Birth (Ch. 3)

In the middle of the night at two separate houses, Umbra visited two women(unrelated). Umbra went up to both women and asked.

"You have seen the greatest of humanity while you had power. You have seen the worst of humanity while you were crippled. Your wish was for a family... I can grant it... But knowing what you know now, do you still wish for it?" Asked Umbra.

Woman one firmly said, "yes."

Woman two stuttered but eventually said, "y... yesss."

These two women had beaten Umbra in a one on one battle. Umbra had offered his blessing to these two women and found that their only desire was for a family. So he plucked their eyes from their skull violently and scarring many contestants who wanted to challenge him next on two separate occasions. Afterward, the two women ended up blind and crippled. After the horrible storm, Umbra was much more active and could be seen walking around town outside of the colosseum. The king was alerted right away and made sure that Umbra was always followed by two guards and a rogue, in case something happened. Many months had passed since these two women were crippled, and on this fateful night, both women where violently stabbed in the lower stomach area surprising both these women, who fainted from the pain.

The next morning the king was informed. That his two guards and a rogue fought to the death at the entrance with one another. The king looked over towards his advisors, who shook their heads.

"Sigh... Heed, my orders do not send guards to watch Umbra while he's out for walks." Said an exasperated king.

~~~pov change to the two women at the same time~~~

"HHHHHUUUUUUUUAAAAA I IM ALIVE. GAHHHHH!!!!!!!" Said both women at the same time who then blacked out from the pain.

Three hours later.

"Uhh, my head, and how am I alive? Didn't he stab me? WAIT WHAT I CAN SEE!!! AHHH MY EYES!!!" Both women blacked out again.

"Uhhhggg ok ok ok keep my eyes closed for now, and what was it he said... He said that he could grant me a family then stabbed me in the gut. O_O AHH FUCK MY EYES!!!" Both women yelled as the pain in their eyes was unbearable.

-_- looks down and sees blood all over her clothes

Both women violently rip them off and inspect their stomach in front of a mirror.

"What the..." Said both women.

Before these two separate individual women in a mirror opposite to them is a flawless body with glowing eyes.

The first woman has long curly smoky red hair that hangs just below her shoulders. Here once beaten and scared, body is now a smooth sculpture of art with a creamy peach tone to it. Souple breasts that would make any man drool, and an a*s so firm that she mesmerized herself in it. Not only that, but her body is entirely hairless.

She blinked her eyes and hurriedly grabbed her blood-covered torn clothes and wiped the mirror to see if shes seeing this correctly, and stops the second she catches a glimpse of her eyes. Her eyes were a golden orange that moved. Thinking she saw incorrectly, she got extremely close and saw that not only are they a golden orange, but they were also a golden flame orange, and were constantly moving, like a stable fire on a winter night.

The second woman saw something that made her proud. As a beast woman, when she lost her eyes and was crippled, her ears were clipped, claws pulled, and tail chopped, and sold to the city as a slave. In front of her were broken slave contracts, broken shackles, and a spotless mirror. What she saw in the mirror, was long bleached white curly hair that reached down to the middle of her back, long pointy wolf ears, a tail that was so soft and fluffy that she thought it was fake, and most of all, her claws with fur that goes up past her elbow, and form her feet reached all the way up to her hips. Her claws were back longer sharper and, best of all, retractable. She lost her malnourished body for one of dark tan skin, full of muscles. When she leaned in closer she saw two things, the first thing was every inch of her body was covered in fur, it wasn't tan skin, but a very fine layer of tan fur. Last of all, were her eyes. They were ice blue and were continually changing shape and cracking, like ice rapidly freezing, melting, and breaking, as well as giving off a chill.

When both women were done checking themselves out, they inspected where they were stabbed and saw only one black spot, it was very small almost like a birthmark, but when they saw it, they felt extremely warm. When this feeling washed over them their eyes glowed bright, and what they saw was a small, small, small sack within their bodies, and tears started pouring out of their eyes.

Both women got dressed, in some not so fitting clothes (new bodies and all) and went to leave their house. As both women went to leave, they saw a note attached to their door, reading.

When you are done reading this, this note will burst into flames/freeze into ice and burn/shatter into nothingness. You have been given power, far stronger than you will ever realize, by now you are most likely leaving to get something to eat as your body has gone through an unimaginable transformation. Below your bed is a sack of gold; you are no longer known as Alicia/Kellie. That person is dead, killed in a horrible building collapse. Gather the money, and what you want to keep tonight, this building will be destroyed, and you shall start anew. The name you choose I do not care, but what you must do, is find a woman similar to you but with golden flame orange/ice blue eyes. Both you and her will marry, and the children within your bellies will as well. You two may leave this city, but those two must stay safe, while in this city, I will guard the children. However, if you leave, I can not do that. Now throw the paper as it will...

The paper was thrown and disappeared forever.

The first woman went to her bed and grabbed the money and a few family heirlooms. While the second went to her bed and grabbed the money and the broken shackles, both leaving their houses never to look back again.

Nine months go by, and two woman meat on the street and feel a terrible pain in their guts, and lock eyes. Both speak at the same time, "wife." (Umbra made it so that both got pregnant when the two met.)

Twenty-four long months pass by. (Umbra made it so that both were fully developed and then some.)

"WWWHHHAAA!!!" Babies cry.

Two babies are born, one male with black hair and ice-blue eyes, and one girl, with ice-white hair, and burning red eyes two very healthy and very powerfull children, of two, exhausted, gorgeous, and powerful women.