End Of The Story. 2/2 (Ch. 11)

"Well, for one, I did not finish my story; the guard came back way to fast for my liking. And secondly, these people can save our town, so you better show some respect, Rian, now bow to these people and ask for their forgiveness for being so rude." Said Tom.

"This is treason, GUARDS SEAS THIS MAN!!!" Yelled Rian.

Dead silence...

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Rian and Tom burst out into laughter.

"Ahh, right, Rian, this is Ella, Eve, and their two wonderful children Eric and Sam. Ella, Eve, Eric, Sam, this is king Rian, my best friend." Said Tom.

"Rian, as you probably heard from your guards already, but these fine people might be able to help us with our problem, permanently." Said Tom.

"I heard a little bit about it, but how do they plan to do that?" Asked Rian.

Eve tried to say something. "We can't solve it permanent..."

"Yes, we can. We can also take care of the decaying dragon if you want." Said Eric.

Everyone in the room goes quiet.

"The dragon is my friend. We can take him away from here if you want, then Ella and Eve can sell you the potions to cure the demonic bit. The dead dragon that the decaying dragon is in right now can last for around fifty thousand years before, and miasma is released from its body, as you have probably gathered." Said Eric.

"Eric, is it alright for you to be awake?" Ella and Eve ask very concernedly.

"For now, yes, it is only because we are in the vicinity of the decaying dragon." Said Eric.

"If you can do that, we... No, If you can do that, I will give you anything you ask for." Said Rian.

"Pay for the demonic bit potions, figure out who has been poising Tom, and tell us the rest of the story, it was getting fascinating." Said Eric.

"Is that ok with you two?" Asked Rian.

"Yea, it is very rare that Eric wakes up, so we are okay with the request of his." Said Ella.

"I have about a minute left before I go back to sleep, and if we are allowed to take the decaying dragon with us, I will awaken again for two minutes, with Sam." Said, Eric

"Rian, Tom, please do not speak of this to me when I fall asleep again." Said Eric.

"What?" Said Rian.

"What is going on?" Asked Tom.

"Don't worry about it, Rian, Tom, we are here to help you, so if you can follow his request, it would be much obliged," Ella says this while releasing some of her power to pressure Rian and Tom.

"Sure, we can do that right, Tom?" Said Rian.

"Yea." Said Tom.

"Well, let's hear about the rest of the story. I'm extremely curious about how you two became friends if he was executing your family." Said Eve.

"I think you got something wrong. Rian was not the one who was king at the time. At that time, Rian's father, William, was the one in charge. Rian here is Williams... son." Said Tom.

"No, I was not that man's son. I was his bastard child. Now get on with the story. Its easier to explain that wany." Said Rian.

"Ahh, right, we were at the part where king William was executing members of my family... I was imprisoned for five years, and at that time, I was only five years old. My dad starved to death, my mom and sister were raped by the guards, and eventually killed themselves." Said Tom.

"Wait, I thought you said that your dad killed the queen, though?" Asked Ella.

"Let me finish... I was traped in the castle dungeon for five years, five long years, and watched each of my family members die, one by one. During the time we were imprisoned, the king's third child was born. On occasion, the king's third son would sneak down into the dungeon unaccompanied and speak with me. The king's third child was considered a bastard. The king ended up getting one of his maids impregnated and tried to cover it up from the public. However, the more he tried to cover up, the more dark secrets he held became uncovered. One of the things that were revealed was my family's imprisonment and why." Said Tom.

"The citizens became outraged and demanded our release. The king eventually caved in and let me go. However, when the citizens and the king saw the state I was in and that no one else came out of the dungeon, they became even more outraged. The king went up to me and asked me what had happened. This, through the crowd of angry people and me, this was not a question to cover himself, but one that he honestly did not know the answer to. So I told him. My dad's death was no surprise, but the treatment that I got, and what had happened to my mom and sister had made the king lose it. He summoned the guards in charge of the cells and questioned them on the spot. They had revealed to the king, and the cowed that the queen had ordered them that the people imprisoned should be fed less, and if any of the guards so desired to, they can take advantage of the woman and children. The king then turned to his wife and asked if this was true. All she could do was say it was not and that the guards are conspiring with this child so that I could get my revenge on them for imprisoning me. I ended up telling the king that I wanted revenge, yes, but I want it with my own hands, not something like this, and not towards the king, but his queen who stated all of this. The king tried to kill me then and there, but a boom shook the kingdom, and a voice rang out among the people." Said Tom.

Tom grabs a plate of food, sits down at the table, and takes something to drink.

"Come sit, the king prepared food for his guests, and I can tell the story while we have lunch." Said Tom.

"Now I need to go back a bit in the story. Before all of this started, my dad had asked me to hold onto something. If the Cheshire were to come back, that I should show it to them. However, if not, I was to keep it on me and hidden at all times. So for ten years, I held this item with me and hit it away whenever possible, keeping it safe. During that time, when the town shook, I had accidentally dropped it, stepped on it, and activated it. At that time, a voice rang out. WHERE ARE MY CHILDREN, WHERE IS THE ONE KNOW AS ADEM! At the same time, a light shot out from under my foot and displayed a video in the sky." Said Tom.

Tom grabs some food and starts to munch on it.

"The video, was it the one where your dad recorded it all?" Asked Eve.

Tom finished up watt he was eating, and takes a big swig of juice.

"Yea, it was." Said Rian.

"And I'm guessing if you and Tom are best friends, you must be the former king's third prince? Butt then that still begs the question, how did your dad kill the queen?" Asked Eve.

"If I told you that when the video played in the sky, that the queen had a heart attack, would you believe me?" Asked Tom.

"Not really you said that your dad killed her, how did he do it through a video?" Asked Ella.

"That is simple. The video was not a simple one. It did not just record what had happened that day with the Cheshires. It had turned out that my dad was a spy and in the sky played hundreds of different videos, all showing the queen, doing various nefarious deeds. From killing orphans on the street to having affairs with random guards around the castle. All of these videos, one after another, struck fear in the queen. On the very last video that played in the sky, was the night where she had killed the cherries, and took their children that were then tortured and killed by her children. My dad's face appeared in the clouds and stated that if the queen saw this that, she must be prepared for the consequences. After my dad said that, she grabbed her chest and started to breathe heavily then collapsed. Then the voice from before boomed out once again. SO YOU ARE THE ONE WHO KILLED MY CHILDREN! BUT SEEING AS YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD, I SHALL TAKE THE FOOLISH KINGS LIFE INSTEAD, AND WHEN IM DONE WITH HIM I WILL SEND YOUR CHILDREN ALONG THE WAY AS WELL!





A towering figure charges towards the castle, leaving a line of destruction in its path. In front of the king stand a massive ruby red Cheshire. While standing beside it is a slightly smaller woodland Chesire, but this one was covered in blood, and you can feel the hatred radiating off of it." Said Tom.

"Let's clean up the table before we get on with the next part." Said Tom.

"Yea... Maids, please take care of the table." Said Rian.

Twenty or so maids, come into the room almost at once and start cleaning up the table before leaving again.

"So what had happened next was a massive fight that shook the lands. But also awakened the dragon that sleeps beneath." Said Tom.

"So you thought there was going to be a big fight? Na, there was never going to be a big fight; it was just a one-sided slaughter. Let me paint the picture for you. The day started nice and sunny, without a cloud in the sky. It was a great time to be released from my captivity, but as I limped out of the caste, clouds slowly accumulated in the sky. Nothing too noticeable at first, but as time went on, it gradually got darker and darker. When the king finally asked me what had happened to me, the sky was pitch black, it was an odd sight, to say the least, as the city was lit with light from lanterns pinning the city with an eerie orange glow. This made the crystal recording just pop out, with utmost clarity. It was almost like God was watching over me for this one moment. Then that angry voice rang out and made me so happy, but also sad. It was the voice of the two Cheshires I played with when I was a kid. I was there for their grandchildren's birth, and I was not there to help them when they needed me most. I wish I could have done more for them, but at the time I was just a kid, at least when I was released, I was able to reveal the truth to the two parents. Sigh..." Said Tom.

"It must have been hard for you, Tom." Said Eve.

"It was, but I got through it." Said Tom.

"After the video was done playing The two Cheshires charged into town destroying the city wall and various buildings along the way. Behind them were countless dead bodies, of the various guards around town. Behind the two Cheshires swarming into their wake of destruction was a wave of hunters, angry citizens, and city guards. From young to old, countless people were swarming around the castle, the outrage these people felt was being fueled by the Cheshire. The woodland Cheshire flashed within the army of angry citizens, reaping one soul after another. After a flash and a spray of blood, the angry crowd would cheer. Each victim killed was one of the many corrupt guards and corrupt nobles working with the queen. After what seemed like a blink of an eye. The woodland Chesire appeared again next to the ruby red Cheshire." Said Tom.

""Since your queen has died by the fear of her corruption, II am still unsatisfied. Week king, of this backwash city, what do you say, for betraying the people trust, and sentencing a man's family to death for telling the truth without investigation." Said the Red Cheshire.

"There is nothing I can say to you or my people about this. I am a failure of a king." The king then pulls out his sword, and turns at lightning speed, and decapitates his two children's heads. He then whips the blood off his sword and walks towards Thom.

"Boy, kneel!" Said, King.

Tom, scared out of his mind, kneels before the king.

"Out of respect for your father, and the many things you and your family have done for this kingdom I herby announce Tom to be adopted as my maids, new son as he has no ties of blood to the king, he can not be the next king, but a sovereign duke. Citizens, after I die, my son, Rian, will be the future king, and Duke Tom will be his decision-maker. I hereby announce that maid Anna Will now be known as Queen Anna and will be in charge until Rian and Tom become of age. Grand Cheshire, I can not hope for you to forgive my family or me, and I will most likely die today but leave my son and queen out of this, they had nothing to do with this at all." Said the King.

"I can spare your maids, life, I can even spare that bastard child's life, and even support your kingdom until they are of age, but you must die today. Before you are two choices, die a proud warrior who died defending his city, or kill yourself to make up for your family shame!" Said the Red Cheshire.

"I chose to die a warrior's death." Said, King.

"Verry well." Said the Red Cheshire.

The Red Cheshire shrank and became a human female.

"Prepare yourself, warrior!" Yelled the Red Cheshire.

"RRRRAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" The king charges forward to confront his enemy.

The first clash shook the city. As the two disappeared in a flash clashing at high speeds, that tore the sky apart and rose terrible winds that wreaked havoc on the city.

The second clash destroyed buildings. Shook the land, and caused terrible destruction to the city. Walls that had been standing for over hundreds of rears fell like they were made of sand, as these two titans fought.

The third clash left the king with one arm. A quick swing of the arm from the Chesire tore the limb from the king. In fear for his life, he started to flee.

The fourth clash destroyed the city walls as the Cheshire grabbed the king and tossed him into the city walls. Over, and, over, and, over, again. Until there was either nothing left of the wall or giant chunks were missing.

The fifth clash ended up destroying the Red Cheshire's arm and leg. In a last-ditch effort to flee, any life-saving treasures he had collected over the years, he started to throw them out one after another. Unprepared for this new situation, the Cheshire was caught in the unexpected attacks and had its arm and leg destroyed by various weapons and talismans.

The sixth clash caused the city to sink because of the pressure. Sill being chased, none stop the king resorted in using forbidden medicines and caused his power to serge outward at extreme speeds, sinking the city itself under the massive amount of power gathering towards the king.

The seventh knocked out the various spectators watching too closely to the fight. The Cheshire seeing this released its full might onto the people hopping to free itself from the pressure when the eighth clash hit.

The eighth clash well that was when the dragon awoke. The king coughed up his lifeblood as a last resort tripling his power in a mere instant, and at extream speeds flashed forward and struck the Cheshire. Sending the Cheshire plummeting into the ground. Shaking the ground so much it awoke something.

The ninth clash enraged the dragon. The Cheshire got out of the ground when the king appeared before it. The Cheshire attempting to block the attack received it, and all the energy shot into the Chesire, then into the ground, wounding something we did not know was there.

The tenth clash ended the king's life. With a swing of the Cheshires hand, a massive amount of energy shot out in all directions when the king's hed fell.

A roar resounded out from under the city. Not much is know after that because the only one who knows what happened fled into the forest. After that, we slowly build the city again. At first, it was all ok, but as time went on, the grass started to leak from our mines, we blocked them at first, but as time went on the pressure would cause the block we placed to burst apart from the pressure. The Red Cheshire would appear from time to time to check up on the queen, but eventually, the queen died to demonic bite. Time went by, and the city was eventually rebuilt and running, but as you know, already, we still have the demonic bit to deal with." Said Tom.

"So, knowing what you know now, do you still think you can help us?" Asked Rian.

"We can do it, but it may take longer than expected. We will need to inspect your lands, and see if it is filled with radiation, heavy metals, or contaminated by something that can harm the growth of the herbs. If there are, we can solve that problem easily, but I would not know if it would be a temporary fix, as it can be coming from the dead dragon's body or the decaying dragon's body. There's also that thing that was mentioned before. If you can give us some time to digest that story, inspect the lands, and find the decaying dragon, we may be able to help. However, there is also the chance that the land is too far gone." Said Ella.

"Whatever your decision may be, can you at least sell us your entire stock to help our people to recover from the demonic bite?" Asked Rian.

"We can do that much." Said Ella.

"I can let you roam the town freely for one week, but after that, I need to know your answer." Said Rian.

"Thank you." Replied Ella and Eve.