[Lance Gabriel Lawson's Point-of-View]

"What do you mean 'removed'? I was really born without it." I said as I reach for a jar of strawberry jam.

"Oh, believe me Lance!" I sighed as I heard my best friend; Tom doing tantrums again.

"If you end up being a single for the rest of your life, don't blame me." Tom said and I chuckle.

"I'm not scared."


"I'm not scared. Why should I be?" I spread the strawberry jam at the bread before eating it.

"Take that back stupid boy!"

"Why would I?" I asked him and he glared at me.

"You'll regret it!"

"I won't" I say as I munch on my sandwich. "Look at Uncle Bill, he's single but he's rich and happy!"

Uncle Bill is one of my father's friends.

"Yeah, he may be happy but he's not contented."

I rolled my eyes. "A human can never be contented with what they have, Tom."

I laughed when Tom opened his mouth but no words came out. He doesn't probably know what to say anymore or he run out of things to say. Speechless? Yup, that better. I just ate my sandwich before going upstairs to my room.

I really don't care about that 'love life' issue. I don't bother myself in such thing compared to other people that are way too excited to have a relationship and end up getting hurt. I don't know but I think that's one of the reasons why I still don't have a girlfriend. But in all honesty, there's nothing wrong about it, (right?). I'm still young and like they say; "Life has still so many for me to offer".

I care less to things.

So even if you throw a lot of girls at me, I wouldn't budge.

Plus, I believe 'The less you care… the lesser chance you'll get hurt.' Even though it broke me once but… never mind. I might just end up hurting myself if I care about it.

I took a glance at Tom. Me and Tom have a lot of similarities and at the same time we also have a lot of differences. We're both carefree, that's what I can say. (Also a spoiled brat.) We have issues and disorders. But there are things that we really don't get along well. And one example – a perfect example is love life.



"Are you sure you don't want to have a girl friend?" I stopped eating and glared at him.

"Have you really not heard me?"

"I'm just kidding!" Tom suddenly laughed. "I was just asking though."

"I'm telling you. N.O" I said.

"Okay." I heard him sigh and got up from the couch at the living room.

"Just don't regret if ever… you know." I heard him say before going to his own room.

I was about to follow him since I felt something odd but my phone suddenly rang. I sighed and went inside my room.

'Father calling…'



Uh-oh. That's father's strict tone. And when I say strict – I mean really strict. I gulped and comprehended if there was something I did that will make him mad. I don't really like this side of father. It's very scary. 'Think Lance. Think.' Did I do something wrong? As long as I can remember I didn't do anything, (right?)

"Yes, Dad?" I gulped.

["I heard some news about you."] News? About me?

"About what, Dad?"

["I heard that you're applying for a job?"]

"Ah! Dad…"

["Am I not doing my job, Lance?] Oh crap. ["Is your allowance not enough that you are suffering and applied for a job? I can't believe this."]

I brushed my hair back. I'm dead. If you are wondering what Dad is talking about, it's about the job I applied to last week. It's actually a job I really 'really' like. I wanted to work as an artist. I like arts since I like drawing and other stuff related to arts. That's why I have a lot of Korean and Japanese mangas (comic book) here in my room.

"Dad, it's just – I'm going to draw here and there and – "


I sighed. Explaining my reason to him will be unacceptable since he'll think I'm just wasting my time. But, let's give it a shot, shall we? "I just want to draw, Dad. I want to be known –"

["But this is not what I want for you, son. That's not even related to our business. And how can you make a living out of drawing such piece?"]

I bit my lower lip. I wanted to shout and defend my side – the side where I'm happy. But I know it'll be useless since he's too good at debating things which is one of the reasons why I choose to shut up.

["You don't need a job like that, Lance. Focus and finish your studies."]

"But Dad, I'm studying. I've been focusing on my studies and I have a schedule so please, at least allow this."

["No. I'm pulling off your resume to that company and that's final. When I say NO, it means NO. Bye."]


He hung up. I sighed. Great! Just great! I sat at my bed and just ate my sandwich that I prepared earlier. So annoying. Why can't he just let me get what I want? At least for once? It's always about him. It's always his decision. But this is my life and yet I don't feel like it's mine. I'm a good son but I just don't get why can't he let me be?

"Everything okay, bro?" I looked at Tom. He smiled comfortingly and I smiled back – letting him know I'm okay even though I'm not.

"Uh… I'm going out with Andrew. Want to come?" I shook my head – refusing his offer.

"I'm good." I said and he nodded before leaving.

I took a deep breath and let my mind come to its senses. Right, its first day of class tomorrow. A new semester for us. Our third semester as college students. The start of our sophomore year and I'm glad I'm still alive despite the struggles because of what course I took.

Business Ad.

Because of my great dad! (Note the sarcasm.)

And to relieve my stress, I decided to clean the whole apartment that me and Tom shares. I started unpacking my belongings. Then when I'm done with my room, next was the kitchen then the living room. When I finished cleaning, Tom hasn't arrived yet so knowing he has a spare key, I locked the front door and went to my room, took a shower and sleep.
