[Thomas 'Tom' Osbert Lee's Point-of-View]

"Are you sure about this?" Andrew asked me as we enter the mall.

"I'm sure about this."

"Please tell me why are we doing this again?" Andrew asked and I halt to my steps and turn to him.

"Lance is like our brother. We need him to have a girl friend again so that he could have someone to lean onto even for a short time. So that Lance could go back the way he was." I said as we continue to walk.

Don't get me wrong. I have no bad intention towards Lance. I just want him to be happy again, like he used to be. If it isn't because of that b*tch then he wouldn't be in this kind of state. I know Lance for like my whole life. He may be ignorant and cold at times but deep inside, if he lets his guard down – you'll see a different side of him. And I know having a special someone that can make Lance happy and replace that girl can help him forget about her.

When we reached our destination, I went to the counter and asked the beautiful lady.

"Hello, sir. What can I do for you?" she asked with her loving voice. Wait? What? Ah, I'm losing track. Keep your focus Tom.

"Hello, we're here to inquire about the –"the girl didn't let me finish as she gave us a sign to follow her.

The venue was crowded as we saw a lot of men going crazy in a stall. I think they have a free trial or demo or something.

"Please come in and talk to our manager. She'll let you know the details." She smiled as she opened the door before leaning next to my ear before saying "You should be careful since she's not in a good mood." Before leaving.

When we entered, there we saw a young lady sitting at her swivel chair. It was just like a normal office with certificates hanging on the wall and etc.

"Hello and Good afternoon. Please take a seat." She said and I gulped. Why does her voice sound so familiar?

We took our seats and that's when I got a clearer vision of her. But where have I seen her face?

"I'm Princess Maggie Hill – manager of Single for Rent Incorporated. What can I do for you?" she smiled and I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful face. Sharp nose, pinkish and uneven lips, beady eyes and cheeks. I wonder if she has a –

"Sir?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Andrew tapped my shoulder. He gave me the 'what-the-hell-are-you-waiting-for' look.

"Um… I – our friend actually has an experience of being heartbroken and can't seem to move on so –"

"Ah! You mean like a rebound?" her smile still plastered on her lips and her eyes staring back to mine.

"Yes, I mean no. We just want him to move on from his ex-"

She chuckled a bit. "I understand, sir." She said before showing us the list of girls with their pictures. "Choose from the list and she'll be yours or well – in your case, his… unless you want to get one too."

Me and Andrew looked and analyzed each girl and one caught my attention.

"I see." I heard the manager say. "She's the best among the best. You have probably good taste for your friend." Nope. I think she just suits him.

"She's available as for now. Is she your final decision?" she asked as she taps her pen at the table.

"Yes." I say without hesitation. I know she'll be the right one for Lance.

"Hm? Now, shall we discuss the contract?" her smile widened and I couldn't help but wish if she could be rented as a girl friend too.


[Lance Gabriel Lawson's Point-of-View]

I woke up being disturbed by the doorbell. Ugh. I wonder who it is. Tch. I looked at the clock and its – 7:00 in morning. My class starts by 10:00. Like seriously? Do visitors visit at this time?

Lifelessly, I stood up from the bed and walked until I reached the front door. Where the hell is Tom anyways? I shrugged. As if that man ever wakes up early in the morning. I didn't even bother looking at the mirror. Who cares? So that the 'visitor' can know that he/she disturbed someone's sleep.

I opened the door and – whoa.

An unfamiliar very beautiful young lady who seems to be the same age as me wearing tight jeans and a blue hanging blouse stood in front of me.

"Good morning."

Regret. Yup, regret is the first thing I encounter right now. Why didn't I bother looking at the mirror? I don't mind about my looks because I know I'm handsome enough (overconfident are we?) but still, it can ruin such a reputation. I felt like eating and swallowing a whole light bulb when I saw her smile. She looks like an angel. I must say… she's quite tall (but I'm still taller) and have I said that she's like a goddess?

But who am I kidding?


"Who are you?" I asked with a cold tone.

"No good morning?" she chuckled.

"What's good in the morning anyways?" I answered in a 'duh' tone.

"Cold are we?" she said and I looked at her. She's still smiling. Can't she feel that I'm not interested at all?

"Who are you?" I asked again.

"I'm Candice." Okay?

"What are you doing here?" I asked but it came out like a statement.

"I'm looking for Lance Gabriel Lawson." She's looking for me? But why? I don't remember meeting her heck, I don't even know her.

"What is your business with him?" I asked.

"I'm his girlfriend." She said smiling sweetly.

And me? I'm panicking. When did she and I meet? And what? Girlfriend?