That's How I Died? (Ch. 1)

"Have a good night, Mike," Said Eric.

"See you tomorrow?" Asked Mike.

"Nope, I got three days off for once," Said Eric.

"It sounds fun see you Monday then," Said Mike.

"Yeah see you Monday," Said Eric.

Eric clocks out for the day and walks to his car.

"Oh, yeah, this is my jam! All my instincts, they return and the grand facade, so soon will burn without a noise, without my pride, I reach out from the inside..." Sang Eric.

As Eric is jamming out on his way home singing to in your eyes remake by ninjas*xparty, he fails to see some blue and red lights in his rearview mirror.

"PULLOVER!!!" Said some furious cop.

"What oh, sh*t." Said Eric as he pulls over.

"Do you know why I pulled you over?" Asked the cop.

"Was it my amazingly terrible singing to in your eyes?" Said, Eric jokingly.

"Actually, it was I was behind you at that last light and could hear what sounded like a person being stabbed, so I am going to ask you to get out of the car and stand by the hood while I search it." Said cop.

"What seriously?" Asked, Eric

"Seriously." Said the cop.

"Fine, fine, just so you know I have a concealed gun in the glove box, do you want me to get the permit for you?" Said Eric.

"Yes, if you could." Asked the cop.

"Here you go, and I am stepping out now." Said Eric.

Some time goes by.

"All looks to be in order, you may also get back into your vehicle, I won't write you a ticket today, but please stop sin..." Said the cop as he was cut off by a deafening truck horn.

Eric looks over the police officer's shoulder just in time to see an eighteen-wheeler flying towards him at high speeds. In a remarkable action time, slow mow sequence pushes the cop, out of the way before being pulverized between his car, the truck, and the street.

Cough, cough, cough, blood splats out of Eric's mouth.

"Haha, I finally get to make my way to hell to see my sister, haha, cough." coughed Eric.

"Oh god, I this is ... I need an ambul... location... HEY ... SLEEP ... ...AY ME..." Cop?

Cartoon movie like death.

~~~Religiose people skip this part as it may offend you!~~~

As Eric lays there dying, his soul starts to detach itself from its mortal coils. As his soul begins to sink to go into hell for all of his misdeeds in this life, the tainted black parts start to peel off one section at a time. Slowly stopping at the halfway mark and the darkness and light begin to try to consume each other, bringing themselves into a balance that looks like a ying-yang sign. Slowly the surroundings start to fade and get replaced with what looks like a road, where there are millions of souls waiting in line, like a river.

~~~Religiose people you can read again!~~~

"Interesting, how is a soul like that here? Hey, this is earth line of reincarnation, right?" Asked Entity 1.

"Yeah, why?" Asked Entity 2.

"Look at that soul. It shouldn't be here." Said Entity 1 as it pointed to the soul that Entity 2 is not paying attention too.

"Yeah, yeah, just get back to work and pick out the souls that are going to hell." Said Entity 2.

"I cant. That soul has to be judged by a higher authority." Said Entity 1.

"What soullllll HOW IS THAT HERE!!!" Asked Entity 2 in astonishment.

"See, I told you." Said Entity 1.

"Sigh, go and grab it, bring it to the Judge." Said Entity 2.

"Why do I gotta do it?" Asked Entity 1.

"Because you saw it now, take responsibility and go." Said Entity 2.

"Fine." Said Entity 1.

Knock Knock Knock

"What is it." Said the Judge.

"We got a problem here on one of the earth souls, and I was told to bring it here." Said Entity 1

"What's the problem with the soul?" asked the Judge.

"It's perfectly balanced and needs to be judged." Said Entity 1

"That's impossible, have it re-evaluated." said the Judge dismissively.

"I did seven times from seven different Judges, and they all said the same thing, and that is to bring it to you." Said Entity 1

"Fine, let's have a look." Said the Judge, who was now getting annoyed.

The Judge's eyes go wide.

"You said this was from Earth?" Asked the Judge in surprise.

"Yeah." Said Entity 1

"How is this possible..." Said the Judge talking to himself.

The Judge slams the door on the Entity 1's face.

The Judge watches the soul's past life and starts to judge, and when he gets to the point of death, he stops and switches views to the truck driver and rewinds it a bit.

All my instincts, they return and the grand facade, so soon will burn. Without a noise, without my pride, I reach out from the inside.

"Hahahahahaha." ???

Laughing comes out of nowhere, startling the Judge for a second.

"That's How I Died! So frustrating to die by someone else trying to switch stations to rock out to the song. Sigh... So Judge was it, I'm ready to go to hell now." Said Eric.

"Impressive, how long have you been awake?" Asked the Judge.

"Around when you were looking at the driver's perspective, I'm also relieved to see that the cop made it out safe." Said Eric, who was now feeling a little relieved.

"Hmmm." The Judge pondered.

"How would you like a second chance at life?" Asked the Judge.

"Nope." Said Eric sternly.

"Why not?" Asked the Judge.

"Because the Earth is very dull and boring." Said Eric.

"What if it's not Earth?" Asked the Judge.

"Then, still no." Said Eric.

"And why is that?" Asked the Judge.

"Because Earth has like a seventy percent chance to live, and if it's not Earth, but one of magic and monsters, it's probably only around twenty percent, and even lower, if its a place without technology or magic. I'm not a smart person, so if I'm stuck in that kind of situation, I'm just going to die right away and do this all over again. So there would be no point." Said Eric.

"Well, what if I gave you three wishes?" Asked the Judge.

"It depends on the world, and what information you can give me before I make the wishes." Asked Eric.

"Swords, magic, monsters, some technology, I believe your people call it steampunk, or something like that." Said the Judge.

"I can work with that, but how flexible are the wishes?" Asked Eric.

"Very flexible, just not something like world-ending weapons and things such as that." Said the Judge in a firm, but stern tone.

"Could I wish for two things from a video game and have them altered?" Asked Eric, who was pondering something.

"Is it this one, the Warframe thingy?" Asked the Judge.

"Yeah, can I use my wishes to acquire an Excalibur umbra, Ordis, and a body of an operator, but like change things like removing the level limit, and minor things that would allow me to use everything I wished for?" Eric asked as he was pondering different possibilities.

"Sigh... Let me sit down for this and go over it with you." Said the Judge as he started to realize his mistake.

"So for the first wish, you want an Excalibur Umbra with a no level cap, is that it?" Asked the Judge.

"No no depending on how far we can change things, like how the mods work with a Warframe, if it's the same way in the game or is it different? Do mods have a max rank in this new world, I have lots of questions I want to ask, but I don't know if you would have the answers to them or not. So this may take a while." Said Eric.

Twenty four earth days later.

"That is my final wish, but before I go. Thank you for the help, and If we meet again, I would love to have dinner with your family again." Said Eric, with a proud smile on his face, for what he managed to do.

"HAHAHA If you retain your memories, that is, I did not think you would swindle me so hard for only three wishes, and if your plan goes well, we might be able to do just that in the future... Well, its time, good luck on your new life, and don't destroy my planet, or my daughter's going to be angry with you. " Said the Judge.

"Thanks for the second chance. I hope to meet you all again soon, but this time alive." Said Eric jokingly.

Eric's soul started to lose its form slowly and changed into a ball-like form and shoots off into space, for its new life.