Our Plan Begins! (Ch. 4)

Twenty-seven years pass by.

During this time, the two women end up hitting it off and getting married shortly after the children's births. The red-headed beauty, goes by the name Ella, while the white goddess, goes by Eve. During this period, the two decide to leave the city and retire out in the wild. So that they are not pursued continuously in the city, by men, and provide a pure life for their two children.

Speaking of which they grow incredibly slow, to the point that three years to them is one full year of growth. In other words, they might have been born twenty-seven years ago, but they are only nine. They even learned at the average pace for their age. However, what is odd is that all of the knowledge they acquire is almost instantly mastered.

A little more time passes by.

"Hey, Ella, what day is it?" Asked Eve.

"I believe its, oh no! You head to town and grab a cake, and I'll grab the gifts." Said Ella when the realization hit her.

"What about Umbra?" Asked Eve.

"Has he ever missed one of their birthdays?" Said Ella.

"Your right..." Sighed Eve.

"Let's stop talking before their schooling gets out. We need to hurry." Said Ella.

~~~ eight hours later ~~~

"Ella, Eve, where hom..." Said two adorable children who were then interrupted.

"SURPRISE!" Eve and Ella pop out behind the kitchen island and surprise the two children with a cake.

~children's reaction to surprise birthday party~

~large time skip to bedtime~

"Ok, its time for bed, you two." Said Ella.

"Ok, mamma Ella." Said both of the children.

"It's odd that Umbra missed a birthday, he hasn't done that since they were born," Eve mumbled to herself.

The night arrives and it is one of the oddest nights, to have ever appeared in the year. The reason being is this planet only has one moon, but on this night, there are two. One is a blood moon, while the other being a blue moon. Once every thirty thousand years, a moon from another planet is attached to the orbit of this planet. Legend has it that if you cultivate under the moonlight on this rare night you can achieve excellent cultivation strength and no walls will impede your path, until the end of the week when the moon returns to its original planet (only visible for one night).

At this time, two children walk out of the quaint little house, into the middle of a field, with eyes glowing while holding hands. The two children make it out into the middle of the field and look directly up, not at the moons, but past them. Then a dark figure appears before the two children and places its palms against the two children's heads.

Ella's and Eve's eyes shoot open, and both women bolt out of the house. Before them is a blood-covered man with both his hand on their children's heads. They shoot forward even faster than before, but then theirs a bright light that lights up the night sky, making it look day again, and disappears before the man takes back his hands and neals in front of these two children. The two mothers surprised at this reach their children to then see that the blood-covered man is Umbra, putting them on extreme defense. Then to the surprise of both women, the children start to levitate in the air.

"Umbra... How long has it been?" asked both children.

"Reporting to Master, it has been 13,527 years." Reported Umbra.

"WHY HAS IT BEEN SO LONG! >_<" Two angry children ask.

"Reporting to Master, something destroyed the ship, altering out plans greatly." Said Umbra.

"And these two women?" Asked the two children.

"Your... parents..." Umbra said slowly.

"Hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm, so that means we are in the worst-case scenario situation..." mumbled the two children, pondering some things.

"What is the status of the ship and our other plans?" Asked the children.

"The ship is 100% repaired. However, unforeseen issues have arisen with your bodies, resulting in your bodies aging much slower than planned. As for everything else, it failed." Said Umbra.

The two children slowly float down and land in from of the two women.

"We are sorry for the pain Umbra has put you two through, he was under extreme orders, to ensure our births. As it turns out you are our parents selected by Umbra, we humbly thank you." Said the two children.

The two children start to kneel.

"UMBRA! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO OUR CHILDREN!!!" Two outraged parents yell out.

The two angry moms flash-forward and attack with all their might towards Umbra, who then prepares to fight back. Umbra then takes out its Paracesis and goes in for a flash to retaliate when a pair of children stopped the clash between the two parties.

"Stop all of you, Umbra, stand down, and Ella, Eve, Umbra has not done anything to us, just unlocked our memories." Said two children trying to calm down the situation.

"He's right, Ella, Eve, we will explain everything in a bit, lets all just calm down, and head back inside." Said the other child.

Ella and Eve look at each other and slowly put away their weapons and head in behind the two children, who seem much bigger in their eyes.

"Eric, Sam, what is going on, and who are you?" Asked a confused Eve.

"Well, mom, we are your children, just kind of a lot older. From what we gathered from Umbra, is that we had to go into the worst-case scenario and had to reform our bodies from scratch, *chough* which resulting in *cough* Umbra *cough* to impregnate you, with nanobots. We were supposed to grow up in ten years and have Umbra unlock our memories then, but it turns out 30 years went by, and we only now opened them. Umbra had other missions, but because of extream situations, he was not able to complete most of them, other than protecting this family." Said the two children.

"So does all of this mean that this was all fake?" Asked Ella, who was now getting a little depressed.

"No, our original plan was too simply give out an injection to two separate families who were fated. We then planed to grow older slowly. The only difference from that and this is that Umbra did not have a syringe and had to cut itself to deposit DNA within the host. It's just that this one got out of hand because of our slow aging, and your backgrounds. Speaking of which, our moms are really impressive for being able to beat Umbra." Said the two children.

Eve goes to reach out to hold Sam but then hesitates. While Sam sees this and runs forward and jumps in her mother's lap.

"See, its the same as it was, it's just we are smarter, and husband is just bad with words." Said Sam.

"HUSBAND???" exclaimed both mothers who had completely forgotten about the little letter.

"Ahh, about that. The reason why one of you didn't get pregnant with both of us is that we were married before all of this. Which is why it took so long for you to receive Umbras rewords. That and it makes a better family with two parents, I know from experience." Said Eric.

Eric shines a bright smile and rushes into Ella and jumps into her lap, and smiles up at his mother.

"Oh, and Umbra dog mode activates." Said Sam.

"Woof." Umbra barked, as it now looks like a husky.

"Let's go inside and get some sleep. We can deal with this tomorrow." Said and exhausted Eve.

"All right." Said Ella.

"As for you two..." Ella looks over to Eve.

"Don't worry mom, you just gata read us a story again." Said Sam hoping for another bedtime story.

Eve and Ella smile, while Eve reaches down and pinches Sam's cheeks.

"Owy owy owy owy looottt goooowww." Said Sam.

Hahahaha. Eric, Ella, and Eve laughed together.

Ella and Eve get up from where they were sitting and pick up their two children, and head off into the house. As they get past the door, they turn to close it and saw a husky trying to sneak in.

">_< UMBRA OUT!" A very mad Ella yelled.

"Grawl!" Growled Umbra.

"Do as she says, or we will make it so that you are controlled again by him." Said the two children.

"Whimper..." Whined Umbra who left the house and lays down on the porch.

"... We have many things to talk about." Said Ella.

"Yea, but that can wait till morning, for now, we are tired, and want a story." Said an excited Sam.

"Fine, fine, what will it be today, a story about a dashing prince, or one of a heroic princess?" Asked Ella.

"Hmmm, we want how you and Eve defeated Umbra." Asked a sly smiling Sam.

"Ok." Said, Ella, and Eve.

~~~ Next Day ~~~

"So you two. What exactly was your plan? Why do you call yourself we and talk like you know what the other wants, and finally, what's this about the husband, and wife thing you're calling each other?" Asked a confused Eve.

"First things first, let Umbra in, then we can talk." Said Eric.

"Alright, but if he so much as makes a move, we will destroy him." Said Eve.

Sam goes over to the door, skipping and unlocks it to let Umbra in then closes it behind him.

"Whip your paws." Said Sam.

"Woof." Barked Umbra.

"So the first question was our original plan. We originally did not come from this planet. We came from another that was dying. Our people are not what you are. Our people were what you would call Cali. In simple terms, we were people that, on average, are twelve feet tall and have four to twelve arms. We planned to create new bodies, but problems always arise, so we created backups of our minds. We talked with Umbra, and it turns out that what had happened was that the machine we were using to deconstruct our bodies, malfunctioned after the ship was hit. We initially did not have the materials to create the new frames, so we were planning to hibernate until Umbra gathered enough materials from hunting. Then we would have had our new adult bodies and explore this world and live peacefully. However, that was not the case, and we are now here, as Umbra was under extream orders to bring us to life before the ship ran out of power to store our memories." Said Eric.

"As for the second question, we talk like this as we are mentally linked, originally our people are born with soul demons, and we are to seak each other out and kill them, and chop off their heads, and hold their heads for life to prevent their revival. However, we are a mutation, so instead of a soul demon, we are soulmates. Everything one does is known to the other. The only way to create soul mates is to have two individuals meet at the same time, who are both pregnant and give birth at the same time. However, they cant be related in any way, shape, or form, and each child must be of the opposite sex. It is extremely hard for individuals, such as us, to be born. This also brings us to you two. Not only did you defeat Umbra, but you also stayed for a gift that may not even be possible. You also found each other, and even then, you did not split up and stayed as a family. You two are incredible individuals." Said Sam.

"As for the third quest, its because when we were first born, we were..." Eric stopped himself from answering.

"We were..." Sam stopped herself from answering.

"We were, forcibly torn away from any loving family, placed in a pit as children, and told to kill our demon. After who knows how long they came back to find both of us alive, and they..." Eric stopped himself from answering.

"They..." Sam stopped herself from answering.

Tears start ruling down both children's faces.

"They tortured us in front of each other, until... until we killed each other." Cried, the angry Eric.

Heavy breathing from the children.

"AND I PRESSED THE BUTTON TO KILL HIM!" Yelled a devastated Sam.

"Calm down, calm down. Everything's going to be all right." Eve goes towards Sam and tries to calm her down.

"She's right I'm here right now that's all that matters." Said Eric with a tear-stained face filled with a smile. He then leans forward and kisses Sam on the cheek and wipes away the tears.

"It's odd to see two crying children being romantic while crying at the same time." Said Ella, who was watching by the side.

"ELLA!" Yelled Eve.

"Well, it's true, but what doesn't make any sense is how are you alive here then, even before the space ship." Said Ella.

"Ah, that's simple, before I was born, I was granted one wish for doing something incredibly heroic in my past life. I don't know what it was or what the wish was about, but it allows me to come back to life in exchange for something precious. At that time, it was an arm. Time passed I met Sam who was holding my severed head, odd sight if I say so myself, escaped the village, and lived on our own out in the woods, until we found a space ship, and well you know the rest." Said, Eric

"So we really appreciate this family. So don't throw us out because we regained our memories, let us stay children, even if it's only for a few more days." Said, Eric, and Sam.

Ella starts to tear up.

Eve looks indifferently to the two and puts on an extremely stern face. Eve folds her hand under her chin and leans forward to look closely at the two.

"Eve, your not thinking abou..." Ella said in worry.

"Shut Up!" Eve said sternly.

"Honestly, I cant blain you two for what you have done. But get this straight, under no circumstances are you allowed to do adult things while under this roof." Said Eve with a silly grin on her face.

Sam's head turns crimson red.

"Hahahahhahaha." Ella and Eric burst out in laughter.

Eve glared at Eric and Ella.

Eric nods his head and says. "I get it, mom, and remember we're only what ten years old?"

"Umm... Actually your both 30..." Said Ella, unsure about the situation.

"That doesn't make sense, how long does this species live without cultivating, last we check was bout eighty or so." Asked a confused Eric.

"Eighty or so is right, Ella, and I believe it may be due to something Umbra did." Said Eve.

Eric and Sam turn to Umbra, whose face turns human. (body still a dog face human)

"According to plan, you were supposed to take on the strongest genes this race has to offer, however, to get those genes requires a special physique, resulting in you aging much slower. As well as why your mothers now are gods." Said Umbra.

"I know our looks get an overhaul, but calling us gods, that's a bit much, don't you think?" Asked Eve.

"No, your bodies are that of gods." Replied Umbra.

A glass breaks because Ella did not expect that.