Gods? (Ch. 5)

"Wait, wait, wait, wait... Wait. What do you mean the're/wear gods?" Asked everyone.

"Well, according to your plan, I am set to the strongest human on this planet. Not only that, but your parents were not born human." Said Umbra.

"Stop, stop, stop... Turn into your humanoid form. It's too creepy talking to you like this." Said Eric.

Umbra transforms into its humanoid form.

"Ok, I can understand that Eve was not born human, but what about Ella?" Asked a confused Eric.

"She is a part firebird or phoenix." Said Umbra.

"Ok, that explains that, but what about them being gods? Just being beast people does not mean that they are gods, does it?" Asked Sam.

"They were also demigods when born, but with the addition of the serum I injected into them, it transformed their bodies into the strongest form, it can possess. In Ella's case, the minute cells of the legendary phoenix were flowing through her, combined with the demigod of fire within her blood, evolved her being to that of a true phoenix, and true phoenixes are gods. As for Eve, well, she already was a very prominent aura wolf, but there was a very minute amount of demigod jeans locked away in her DNA. The serum unlocked the demigod jeans and evolved her species into the star wolf." Said Umbra

"So then if they are gods, what about us?" Asked Eric and Sam.

"Well, for you, my king, are the celestial raven who will one day swallow the universe they are born in and bring into being many more. None shall stand in your way as all will be devoured. As for you, my queen, you are a nova wolf. Nothing ever born shall be as bright or as powerful as you are, normal gods shall bow before you, and realities shall shatter under your fury." Said Umbra.

"Hahaha. You hear that, Sam." Taunted Eric.

"Yea were super powerful..." Said Sam.

"No, not that..." An evil smile creeps upon his face. He gets up and walks near Sam and says in a sinister voice. "I WILL DEVOUR YOU!!! RAWRE!!!"


Sam and Eric both run out of the house. Eve and Ella looked at each other.

"Were, gods..." Said both mothers.

"Wait, did he just say that he will devour her!" Eve's eye shoot wide open

"Hahaha, they're just kids, he didn't mean it like that." Said Ella.

"Are you sure about that?" Said Umbra jokingly.

Both Ella and Eve send a punch into Umbras' head, knocking him out.

After about an hour of digesting all this information and the kids playing, they gather again in the house.

"So... What do we do now?" Asked Ella.

"Honestly, we don't know. From our memories, there is nothing for us to do. Umbra, if the emergency plan went correctly, should have given you enough money to live a safe life for twenty lifetimes. And the fact that we are currently outside of a city means that either we bought the land. Or we are living in the woods somewhere away from town." Said, Eric

"Ahh, this was land given by the king to whoever could defeat Umbra; since we got married, our land was doubled, and a title was given to use. The main reason why you two never saw the city is probably, because we set up a barrier to prevent people from getting in, and out, to protect you two. Then we also set up an illusion barrier, to blend the scenery in." Said Ella.

A few more hours go by without really anything too momentous happening.

"Oh, I have an idea that we can do." Said Ella.

"Ohh, and what would that be?" Asked Eve.

"Why don't we open up a store or shop or something along those lines?" Said Ella.

"I think it would be a good idea to ask the children first before we open up a business." Said Eve.

"Yeah, let's ask them." Said Ella.

"Kids, its time for dinner." Said Eve.

"Coming Eve." Said Eric.

"Coming Mom." Said Sam.

More time goes bye.

"*Burp*, that was delicious Eve." Said Sam.

"Sam, we are gods, act a bit more civilized." Teased Eric.

"Naw, it's fine, were around family." Said a very relaxed Sam.

"She's right, and Eric loosens up a bit." Said Ella.

"We also have a question for you two." Said Ella.

"How would you two feel about us opening up a store or a business?" Asked Ella.

"Oh, what kind of store or business?" Asked Eric.

"Well, we haven't thought of that yet, but since we don't need anything we were thinking about opening a marching business, to explore the world with you two, as we are loaded, and well..." Ella scratches the back of her head. "Well... were gods, I'm guessing when you grow to be adults, we might leave this world or universe with you two if you want."

"So, what do you two think?" Asked Eve.

"We think as you two are the adults in this family, it is for you two, to decide, we are only children, and such thoughts about the future, are none of our concern... But we will tell you that we are gods, if we chose to leave in the future we might be hunted, however, if we stay here and live out our lives, it can be safe, but that bride is far away. For now, we suggest you follow your hearts, and when we get to that bridge, we can discuss it together and cross it if that is the decision we make as adults." Said a very serious Eric.

"Follow our hearts, hmmm. Yeah, let's open up a merchant business and explore the world together. As a family." Siad Eve.

"We will sell wea... " Eve was interrupted.

"Potions!" Yelled Sam.

"We will sell Potions and healing remedies to the people around the world. We will star here at Fairview and make our way to Norwood. Then we will rent a boat and travel to the other lands and explore those lands." Said Eve.

Over the next weak, the family sat down and decided what they will do. They decided on becoming a traveling merchant group that sells healing potions and remedies. It provides shelter to those who are unlucky on their travels and escort them to town. They plotted a route, and before they go on their journey, the kids stopped them. They explained that they wanted to pick up additional items and materials on their journey for something in the future. One thing that they argued about was to get another member to the family. Not someone strong, nor were they to fight, but to heal, they explained what Umbra was, and wanted to bring on another member to fallow them, disguised as another animal unless needed. They argue for quite a bit over this, but after a long time of arguing, persuading, convincing, and explaining their reasonings, they allowed them to add a new member. Trinity, a green and bluebird, and when the material cant be acquired by regular means, Umbra will go out and act as an expert to gather them.

Something happened later that day to cause Eric, Sam, Ella, and Eve to lose their memories. But one thing is clear. On this day, a picture was taken. Rummers were spread far and wide about two gods who have descended among the people while troubles stir in the many cities across the lands.