A King's Plight. (Ch. 2)

"Hmm... So it's nice to meet you, Samantha, I believe our consciousness, are connected if everything went correctly. " Said, Eric.

"Yes, they are." Said Samantha.

"Excellent, so we don't have much time before my plan goes into action, how much of the plan do you know?" Asked Eric.

"All of it." Said Samantha, surprising Eric just a bit.

"Excellent, can you please start the processes of the plan then?" Said Eric.

"Only if you agree to have, a Kubrow or Kavat accompany you." Said, Samantha

"How long would that push back the plan?" Asked Eric, who was a bit concerned.

"About one year." Said Samantha.

"I don't want to leave you alone for one year... How about this why don't we each take one." Said Eric.

"That would work as well." Said Samantha.

"Then it's all set, just remember to send out Excalibur before we start the plan." Said Eric.

"Already been sent out." Said Samantha.

"Awesome, where do you want me to go so we can start the process." Asked Eric.

"The back room with the chair." Said Samantha.

"Man, this sucks... But it must be done..." Said Eric, very dejectedly.

"This is going to hurt, you know." Said Samantha.

"Yeah, but before I go, remember two things. I love you, and even though fifteen years seams like much, but for you and me, it will be a few seconds of pain." Said Eric, who leans forward to kiss Samantha.

Samantha responds by leaning forward and kisses Eric back.

Eric nods his head to begin.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A gut-wrenching yell comes out of Eric as he is yelling from the pain of having his brain physically removed from his skull and body burned to ash.

Samatha, with shaking hands, reaches forward with tears running down her face.

"EEERRRIIICCC!!!!" Yelled Samantha dropping to her knees, crying. Slowly she gets up, extremely shaken. She takes a step forward and sits where Eric was.

"For the plan!" Samantha yells out.


Silences spread throughout the orbiter.


Krash! Something large hits the orbiter and flings it careening down to the planet, crashing into a thickly wooded forest.


Sounds of a space ship turning off.

Somewhere far away from all of this.

"My king, we have lost sign of the two of the three targets." Said the king's messenger.

"You said that they were not experts, how could you have lost them!" The king angrily yelled while slamming his fist onto the table.

"We did not lose them, my king, they... they... they died, and the one that is alive is sitting in town square not moving an inch." Said the king's messenger, who is very frightened right now.

"ARREST HIM THEN AND BRING HIM HERE!!!" The king yelled on top of his lungs, fuming with anger.

"M..mmm. My king, we cant, whoever approaches him within ten feet is treated with hostility, and killed by it. Nothing we do can allow us to get close to it." Said the messenger who is now so frightened that he's stuttering.

"IT, IT, IT!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT, BRING THAT MAN HERE!" Yelled the king in a heated rage.

"But my king, it's not a man, it does not bleed, breath, or tire. We have been able to hurt it but, when the blade sliced its arm, it regenerated as good as new. We even thought of chocking it by isolating the air, around it, and nothing." Said the king's messenger.


The king slammed his fists onto the table.

"HAVE YOU... Have you tried to be friendly with it then." Asked the king who is now trying to control his anger.

"We tried, but anything that gets within its range of attack dies. And..." The messenger stalls for a bit, trying to figure out what to say.

"And what." Asked the king, who is becoming impatient.

"And we think this may not be all it has to show. It may have some magic, as it appears, and disappears with a flash when it is attacked from far away." Said the messenger.

"So, does it ever move from that spot?" Asked the king, trying to figure out how to deal with this thing.

"Yes, but it walks back after the fight is done." Said the messenger.

"Sigh... Set up a perimeter around it to prevents civilians from approaching it." Said the king, who just does not want to deal with this anymore.


"What is it now," Asked the king, who is now annoyed from all of this.

"My king a report, from the man in the square, it moved." Said a new messenger.

"Ok, it moved? But where did it move, oh and you're excused." Said the king as he dismissed the original messenger.

"Thanks, my king." Said the original messenger.

"So, as I was asking, where did it move?" Asked the king.

"It's odd, my king, it moved outside of town and started to destroy the forest and started to build something." Said the messenger who was confused by the new development.

"Sigh... Take me to it..." Said the king, as he slowly lifted himself off his thrown.

"Yes, my king." Said the new messenger.

The king steps out with his soldiers and heads off into the direction where the monster/man is.

"So have we found anything out about it?" Asked the king who was lost in his thoughts.

"It's powerful, does not kill but extremely wounds its targets. And from the look of things, we can hurt it, but not enough to kill. Other than that it hasn't breathed, eaten, or even drank anything for that matter. It's like its a mush..." The messenger stops speaking as he sees what is before him.

"My God, is that what that thing was building?" Asked the king.

"It also does not stop; it looks like." Said the messenger in astonishment.

"I don't know what I should say, should I be happy it building a colosseum or concerned." Mumbled the king as he was pondering the possibilities, that this holds.

"Both my king, but why is it doing this?" Said the messenger, who was also wondering what it was doing.

"How would I know? It just showed up and wreaked havoc." Said the king who smacked the back of the messenger's head.

"Ahh, my king, your here. I guess that I don't need to inform you." Said some guard who was heading outside of the colosseum.

The king and the guards walk into the colosseum and are surprised by what they see. Because the entire structure is just a base wood looking tree, however, on the inside, they see meticulous carvings and sculptures throughout it, and at the top of the colosseum, the man/monster thing is bussy carving away slowly making its way to the outside of the colosseum.

After who knows how long the man/monster stops and walks to the center of this colosseum and places its hand flat on the ground creating multiple large platforms, entirely out of beautiful white marble, with intricate glowing writing around the sides. With one platform standing above the rest, where he walks to takes out this large wooden weapon and stands like a sculpture in the center waiting for an opponent to appear.

Many of the guards upon seeing this gulp. In fear and anticipation for what's about to happen. The king slowly moves forward up the steps of the giant platform and reaching the top, where many guards yell out to stop their king. Upon reaching the top, the runes around the stage all-flash, and a sizeable translucent sky blue field appears around the platform, preventing others from entering.

The king is slightly stunned by this but continues to move forward and stops before the man/monster, and the man/monster slowly moves and appraises the king before it. It then gestures to the side where a rack of weapons appears, with only spears.

The king rubs his chin. "Interesting, in just a glance, it could see that my weapon is a spear. Fine, a spar it is." Said the king. The king grabs a spear, and the rack instantly disappears. He turns back to the man/monster and, with wide eyes watches as the things weapon changes form into a spear and bows before the king to signify respect.

The king is slightly taken aback. Then takes a stance where neither move and a coin appears before the two floating then starts to drop, the second the coin hit the ground the man/monster disappeared, and so did the king's head. The soldiers are horrified by this. They then rush up to kill the thing that killed their king. When there is a flash of light, and the king is standing in front of all of them again. All in one piece. While the man/monster, who just killed their king, is now once again standing alone on the platform, not moving.

The king snaps out of his stupor and falls back onto his a*s. "I I I I I IIII I just died. How, how is this possible. MAGE!!! MAGE!!!" The king yells out in fear.

"MY KING, I AM HERE ARE YOU ALL RIGHT." A young boy comes rushing up to the king to see what is going on.

"Explain to me how I am alive." The king asked in shock and fear.

The young boy walks up to the stage to see if he can find any clues. Then he sees something, what appear to be words, and reads the writing, and is shocked to the core at what he sees.

Those who seek power and fame can come to the colosseum for all those around the world, seeking strength come to challenge the strongest. No harm shall be fall any challenger, and no death shall be permitted. Those who win will be granted a weapon of power. Those who don't show respect shall be dispatched. When the coin falls, the fight shall begin. Three tries per life, disrespect shall be disqualified.

The king orders his guards to prevent entrance to the colosseum. After around five years, the king called back his people and placed them around the entrances making a new form of income for his town, creating new jobs, and making public spectacles for his people. Many come to question about the man on the platform, and the king tells them that it was a gift from a powerful entity and never to approach it.

Around ten years go by, and the town grows and becomes more civilized, structured, and better thought out. The colosseum starts to wear down and break, the king's orders for constant maintenance and repair of the colosseum and invokes a new tax for it.

A hundred years go by, the king dies of old age, and a new king is ushered to the throne by blood. The new king learns of the true meaning behind the man in the colosseum and shuts it down and surrounded it with soldiers.

"So this is the monster that my father feared. What was it, my father said? Those who seek power come to the colosseum. Death shall be permitted. Those who win will be granted a weapon of power. When the coin falls, the fight shall begin three tries per life. Or something, do we have a mage here to translate these carvings?" Said the new haughty king.

"Yes, my king, the late king, had us translate the inscriptions and found out that they changed. The most recent translation is this. Those who seek power and fame can come to the colosseum, from all around the world to challenge the strongest. No harm shall be fall any challenger, and no death shall be permitted. Those who win will be granted a weapon of power. Those who don't show respect shall be dispatched. When the coin falls, the fight shall begin." A very burly magician said to the king.

"What does no death shall be permitted?" Asked the king.

"That... The late king once challenged this THING and died to it. It severed the king's head in one swing, and then after a flash of light, the kings head was back, not a hair out of place." Said the burly magician remembering the past.

"So then if I challenge it and win, I will get a great weapon of power?" Asked the king.

"Yes, my king, but I..." Said the magician, who was worried.

"SILENCE." Demanded the king.

The new king walks up the platform that has not been touched for one hundred years. The ruins flash and the barrier goes up. A rack of weapons appear before the new king this time a pair of gauntlets, and a bow appear before him.

"Impressive, did the same thing appear before my father?" Asked the king.

"Yes, but his weapon was a spear." Said the mage.

"So this thing chooses the weapons that the challenger is most skilled in. What if I bring my own weapons." Said the king talking to himself.

The second the new king says this, the items on the table disappear, and whatever weapon the king was wearing/hiding appears on the table.

"Haha, so that's how it is."The king said as he laughed.

The king grabs his sword off the table, and the table disappears with his items returning to his body.

The thing moved, and the weapons it was carrying changes into a sword matching the kings but wooden. The thing bows to the king.

"My king show respect, please, I beg you!!! THE WORDS CHANGED THOSE WHO DONT SHOW RESPECT SHALL BE DISPATCHED!!!" The mage yelled in fear.

The king looks back to the mage, who is on his knees, begging him.

The king looks back to the thing, and bows back. After doing so, he takes a stance, and so does the thing, then a coin appears.

The mage hurry calls out. "When the coin falls. The fight shall begin."

The coin falls and hits the ground. The king rushes to the thing and slashing with his sword.

The fight goes on and on until the thing finally beats the king. The king falls to the ground out of breath and slightly battered. The thing walks up to the king and reaches out a hand. The king accepts it and is helped up. The thing bows and stretches its hand out at lightning speed and touches the king's head and a light flashes. Once the light fades away, the thing walks back to the center stage and resumes its statue-like stance.

The king shakes his head and bows deeply to the thing.

All of the guards and mages are shaken to their core, not only did their king show respect to this thing; he even bowed deeply to it.

The king gets up, then turns to the subordinates.

"Spread the word this thing is called Umbra wielder of Excalibur; those who seek power must challenge him for great rewards. I want a sign placed next to the stairs stating the rules. As an additional reward, those who receive the blessing from Umbra shall be granted a permanent title in this kingdom as well as five acres of tax-free land." Stated the king, who looks like he has been through three lifetimes, all of a sudden.

Word spreads like fire all across the land; people from different countries, religions, powers, evens species come to the city, creating a massive economic boost, that almost destroys the city, with the influx of new people. Housing districts start to pop up one after another; farmland grows exponentially. Religions from all across the world start popping up all across the city. What was once a place hard to find other races besides humans now is a hot spot for everything from humans to dragon elders. Schools start going up. After the kings receiving of Umbra's blessing starts to immediately plan out how the city will build for the future. Old and new houses alike are all torn down and relocated, businesses are moved, everything gets sorted into the most optimal location, and any who refuse the king's orders are immediately executed.

During this period, the king is known to many as the bloody king, a man who will slaughter all who get in his way. To others, a king of vast knowledge for the bigger picture, and is always one step ahead of everything and everyone.

Many come to challenge Umbra. Few receive his blessing and none strong enough to win.

Time goes by another hundred years or so, and a raging storm tears through the land uprooting trees, toppling old buildings, flooding the lands, a terrible storm indeed.

A flash of light streaks through the air.