What do we do now? (Ch. 12)

As the family had finished up their chat with the king and duke Tom, they were given a weak to walk around town and figure out what to do. As they leave the castle, Ella stretches her back and leans back in their carriage, with both hands on the back of her head.

"So, what do we do now?" Asked Ella.

"I am not too sure, we have a couple of things we can do, but I don't know where we should start." Said Eve

"Well, the best thing we can do is make a list. So, what do we want to do, what do we need to do, and what do the kids want to do." Said Ella.

"Well, what I want to do is restock on our supplies for the next journey. Walk around town, a bit to show the children some of the various cultures, and finally, I want to try some of the local cuisines." Said Eve.

"Not bad, not bad at all. I want to look for some new clothes, with our bodies continually becoming more powerful, whenever I try to move they become more restrictive to move in. Then I want to take a stop by the local market to see if there are any new ingredients we can use for our potions." Said Ella.

"I want to see a flower store." Said Sam.

"I would like to visit a book store." Said Eric.

"Ok then what do we need to do then." Said Ella.

"We need to create enough potions and inspect the land to help the people."

Said Eve."We also need to go grab that dragon." Said Eric.

"Anything else?" Asked Ella.

"Well, we definitely have to restock our supplies before we leave town to Hagarville." Said Eve.

"Ok, then Eric Sam, what do you two want to do?" Asked Ella.

Sam and Eric Think a bit.

"I want to visit a floral shop for some calming essence." Said Sam.

"And you, Eric?" Said Ella.

"I want to look at a music store and pick up a guitar." Said Eric.

"So If I get this all, we want to visit the library and a floral shop and pick up some supplies while we were there. Then we want to explore the town and eat some of their food. Experience their music and culture while the last things on our list are to create potions for the town and grab Eric's dragon. Did I miss anything else?" Asked Ella.

"No, I believe that is all." Said Eve.

"What about the land?" Asked Sam.

"Oh yea, I almost forgot about that, we also have to inspect the land." Said Ella.

As the family is discussing this, their carriage is being inspected by the castle guard, making sure what they came in with, is what they are leaving with. After what seems to be like five minutes of discussion and inspection time, they are greeted by a guard.

"Hello, I believe that this is the merchant group sent by tom to great his highness the king if that correct?" Asked the guard.

"Yes, it is, did something happen?" Asked Eve

"No, nothing, well... yes., we have just heard that you people will help our town. I wanted to personally thank you for doing this for us. If you guys are ever in trouble, you can call for Kexter, and they will come to find me any time any day." Said Kexter.

"I'm sorry sir, but there is no guarantee that we can help you or the people of this town, I think that you might have been given some wrong information." Said Ella.

"With that being said, we will certainly try to help with whatever we can." Said Eve.

"Hey, mister Kexter, do you know a good place around here, where we can enjoy some entertainment." Asked Eric.

"Sorry about him Kexter, he's been cooked up int he carriage for quite a while now." Said Ella.

"Ahh, it's quite alright, and in fact, I do know a place, but it is not quite open yet. A little ways down the main road, take a left on careen st. and travel for about two more blocks and look for a building on your left, that looks like a dragon's mouth." Said Kexter.

"A dragon's mouth?" Said Ella.

"Yea, it's an old building here in Springfield, that serves great food, and plays music. However, it's not open until the sun goes down, so you will have to wait a bit before it opens." Said Kexter.

"That actually helps a lot Kexter, what about any floral shops, or a library?" Asked Ella.

"A library, hmmm. I have not seen one, but that is also because I cant reed Haha. However, I do know of a floral shop. There is a small shop just opposite the dragon's mouth, and is open right now." Said Kexter.

"Oh, is that the only one?" Asked Ella.

"No, there are plenty of others around the city, some much better than that one, but... that shop is going to shut down soon." Said Kexter.

"Then why recommend that one?" Asked Eve.

"Well, it's my little sister's business, we may not get along much, but I do care for her. I know its a little selfish of me to ask, but can you at least visit her shop and check in on her for me? It has been a while since I last saw her." Said Kexter.

"Sure." Said Eve.

"I knew it was a bit much to ask, thanks anyways." Said Kexter.

"I think you miss heard mom. She said we would visit your sis." Said Sam.

"Wait, what really?" Asked Kexter in astonishment.

"Yeah, we will be visiting all the floral shops in town to inspect how the herbs and plants grow. We can start at your sister's store, ask various questions, then head to the dragon's mouth for dinner." Said Eve

"Thank you very much!" Said Kexter.

The family then started to move through Springfield again. But this time, as visitors, and not as merchants to make a deal. They traveled down the street, got lost a few times, asked for some directions, but eventually made it to the little floral shop.

On their way, the town is very unkept, the people looked drained, and people in white uniforms can be seen walking around town, looking for something, or someone. This town, to them, just felt dead. Not only that, but the land itself looked like it was rotting from something, and the plant where mutating.

"Is this the place?" Asked Ella

"That's the dragon's head, so this has to be the place." Said Eve.

In front of this family is not some grand building that should be full of people and outstanding decorations. Instead, in front of them is a dilapidated building that is being squished between two larger buildings that look to be a weapon shop, and a material storage facility.

As Eve pushes open the front door to this building, she is almost instantly pushed on to her butt from the smell. Luckily Ella was behind her to catch her.

"Ahh a beast person, I'm so sorry, I don't have any windows to vent the place if you want we can do business outside, so it does not make you suffer." Said a charming voice from the side.

"No no, it's ok, I just did not expect that it would be so strong." Said Eve.

"Wow, you're stronger than most. Most Beast people who enter my shop end up leaving or blacking out. Oh, where are my manners, I am Thr, and what can I help you find today." Said Thr.

"Were here because a guard recommended your place for my daughter to visit." Said Eve.

"Was it my damned brother Kexter? Did he also tell you that I only sell flowers and not herbs?" Said Thr angerly.

"Ahh, actually Sam wanted to visit a floral shop, so that makes this trip worth it. Haha." Said Ella.

"What really?" Asked Thr.

"Mom, look, this one is so pretty." Said Sam as she was looking at a blue lotus with a red wavy pattern going throughout its leaves and a black stem.

"Ahh, little girl be careful. That flower is quite dangerous." Said Thr

"How is it dangerous? It's just a flower." Said Sam as she picked up the flower.

"STOP DONT!" Shouted Thr when a flash of red light falls on Sam.

"See its not dangerous, its just hungry." Said Sam, whos hand was bleeding.

"I'm so sorry, I did not know you came with children, I should have warned you that the flowers in this shop are dangerous. Let me go in the back and grab some bandages." Said Thr, who was now worried about Sam.

"Its ok, Trinity, can you take a look at Sam's hand and make sure it's alright." Said Eve.

"Chirp." A bird flew into the shop.

"Oh no, now there's a bird, SHOO SHOO!" Shouted Thr.

"Stop, stop that's Trinity, don't worry about it." Said Eve."It's not going to eat my flowers, is it? Asked Thr.

"No no its all right, Trinity is what you would call a sacred beast, she's only interested in our children's wellbeing." Said Ella.

"I'll trust you for now, but if she eats a flower, your paying for it." Said Thr.

As Ella, Eve, and Thr are chatting, Trinity flies over to Sam and lands on her shoulder.

"My Queen, let me see your hand." Said, Trinity.

"It's alright. You should check on Eric and make sure he's not awake." Said Samantha.

"Queen, you are awake, I shall do as you command." Said Trinity

Trinity flies out of the shop, and checks on Eric, who is playing with the two Cheshires, in the carriage.

"Eric, can you give me some bandages, Sam got cut." Said Trinity

"Sam is hurt? is she going to be all right?" Asked Eric as he hands Trinity some bandages.

"Yea, Master, She just cut her hand on a thorny rose." Said Trinity, who then grabs the bandages and flies back into the shop.

"My queen, he is not awake. That being said, why are you awake." Asked Trinity

"Its the Lotuses, flower." Said Samantha softly.

Trinity's head snaps to the flower.

"That can be a problem for Masters plans." Said Trinity

"We should be fine." Said Samantha.

As Trinity and Samantha are chatting, it does not escape the ears of Eve.

"Samantha, come over here for a bit. Let mommy see that flower." Said Eve.

When Eve said this, both Samantha and Ella looked oddly at her, then Ella looked oddly at Samantha, who then nodded and smiled back.

"Miss, please be careful you saw what it did to your daughter." Warned Thr.

Samantha walked over to Eve and tried to hand the flower over, when suddenly Eve bent down and grabbed Samantha by the armpits, and put her on her shoulders. Ella then walked over to Samantha and ruffled her hair.

"MOOOOMMMMMM STOP!" Said Samantha, who appears a lot happier now.

"So Ms. Thr, how much for this lotus?" Asked Ella.

"Are you sure you want that?" Asked Thr.

"Yes, Samantha seams quite attached to it." Said, Ella

"That flower will be one gold, and if you want to keep it alive, you must feed it blood once a day." Said Thr.

"One gold, why is it so expensive?" Asked Ella.

"It's extremely dangerous, that's why. It can be used as a weapon if you want. The petals of that flower are razor-sharp, and the stem is as hard as Mythril. While at nights, it even glows bright enough to see up to thirty feet in all directions." Said Thr

"Samantha, do you need this?" Asked Ella.

"Not right now, but later in our travels, we will, if we find more of these, we should definitely grab them." Said Samantha.

"You heard her. We need this flower." Said Ella with a smile.

"Do you have any others." Asked Eve.

"No, that's the only one I was able to grow out of the lot." Said Thr.

"Grow? Do you have the seeds for this flower?" Asked Samantha.

"Yes, I do, but all of them are duds." Said Thr.

"Do you mind if we take them then?" Said Eve, who was catching Samanthas drift.

"It will cost you." Said Thr.

"But you just said that they were all duds." Said Eve.

"I did, but if any of them do turn out not to be a dud, I would be making a huge loss, wouldn't I." Said Thr"

How much for all of them then?" Asked Eve.

"I have five seeds, so five gold." Said Thr."Five gold for five duds, Ill do it for ten silver each." Said Ella.

"Ten silver that's way too little, I would part with them for at least eighty-five silver." Said Thr.

"Eighty-five my ass. Those are worth thirty silver at most, don't forget we also have to grow them ourselves, and use our own resources." Said Ella.

"Girr... I'll do it for forty-five silver, nothing less." Said Thr.

"Deal." Said Ella, who through a pouch of five gold onto the counter.

"Did you just throw a pouch of five silver on the counter, I said forty-five silver each." Said Thr

"Momma Ella, you're so mean." Chuckled Samantha.

Thr is now lost at what's going on as the family in front of her is now laughing at her, making her a bit angry, as they are not paying for the seeds.

"That's a bag of gold, calm down." Said the laughing Ella.

Thr startled by the revelation walked over to the pouch of coins, and opened it to see five golden coins.

"Ahh sorry about my misconception, I will get your change right away." Said Thr.

"No need. Ms. Thr, you had something my daughter wanted, so its the least we can do." Said Eve.

"But I only needed two gold and twenty-five silver. What you just gave me is two gold and seventy-five silver as a tip. that is too much." Said Thr.

"Don't worry about it; use the extra to renovate the place. As you said before, this place does not have many windows to vent it out." Said Eve.

Thr tried to say something, "But..."

"No, buts, look around the two buildings flanking you are like five-star restaurants, and your little decapitated building in the middle is staining their look. I'm pretty sure that you have been offered to sell your little business to the two for ages now. Use this extra cash to renovate the place, and get the two off your back." Said Ella.

"And why should I do that? This is my place and my business. I don't need your advice on telling me what I can and can not do." Said Thr angrily.

"Eve and Ella, are just trying to help you out, lady. Appearance might not mean much to you, but to your customers, it means a lot. Did you know that when we were looking for your shop, we walked past it five times? We could not see a sign nor anything to state that this was a business. We thought it was just a run-down building about to be demolished. Let's go. If she does not want our help, she does not deserve it. I also want to spend time with Eric before its too late." Said a peeved Samantha.

Eve twitching her ears to play with Samantha's chin nods her head. "Yea, let's go. Eric has been waiting long enough outside."

The family walks out, while Thr stands there dumbfoundedly with the extra gold on hand considering what they said, before looking down, and pulling out two parchments from a drawer.

The first note contained the following. To the owner of this establishment, this notice has been ordered by the inhabitance of the Raven's Guildhall, and Raven's smith.

Many accusations have been run against your business. An investigation team was dispatched by the investigation bureau, to check on the conditions of the building, the safety of clientele, the quality of products, and various other quality checks required for a floral business.

Many violations were found, and by decree of the king and the investigating bureau, this building is to be scheduled for a renovated within a months' time. Or be torn down and the business shut down. Please sign below your answer.

Thr takes our a black quill pen, with a long black case that contains ink and wrights the following.

To whom it may concern, the concerns regarding my business have been heard, and a renovation team has been hired to take a look at the property. After a week-long process of deliberations and discussions, my business will be torn down and reconstructed to fix all violations and place in new safety measures, to better protect the clientele.

A few minutes go buy when black ink appears on the parchment below Thr's writing.

Thanks for informing the investigation bureau of your plans. Inform us when the design team is sent to your shop for the new construction. At that time, we will send an investigator to check the quality of design and ask about your plans for the new safety measure to see if it is up to standard. Our investigators are soul bound by contract not to disclose any information they receive unless it either pertains to the kingdomes safety or violations of the previous terms.

While the second note contains important info. Hellow Ms. Thr. I hope this note gets to you in a timely manner. First, I would like to stat. Thank you for requesting the services of AR Construction. Our free onsite inspection will go over the following building quality, building size, renovation estimations, and what would best fit your current situation. The building quality is trash. We are quite surprised that this building is still standing. The building size is small but efficient.

Renovation costs of this building can run up to one gold. We recommend tearing down the current structure and reconstruct a new one to better fit the location, which would run up to two gold. Please sign below your answer. While incidents may arise, our professional renovation team will take the time to sit down and go over each step of the plan with you, and if you have any questions or want to change something in the renovation, or rebuild they are willing to stop what they are doing and alter the plan to your requests, do note that doing so may cost more in the end. We look forward to your reply.

Thr then replies to this note. To whom it may concern, I have chosen to work with AR Construction to completely demolish my building and contract a construction and design team through AR Construction to design and build a new floral shop.

A few minutes go buy when black ink appears on the parchment below Thr's writing.

Thank you for choosing AR Constructions, we have received your request and the information regarding the decree by the king, and the investigating bureau has been sent to us. Our design team will be sent to your location tomorrow at 24:00:00 pm-to-30:00:00 Pm. We will also inform the investigation bureau of the time and appointment so that you do not have to worry.

With tears rolling down her face, and a huge smile, she looks out the door of her little shop and spots the family waiting outside of the dragons head, and mouths the words, thank you."

She's so odd, not only did she not thank us personally, shes did so under her breath and far away from us so that no one can notice." Said Samantha."So you heard that as well." Said Eve."So Samantha, what is so important about that flower that it can awaken you?" Asked Ella"It is from an old friend." Says Samantha, who looks off way into the distances lost in thought.