Welcome To Springfield (1/2) (Ch. 10)

After making their way down the road, they eventually see a town down in the distance, and there is a small light outside of the gates. After queuing up, a few random people look over and see the expensive-looking wagon and children playing with a white and blackball, then look away, minging their own business. After roughly an hour, they eventually get to the gate.

"Welcome To Springfield, sorry about the long queue, it usually is not like this, but because of the outbreak, we have been searching for some healing medicines, remedies, and anything else that can help with the demonic bite. As I see it, you lot are a traveling merchant, I presume." Asked ???.

"Yes, we are. We are potion sellers, so the chances that this town is suffering from something we can cure after just starting our business is wonderfull, hahaha." Said Ella.

"Ella!" Yelled Eve in embarrassment.

"Ahh sorry about her, this is Ella, I am Eve, and these two wonderful children, are Sam and Eric." Said Eve.

"I'm Sam." Said Sam.

"And I am Eric." Said Eric.

"Oh, what well-mannered children you have. You can call me Tom. Tom Ries." Said Tom.

"Oh, a nobleman, what are you doing down here at the gates?" Asked Eve.

"Well, to be honest, our town is in quite a pinch, and the king can get all the help he can get. I felt it would be best to put my feet to the ground and move earth to get things done rather than sitting back and waiting for a miracle to happen." Said Tom.

"So we have a cure for you and the people of this town, but... If the dragon is decomposing at a rapid pace that it's causing a demonic bit, it's not a permanent solution, we can only provide a temporary solution." Said Ella.

"Oh right, I never asked what causes demonic bit, did I?" Said Eve.

Ella looks oddly at Eve, who motions with her eyes, to the two children who are trying to hide in the back while listening in on their conversation.

"Ahh, well demonic bite, is something that is rarely seen, not because its rare to pop up, but quite the opposite. The demonic bite is quite a deadly one; once you are infected, it takes roughly three to five days to kill whoever is infected. Demonic bite also travels fast and can infect someone through contact. So if someone is infected, in the incubation period, they can't transfer it, but if they are indeed infected, and bedridden, just touching their body can infect you. Now, as for why the demonic bite is so rarely seen. It is because it usually kills the town and any animals near it. In this case, its because these people literally built their city, on top of a decaying dragon. Which, as the body rots it releases, the infection into the air, infecting the people." Said Tom

Ella then looks at Tom.

"So if you want us to help you will need to bring us to where your garden is because these potions will only last so long if you can broker a trade between your king and us, we can sell you the recipe for the cure, as well as teach you a new method to grow the herbs fort he cure faster, to take care of the people." Said Ella.

Eve looks over at Ella, who has surprise painted all over her face.

Ella tilts her head and looks at Eve.

"What I'm not all boobs, I do have brains." Said Ella.

"Is that true? Can you teach us a way to save our people?" Asked Tom.

"Well, it depends on you." Said Ella.

Ethan! Cover gates I need to escort these fine people to the castle. Tom

I keep telling you my name Sheen, not Ethan geez. Sheen

Some time goes by as the guards check the carriage, and take note of the inventory. After the inspection, Tom starts to lead the family to the castle.

"Sooooo... If you don't mind me asking, but why did you decide to become traveling potion sellers? From the way you all came, if I remember correctly, it was the legendary city of Fairview with the infamous ageless and undefeatable man. The way I see it is that you could make much more money if you stayed there to heal anyone that man defeats." Asked Tom.

"Oh, have you not heard? Roughly thirty years ago, that man disappeared after being defeated for the second time." Said Eve.

"WHAT! REALLY! Ahh, I wish I was there." Said Tom.

"Yea it was a fantastic fight, but what's even odder is that he didn't disappear right away, he killed some guards and is rumored to have assassinated the two that defeated him in the dead of night." Said Ella.

A slight growl comes from the back of the carriage, from the dog.

"It looks like you got a feisty dog there, haha." Said Tom.

"If it weren't for the kids, we would have eaten him already," Eve says while slightly shaking, but is instantly calmed down by Ella who holds her hand.

"So, are you all looking for that man?" Asked Tom.

"No, we just felt that the city was dying, and after being there for so long, we felt it was time for a change. Our end goal for this journey is Norwood." Said Ella.

"That's quite far away, let's see if that's the case, that it will take you around a month if you don't sleep or stopper city, that will take you about seventeen months to get to Norwood, twice that if you do stop to rest. I have to say; you're braver than most. I know I can't walk out into that dangerous world outside of these walls." Said Tom.

"Why is that?" Asked Eve.

"Well, if I told you that, then you could use it to blackmail me, couldn't you." Said Tom.

"Why would we do that, if it weren't for the demonic bite, we would have stayed at a beautiful inn for a week then headed off for Hagarvill." Said Eve.

"Well, its because I'm weak." Said Tom.

"Hmm..." Ella looks at Tom up and down.

"No, your not week; you're poisoned. Eric, can you hand me that purple vile of Draught of Freedom." Said Ella.

"Yes, mom." Said Eric.

After digging in the back for some time, Eric found something.

"It's this one, right?" Asked Eric.

"Yep. Thanks." Said Ella.

"Here you go, Tom, on the house." Said Ella as she tosed the potion to Tom.

"What is this, what do you mean I'm poisoned?" Asked Tom, a very confused Tom.

"Ahh, your cultivation is being suppressed by something in your stomach. If my guess is correct, someone is trying to turn you into a slave with the brew of domination. When you take that elixir there, you will break through your current realm, and three others because of the purity your cultivation is exuding." Said Ella.

Tom looked at Ella and asked, "Who are yo..."

"HALT, what brings you to the castle!" Said some Guard.

"We are here to visit the king to discuss a business deal." Said Tom.

"What makes... I am sorry, Duke Ries. I did not notice that it was you. I will send word to the king now." Said the guard.

The guard grabs another guard and asks him to stand guard while he sends the message while he informs the king.

"Oh, so you're a duke, did not know you were so high up there." Said Ella.

"It is by blood. I did not earn the title. My father did." Said Tom.

"Oh... Interesting, if you don't mind me asking while we wait, what did your father do to get the title?" Asked Ella.

"Believe it or not, he killed the queen." Said Tom.

"Ok, now I'm interested, what happened, because in our town, if you even lay a finger on the king or queen, you will be executed, even if it is just a handshake." Asked Ella.

"What was Fairview that bad?" Asked Tom.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, it's just a figure of speech." Said Ella.

"Few, don't scare me like that." Said Tom.

"Oh, so your planing to visit when you recover?" Asked Ella.

"If I recover. Other than that telling you a story about my dad seems like little payment for what you have given me. Sigh... It all started twenty years ago. Back then, my dad was no more than a simple farmer. You could say that he lived to farm. However, on a night twenty years ago, something terrible happened. Something horrible. Two large demonic Cheshires had seized our town. I believe one was woodland while the other was this weird, ruby red one that no one has ever seen before. It was quite beautiful and majestic when it wasn't on a rampage. The reason I mention this is because my dad used to take care of these Cheshires, and as a child, I use to play with them all the time." Said Tom.

"Ahh, so that's why you didn't freak out when you found out about our little pets." Said Eve.

"Yes. And From what I have learned, Cheshires will only get close to those it can leave their like with, as they grow older, they will also grow smart, to the point where they can even speak. Sigh... anyway, my dad originally hid them away, as they were quite dangerous, but eventually, the king and queen had found out about the Cheshires. Originally the king repeatedly warned us never to bring them into town, as they could be quite dangerous. At first, we originally thought nothing of it and stayed a simple farming family, but as time went on, the king and queen constantly came to our old worn down farm. One day the queen had brought her children to see the Cheshires; however, this is where it all started to go downhill." Said Tom

"Sorry to interrupt your story, Duke Ries, but the king informed me to inform you, that he will be ready shortly." Said the guard.

"So he's having sex, again, got it. Even when I have special guests." Said Tom.

"Please forgive him after he got married again, he hasn't stopped, and won't stop until he gets a new heir to the throne. Tome mumbles something under his breath, which Eve picks up. Anthony, you better not fuck this up. So that day, the two children got very attached to the Cheshires children. To the point where they would ask the king for them as pets, every day, night, and evening annoying the king to no end. The king constantly refused, but the queen did not. After the seventh day of their children begging, the queen had, had enough of it. She went behind the kings, back one night, and ordered various knights, to sneak into the farm, find the path we travel to visit the Cheshires and steal their children. Now the odd thing is when they got there, the knights had killed a black Cheshire, and a white Cheshire, and brought back a small blue Cheshire, and a small brown Cheshire. The reason this is odd is that we were taking care of a green Cheshire, and a purple Cheshire, who had not had kids yet, they were too young. This is where all hell broke loose, not only did the king's children get what they want, but they tortured and killed the baby Cheshires. While the queen hid away the four dead Cheshires." Said Tom.

"That's horrible." Said Eve.

"That's not the worst of it. My dad has fallowed the knights and saw them kill the Cheshires, not only that, but he was brave enough to record it all. At that time, we did not know what the queen had done, but it was much worse than any of us could have expected. So my dad, as a smart man, requested an audience with the king and presented the recording to him. To say the least, the queen was outraged, that a simple commoner, would accuse her of hunting intelligent creatures and imprisoning their children. So you know what the king did?" Asked Tom.

"I would say execute your dad, but you said that he killed the queen so, imprisonment?" Said Ella.

Nope, for slandering his beloved wife, and dishonoring his family. He chopped off my dad's legs, removed both his eyes. Sewed his mouth shut, then imprisoned my entire family. The finally executed all members who had any past crimes on the spot. Said Tom

"Gasp." Gasped Ella and Eve.

Step, step, step, step.

"The king is ready for you all in the dining room." Said the Maid.

"Thank you. Do you want me to pull the carriage into stables?" Asked Tom.

"That would be best, duke Reis." Said the Maid.

"All right, please escort these fin, people to the dining room, while I put their wagon away." Said Tom.

"If you don't mind, Tom, but my daughter and I will stay with the carriage." Said Eve.

"Yea, I don't mind, but don't you want to meet the king for discussions?" Asked Tom.

"No offense and all, but I don't trust... No, I can't say that I do trust Ella, but... Sigh, can't you send a guard to take the carriage?" Said Eve.

"Mom, it's all right. He is a good man, and we haven't heard the end of the story yet." Said Sam trying to comfort her mother.

"That, and if anything happens, I'm pretty sure that our dogy, can protect our carriage, while you and mom can protect us," Eric says with a happy smile.

"Fine, fine." Said Eve.

"It's going to be all right, Ella, I know how you are around my kind, and I will always be there for you. Ella leans in and whispers to Eve's ear That and if anything does happen, Umbra and Trinity will protect the carriage, and we can destroy this punny little town with our power." Said Ella.

Eve tried to get something out, "But..."

"Do you want Sam to see you in this state, remember what they told us..." Said Ella.

"Sigh... I will try my best." Said Eve.

Ella smiles, and looks towards, Tom smiles and nods, then looks towards the maid.

"We are all ready. Please lead the way." Said Ella.

"Please, this way, Duke Reis and honored guests." Said the Maid.

As the group makes their way through the castle, they come to a set of doors. Now, these doors don't look grand or majestic like you might think because you know, this is a castle. No instead, these doors look old and worn down from many years of use. It is quite an odd, sight to see, because from the moment they entered, everything from the tiles on the floor, to the exquisitely carved walls, paint a picture of beauty, nobility, and honor. While his door, it may not be glamorous or grand, but it shows an aged butty, that does not fit this castle. Eve is having some severely bad vibes from this place and is quite visibly shaken. Ella sees this and chops down on Eve's head with her hand.

"Eve, look at me. What do you see?" Asked Ella.

"? I see you." Said a confused Eve.

"That is right; you see me. Your wife, who will always stand by your side." Said Ella.

"Now, do you see in front of us?" Asked Ella.

"Our children." Said Eve.

"Ok, so you see our children, do you think that I would let anything harm those two?" Asked Ella.

"No, of course not." Said Eve.

"Then what are you so worried about? Remember what that note said. You have been given power far stronger than we will ever realize. The people know as Alicia and Kellie are dead. So remember this Eve because I will only say this once. The past is the past and can never be changed, the future is filled with uncertainties and always changes, but right now this moment, this right here where we are a family and are enjoying life, a second life filled with happiness, and unforgettable moments, well that's a gift. That is why right known as the present. Because it is something to cherish right here and right now, so stop being stupid and get it together, I am here for you, and so are the children. If you cant hold it together for me, then at least hold it together for them. You have seen the power you hold, you have seen the power I hold, and we both have witnessed the power our children hold. So it may be hard for you to get over your past, but right now, the way you are now, that is not the woman I fell in love with. Heck, even our children have gotten over their past." Said Ella.

"Shut up, Ella. I get it already." Eve says this very dejectedly, but reaches out with her hand and pinches Ella's plump butt.

Fealing the pinch Ella Laughed. "Hahaha."

"What's so funny, mom?" Asked Eric.

"Nothing Eve is just being cute." Said Ella.

"Haha, I know how that is. I caught Sam trying to put on makeup the other day to impress me. Hahaha." Said Eric.

"It looks like you have been busy Eve because I didn't teach her that." Said Ella.

Eve blushes hard and violently pinches Ella butt, this time causing Ella to yelp in pain. Eve

While all of this is happening, the maid pushed in these two old doors and escorted the groop in. Oddly enough, it's not like the outside, where it's all chiseled beautiful noble-looking structure. No, what is before them, is an exquisitely build wooden room. The floor is a find dark walnut, while the walls are a Spanish Cedar, and the roof... The roof is a variety of woods, hundreds, if not thousands of different wood. The reason for this is that the roof is a replica of the city. It is an odd sight to see, to say the least. Within this room, there is a fireplace, a fur-covered couch, a baby dragon carpet, a small desk filled with paperwork, and finally, a grand table filled with food, and various kinds of drinks.

At the desk, an air of nobility can be felt. It is quite strong it is not just a simple pressure that the people in this room can feel, but more like it is radiating from it. At the desk sits a man busy reading through the paperwork. As he finishes up with what he was doing, the pressure releases and the man slowly stands up. Now instead of a pressure of nobility. The people in the room feel a warmth like they are meeting an old friend.

"Tom, it has been quite some time. Not only did you share our story with these people, but you have also brought them to my study. What do you have to say for yourself?" Asked the King.