Thr's Past (Ch. 13.) / last chapter

Let us travel back about thirty years when Thr and Kexter were little children.

At this point and time, the flower shop was a small cottage with two stories, where the floor of the cottage was for business, and the upstairs was for residential purposes.

At this time, the flower shop, the blacksmith, the guild, and the dragon's head were not big, but just as popular. The blacksmith is just a simple building with a sign above it called Toms workshop. As for the guild, it is in an even smaller building than the flower shop and is currently known as the raven's croft.

Then finally, we have a small stand across the street that is run by a Dragonborn that sells delectable meals at little to no cost. Each of these businesses, even though small, are each quite popular.

As this is a short story about Thr's past, let us now take a look at what she is currently doing.

In front of us is a little girl, not that much older than seven, and a boy not that much older than she is maybe around ten or eleven. These two children are playing in the small cottage, know as Sunnies flower shop. The boy known as Kexter is currently running after his little sister Thr.

"Stop running Thr. I am only trying to show you something!" Shouted Kexter.

"No, if I stop running, you're going to hit me again!" Shouted Thr.

A rough and manly voice resounds throughout the shop, "Stop it the both of you."

"Yes, Dad." Said both the children.

"What did I tell you two about playing in the shop when we are open for business?" Said the father.

"Not to do so when customers are in the shop, or to do so outside." Said the two children.

"That's right, now what are you two doing now?" Asked the father.

"IHe waswas justtrying tryingto tohit showin Thrthe myhead newwith swordhis skillsnew sword." Said both children.

The father pinches the bridge of his nose and says... "One at a time. Kexter, you go first."

"I was just trying to show Thr my new sword skills." Said Kexter, who was then followed by Thr, saying, "He was trying to hit me in the head with his new sword."

"Kexter, how many times have a told you not to try your new skills on your sister, but the tree out front. As for you, little girl, why did you not go to your mom for help, but ran into the shop?" Asked the father.

As Thr is trying to tell her dad something, "Because mom is with a custo..." she is cut off.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" A screem resounds throughout the street, and shouting can be hured outside of the small shop.

"Where is it?" Asked a woman.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Shouted a man in pain.

"If you keep lying to me, you are going to turn into one of those trees." Said the woman.


The woman walks over to the man who is on the ground writhing in pain and kicks him over to where there are a lot of trees. The man's shouts start to quiet down, and the sound of wood breaking can be heard coming from his body, as it slowly turns into a tree. The woman waits until the process is done, then walks up to the new tree and grabs a flower that is sticking out of it. She then turns back to see a crowd staring at her.

"What, he tried to steal something from our shop without protection, and this is the end result. If any of you are brave enough, come to the shop and steal, because every one of these trees behind me, tried to do the same." Said the woman.

"That and Mom and scarry." Said Thr.

"Agreed." Said Kexter.

"I know." Said the father.

While all of this is happening across the street, chowing down on some food, at the Dragonborn stall, are two hooded figures.

"Is that the flower we were looking for?" Asked hooded figure 1.

"No, that flower turns them into trees, we are looking for the one that can turn them into dragons." Said the 2nd hooded figure.

"Why don't we go in and ask them for it?" Asked figure 1.

"It costs twenty-five gold!" Said figure 2.

"Ohhhhh..." Said figure 1.

The two figures then blend into the dispursing crowds.

Later that day, when the shop is closed, and the family is having a quiet dinner, the father askes his wife. "So why do you think people keep trying to steal our tree flower?"

"Sigh, I don't think they know what flower they are looking for." Said the woman.

"This is happening quite often. They may even think its one of my abilities to turn people into trees, instead of the flowers. They might be after something much more dangerous. It's a good thing we keep those flowers locked away." Said the woman.

"You don't think they can be after one of those bluebells, do you?" Asked the husband.

"No, we have not even sold one of them so far, and no one has ever asked for something so dangerous. It might be one of the transformation flowers, but because they all look the same, they keep grabbing the tree one, hoping its the correct flower." Said the mother.

"But aren't all of those transformation flowers tree forms?" Asked the father.

"Yep." Said the mother.

Both the father and mother stop eating and look at one another, and start to laugh.

Off on the roof of the building lies a little girl, staring off into the stars and pondering over the many questions of life. Like what is life, what is love, why should I care about things like this, and why do others, heavy questions for a little girl her age.

"When I grow up... I want to make this place great. I want to make this shop so great that my brother does not have to be a soldier. I want to build this place so that when I am older, and when I have kids, I can pass it down to them with pride." mused Thr.

About ten years go by in the blink of an eye. The Dragonborn's little stand has become a small restaurant serving to a variety of customers, not just humans or best people, but to all who come for the food. Over the years, some people have come to make trouble with him, but his might and the quality of food drove those people away.

As for the Toms workshop, business was booming. People would funnel into his workshop like no tomorrow for all the goods he sold; however, one day, Tom just disappeared. The guild grew and expanded exponentially, even to the point where they bought out Toms abandoned workshop from the city. Some people thought that foul play was afoot, but no one could really point any fingers in any direction in fear of their lives.

Thr's dad died of old age, while her brother Kexter had finally become an official night. Life was rough after her dad's passing. The business even ran into some problems because of it. The reason being is that Thr's mother was not her mother, but a nanny that her dad had hired after his wife died giving birth, to help raise the children. Nether child new of this, and always accepted her as their mom, but once word got out that he died, rumors started to spread. Eventually, it reached the government's attention, who then sent a representative to visited the family to discuss who is going to pay for the land.

Hours before the representative visited the family. A hooded figure appeared before the man.

"On her orders, this property is to be claimed. If you fail this mission, you and your family will be executed." Said the hooded figure to the representative.

"Is there a time limit?" Asked the representative.

"She only ordered that it needs to be claimed, within twenty years." Said the hooded figure.

"Fine, I will see what I can do, but in situations like this, it may take up to twenty years to cleanly acquire the land." Said the representative.

"I will inform her of the situation and report back any changes." Said the hooded figure who then disappeared.

About an hour passes by. Somewhere in the castle, a hooded figure appeared before a woman. and knelt down. "Reporting to her highness, the representative has been informed and also stated that it might take twenty years to acquire the land cleanly. "

"Very well, but give him as much power he needs to acquire it. I don't care about the process; just the results now get out of my sight." Said the queen.

The hooded figure nodded its head and disappeared from the room and reappeared before the king.

"I'm sorry, Rian, but she is another corrupted one." Said the hooded figure as it removed its hood.

"Seriously, Tom... What did this one do?" Said Rian.

Tom then goes over what has been happening with the queen and the floral shop.

"I see why she is interested in the floral shop, but what I don't understand is why is she helping the ravens. Can you fallow her orders for now and inform me when you get any information that can seriously dethrone her, because as of now its only speculation, and I can't execute her for that even if I trust you more than her." Said Rian.

Five years pass. The corruption continues, and the small floral shop is constantly harassed. Thr's became the owner. Kexter grew and became a fine knight, but each step he takes is with massive pressure, as the queen is actively repressing him. As for the nanny, she was chased out of town from rumors stating she was some kind of evil cultivator who turned her partners into trees and feasted on their souls.

False accusations kept flowing in. Thr is being pushed to the edge, almost losing the shop in the process. If it were not for Kexter becoming a knight, she would have lost it long ago.

Right now, it is the dead of night, and Thr is on the ceiling of her shop staring off into the sky.

"Why did you have to leave when you did. Why did this have to happen to me? Why did you not tell us who mother was? Why did this have to happen to our family? Why. Why? WHY! This is so unfair, god, I know I have not prayed to you, or even believed in you, but if you are out there, why are you doing this to me. Why must my family suffer so many grievances? What happened in the last fifteen years that has caused you to hate me and my family so much that you would allow this to happen? Who am I kidding God? HA more like a devil who created this world as a playground for him to be worshipped as a god, who them just inflicts pain and suffering onto his people, to them be praised, for such acts."

Pausing for a bit in silence, she then continues. "My life is a cycle. I wake up, I pretend I'm ok, I sleep, and I repeat. It is so much safer not to feel, not to let the world touch me. Sometimes I get so sad that it's hard to breathe. So tell me, God? How do you expect me to? Life it seems will fade away. Drifting farther every day. Getting lost within myself. I have lost the will to live..."

A figure then appears in front of Thr.BANG!Darkness enveloped Thr, as her vision grew blurry, as the figure hit her with something on the head.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.

"Is this the one that child is destined to meat?" asked a gentle voice.

"No, the one who that child is destined to meat is heavily guarded. We had little to no choice but to pick this child, because she runs into that child later in life, and has no significant impact on that child's life." Said a hooded figure.

"If she has little impact on that child's life, then why pick her?" Asked the voice from earlier.

"Because she is the only one who owns a floral shop in this world that our decedent will run into, without offending her." Said the hooded figure.

"Very well, but first we must test her. Place that child into a cell with no light, and prepare my favorite clock." Said the gentle voice.

"As you wish, my *****." Said the hooded figure.

Slowly time passes, and Thr starts to wake.~Uhh my head... Where am I? Who was that man who hit me? Why can't I see anything?~ Thought Thr.

Slowly Thr gathered her thoughts and organized herself when a loud ticking enter her ears.









"Is that a clock?" Said Thr in a very hushed voice.

An old and decrepitated voice rang out.

"Time is running out, little one... I offer you two choices of a possible future. Depending on your choice... You will either live a happy life... Or die one full of regrets..."Before Thr, a light shined in the room, revealing an ancient man that looked to be at death's door.

The old man stretched out his left hand slowly. Chanted something under his breath an a light enveloped his palm and revealed a building. He then repeated the process with his other hand.In the old man's left hand was a building that stood tall and sturdy. This building was square and built like a tower. It had many floors and a variety of decorations but looked to be sealed from the outside world. It was cold, Thr even feared it a bit. One of the major notable things about this tower was that it somehow looked like a raven.

While in the old man's right hand was a small building with a large guardian around it, in an odd shape. The building looked like hers, but with one extra floor and up kept, and a few more windows. What intrigued Thr the most, though, was the guardian. When she looked closely, it was not a garden, but neatly arranged tables in a specific pattern. It felt like she was being sucked in when she looked at it.

"Now child make your choice." Said the old man.

Thr unconsciously looked at the two and walked towards the man. Then she reached out her hand and grabbed the house on the right, and pulled it up. She then reached for the tower on the left and combined the two. She then gathered the garden and lined each section of the new building with it.

The old man was surprised, to say the least. He gave her two choices, and both were going to kill her. Eather, she was going to be killed by the ravens guild, and one by the corrupted lotus. Yet this child before him found a solution in little to no time. It may not be the best solution, but one that would work out best in the end. After a few seconds, the old man burst out in laughter.

"Hahaha. Child I gave you two choices why did you make a third?" Asked the old man.

"Because the tower is something my parents would never build or want their dream to become. As for the other option, it was dumb. Who would run a business like that? Do you know how much work it would take to make sure not one of those flowers got stollen? Not only that, but it was designed like a maze." Said Thr.

"Ok ok I get that, but I gave you two choices, are you ignoring my words?" Asked the old man.

"No, you said I offer you two choices of a possible future. Do you know what that means? It means that they were possible what I did was take those two possibilities and make a future I wanted, not one that was forced upon me. You may have chosen me because I was depressed or something like that, but it does not mean that I will throw away my future for something I am sad about. Depression is just another stone on my journey of life; sometimes, it's a colossal mountain; sometimes, it is a little pebble, but I will always get over it. I will always move forward in life. Because that is what I want, what I need, and what I have become, because of my past experiences. So no matter what you do to me here and now, it will not affect the future I want for myself." Said Thr.

"Hahaha, good, good I hope you know the future you chose for yourself is filled with anger, hatred, depression, and a variety of hardships and emotions no normal person can handle. But if you make it, though, you will live a life full of happiness and prosperity." Said the old man.

"That is fine because that is the future I chose for myself, not something someone else has." Said Thr.

"Very well, then. In the future, you will experience heavy suppression, but I will give you one tip and an item." Said the old man who then waved his hands and the buildings dispersed and were then were replaced with a flower.

"This here is a special flower left by someone much, much older than me. Once a day, you must feed it some blood, or it will die. If it dies, so will your future." He then stretched out his hand, and six very blurry figures appeared before Thr. He then continued to speak. "I do not know how long these people will take to reach you, but once they do, they will be the first customers to ever ask about that flower. If you want that future, you build for yourself, sell it to them."

As Thr reached for the flower, she became frail and felt a bit sick. She then collapsed onto the floor.

She then woke up sometime later with a flower and a note on her chest.

The note contained a warning. Do not anger them. Then the not turned to dust to never be seen again.

Deep in the outer reaches of space on a ship far far away, an energy signal is detected.

"Comander, comander Set we have found them!" randome soldure.

"Where are those filthy creatures?" Set

"They are located within a four-armed spiral galaxy." random solder.

"They are F**** N*** to be in a spiral galaxy!" Set

"Hmmm... What should we do? we cant enter a spiral galaxy with a tear 3 castor that would tear us to shreds..." Set

"Why don't we wipe it?" random solder.


"None sir, it's a dead galaxy with only one inhabited planet, we could say that the central matrix of the galaxy was collapsing in on itself and the only way for us to get out of there was to wipe it." random solder.

"That's not a bad idea... Scan the galaxy again and double-check the status of life and the tear of their highest technology." Set

"Yes commander." randome soldure.

30 minutes later.

"Reporting comander the scans are done." randome soldure.

"As said before this is a dead galaxy. we have discovered 30 livable systems and only 5 planets that can sustain life. out of those 5 planets only one sustains life. the highest their technology their civilization can create is very limited. to the point that they can't even travel in space. however thair system is close to the center of the galaxy, slowing down their time dilation by 50,000 years a second." random solder.


"YES COMMANDER!" all soldiers on the ship.