five knights of the round table with many underlings and one of the highest authorities who only serve under my king and no one else. Who besides you Umbra the supreme of all Excalabers, has the authority to explain this to him, besides you? What scares you so much that as one of the top five can not answer a simple question. What happened that night?" Said Sam.

"I... I really can't say..." Stuttered Umbra.

"THAN WHO CAN!!!" Sam shouted while pushing all of her hatred and killing intent onto Umbra.

Umbra collapses under the extreme pressure and starts to freeze over.

"Sam, that's enough." Eric Said

"But..." Sam tried to continue but was stopped by Eric.

I said that's enough. Eric said in a deeper tone.

"Yes, my king..." Sam said as she backed off.

"She is right; you know if you are not qualified as one of the top five, who is?" Asked Eric.

"O... Ome... Omega prime..." Umbra struggled just to stutter this out.

After Umbra said, this not only did the cold air dissipate, it was replaced with a red atmosphere where everything it touched was pressed down by an invisible force. The temperature started to rise to the point that any living plant within began to turn to dust, just from the sheer pressure and heat.

"Master..." Replied Umbra in a respectful tone.

"Master..." RepliedTrinity in a respectful tone.

"Hunny..." Sam said as she was worried about Eric.

"QUIET!!!" Said Eric, how is now worried.

After Eric shouts, the ground contained within the atmosphere sinks an inch.

">_< Connect me to the system." Said Eric.

"HONEY!!!" Shouted Sam in fear.

"But..." Said Umbra, who was hesitating.


... silence prevails.

"That is what I thought now connect me." Said Eric.

~Host has been detected. Reconfiguring system to the new host... Error new host is a god, activating self destruct sequence.~

"Cancel self destruct sequence returning host user identification confirmation Omega Prime, destruction cancle code 39281." Said Eric

~Confirming, please wait.~

~Confirming check.~

~Confirming pass. Welcome back Omega Operater~

"Omega, answer me. I know you can sense me since I connected." Said Eric.

"Odd my master, why have you connected to the system, this is not according to plan. It does not matter though, what is it that you call me for?" Asked an old voice resounding from a body that looks much like the Omegas Eric knows of.

"What happened that night, all of this began. Umbra said that only you can solve this problem of mine." Eric

"Well, let's see, do you want the long story or short story?" Asked Omega

"I've connected to the system again just out with it." Said Eric, who sounded annoyed.

Very well, my master. What happened that night was a complete surprise. Not even I can believe what happened." Said Omega

"So, what did happen?" Said Eric, who was now annoyed.

"Well, everything was going according to plan. All the systems started to shut down one by one, and all the timers were set but two, one for Umbra, and one for trinity, which would fallow if anything major happened. Then we were attacked by something. Something that scared even me, something that even I the strongest could not a takedown." Said Omega

"Get on with it, what attacked." Said Eric as he was losing his temper.

"If I tell you then what, you just going to leave me here, to rot, I don't think so. I want something in return." Said Omega.

"And what would the all-mighty Omega want?" Asked Eric.


"Then what, when they wake, they will follow my orders and execute you, are you that dissatisfied with my orders that you would want to be dismantled that badly." Said an angry Eric.

"And who says I'm going to be dismantled, heck I even had your wife at one point." Said Omega.

The already present anger that was within this field spread at lightning spread across the world even out into space, frightening all who call this planet their home.

"m...mmmmm..mmmm..mmerrrrcccc.iiieeee is that what you thought I would say, you can't touch me you can't even defeat me, what a weak king you are you can't protect your wife, and you cant even kill your greatest enemy, hahaha. I pity you." Said Omega.

In a cold voice, that would make anyone who heard it sh** themselves from fear.

"System execute my command, terminate Omega." Said Eric.

"Ha, the system only listens to those who are worthy. You think you can compare it to someone like my original master or me. Ha, what a joke." Said Omega.

~System terminating Omega, welcome back Master.~


~Omega has ben purged all memories and materials are now stored within the system, would Master like anything else?~

"What happed the night, when we set the plan into action, what attacked you." Asked Eric.


~It was Omega. He broke free from system restraints.~

The anger Eric emitted grew even stronger and spread further.

"Then, who did we just terminate?" Asked Eric.


"But you just said that he broke free from the system." Asked Eric, who was now calming down.

~He did but when Master reconnected the system retook control of him.~

~Is there anything else Master?~

"I will be disconnecting from you again, but before that, I would like to ask you to scan the universe and see if there are any threats I should look out for, because of omegas escape." Asked Eric.


~Reporting to master, because of master's anger, three civilizations have taken notice of this planet and have sent out scouts. All powers that master should be warry of are still in the dar. All of the past plans are still working according to plan, according to the information Omega, only destroyed the body and was severely damaged in the process, waiting for materials to be sent to him to fix himself, he was at sixty-three percent repaired when reconnected to the system.~

"What about Umbra, has he broken free as well?" Asked Eric.

~No Umbra was just controlled.~

"Is he safe to keep, or should we terminate him?" Asked Eric.

~ninty -nine-point-eighty-three percept safe, the last point seventeen percent is only due to evolution, with Omegas body.~

"Point seventeen percent of Omega's body still exists... that could be a problem, calculate the chances of my plan failing with that point seventeen percent." Asked Eric


~If Master uses the system, it is a zero percent chance. If master seals the system and his strength again, it is one percent, and that is only if one individual gets their hands on all of it. However, the system detects that the body was scattered into many many small parts across the ocean and continents.~

"Very well that is acceptable, sorry to wake you for this mundane task, please seal the memories of this night to the civilians of this planet, seal my power, then seal yourself again until an emergency appears, or the plan is a success." Said Eric.

~Even your wife's?~

"Yes, even her memories." Said Eric.

~Very well Master.~

"I will see you soon." Said Eric.

~Good night Master.~

"Good night... So Omega rebelled a second time... That explains a lot." Eric said, then turned around and saw multiple unconscious bodies.

"I should touch them in before morning, or things can get very complicated." Said Eric.