Chapter 26: Rocky Road

Ye Tian looked around his house, a similar replica to the past. Fabric doused the meager amount of furniture in white, but the color didn't matter as the windows were tightly sealed and no light could bypass the walls. From the open door, the only source of light illuminated the floor with Ye Tian's silhouette blocking a portion of the light.

Walking up to the table, he reached out in a daze and felt the sensation of a hard surface, mitigated by the existence of a dust sheet. Immediately after, Ye Tian snapped out his stupor and shook his head with a smile.

_What am I doing? I'm only going to be gone for a few months._

Suddenly, a chirp rang out from Ye Tian's back. He turned to see a 3-feet tall sparrow land with its beak holding onto a giant bag. The sparrow used its beak to take out a bamboo slip for Ye Tian and left to make more deliveries. This courier, windreaver sparrow, was one of the demon beasts that were raised by the sect to perform certain tasks.

Ye Tian picked up the bamboo slip and smiled.

_Just in time._


On a mountain's peak, a group of cultivators could be seen waiting beside a gigantic, orange-red eagle, with a wingspan of hundreds of yards. These cultivators wore the Rising Phoenix sect's robes, but there was one major difference.

The golden phoenix insignia on the back of the red robes was much larger and exaggerated with the phoenix claiming its domain to the very edges of the robes. If the insignia was previously a docile and chained phoenix then currently it had experienced a fiery awakening.

These were the rank two inscribed robes that were tailor-made for the Soaring Heroes competition. By their sides, most of the disciples hung newly-made weapons from quicksilver ore, and, on these weapons, rank two inscriptions filled the surface and spread all the way to the handle.

This was a battle for the sect's honor and reputation. Anything was fair game.

There was no difference between the wear of normal disciples and disciples of elders. They were all brothers in arms that were ready to fight for their sect's honor. Most of them were enthusiastically chatting about the upcoming competition.

Meanwhile, a lady, with long black hair, standing on top of the eagle, gloomily looked out into the distant steps that descended down the mountain. She wore similar robes to the disciples except her phoenix insignia had a large, visible crown. With each passing moment, the lady's brows furrowed more and more in frustration.

Beside her, the disciples slowly inched away in fear of an explosion.

Soon, a figure could be seen approaching the peak by climbing the steps. This person wore similar robes to the lady, but his hands were covered in thin gloves and his face was covered with a black mask that only showed his red eyes.

Once the man arrived, the lady exploded, "You're late!"

"Sorry, I was caught up in some… things," Ye Tian apologized. After all, anyone would be angry at someone who was late, especially when he was extremely late by hours.

With a snort, the lady turned towards the rest of the disciples, "Board the Solar Eagle!"

While everyone rushed to line up, Ye Tian walked over to his disciples and handed over a bamboo slip to Lu Ning.

"This is?" Lu Ning asked in confusion.

"I bought a water element cultivation technique. It took a while, but it got here in time."

At Lu Ning's side, Zhang Qiang looked over his shoulder with wide-eyes, "What the hell! Boss, what about me?!"

Ye Tian snorted, "What do you need one for? You only have some basic abilities that accept any type of qi. Just use your Rising Phoenix Cultivation Technique like your senior martial sister."

Lu Ning looked down at the technique named: Flood Dragon Cultivation Technique. Just like the Rising Phoenix Cultivation Technique, the Flood Dragon Cultivation Technique was also of the superior earth rank.

Lu Ning almost teared up, "Master… I can't take this."

"You need to cultivate water qi to effectively use your Rainstorm Sword Arts. Besides, I've already spent a lot. If you want to thank me then get a high rank in this competition. My disciples are not allowed to be… weak," Ye Tian gave a quick glance to Zhang Qiang who teared up with a different emotion.

Suddenly, Lu Lan, who had been quiet at the side, gave a rare smile, "Little Ning, just take it. I'm sure you will soar even higher with the technique."

Lu Ning was hesitant but made up his mind. In the future, if he can break through to the elemental stage then he will have to eventually switch to a water element cultivation technique or give up the Rainstorm Sword Arts. When qi corresponds to the ability's element, the ability can not only be executed with qi flowing easier throughout the body but also amplified in power.

"Thank you, master!"

The three disciples then proceeded to board the Solar Eagle along with the rest of the disciples. Ye Tian was about to follow them, but a delicate hand grabbed his back. He turned to see the earlier lady, elder Ji Xuan, elder Ji's eldest daughter, with her cold, stone face.

"You're going to be under my watch."

Like a prisoner, Ye Tian was walked to the front of the Solar Eagle's back.

Once everyone was on the Solar Eagle's back, it spread its wings and took off. The sheer size of the demon beast allowed the 20-30 disciples to have their personal space.

This was going to a month-long journey to the provincial capital, so the disciples cultivated or socialized to pass time.

Elder Ji Xuan was of the former as she sat down beside Ye Tian to cultivate. However, Ye Tian couldn't cultivate because of his condition, so he took out a book to pass time. It was a hobby that he indulged in often as there was little entertainment in this world, and knowledge was a prerequisite to conducting more advanced research into cultivation anyways.


As dusk was approaching, Ji Xuan opened her eyes and looked at Ye Tian who was still reading. Her fine brows were slightly furrowed since she had put some of her attention on Ye Tian with her spiritual sense as she cultivated.

"Elder Ye Tian, cultivation is far more important than reading nonsensical books."

Without looking up, Ye Tian responded, "Knowledge is power."

Ji Xuan had seen the books that Ye Tian had read, "You are reading the books of madmen and mortals."

This time, Ye Tian confronted Ji Xuan, "Their theories about cultivation have value even if they are the ideas of madmen. Looking from their perspectives, you can see from a whole new world."

"You are mad."

Ye Tian returned to reading his book, "Well, only madmen can understand madmen."

Not caring about Ye Tian anymore, Ji Xuan used her spiritual sense for its second function, transmitting thought. When used this way, spiritual sense doesn't send words but rather compresses thought and delivers it to others.

Recipients have natural fortifications that would repel spiritual sense thus recipients can choose to accept or reject the message.

This form of communication is uncommon as the usage of spiritual sense can mentally drain a cultivator and most are more comfortable speaking with the mouth.

Ji Xuan used her spiritual sense to tell the Solar Eagle to find a spot to land for the night. Although elemental realm cultivators don't need to sleep, the disciples onboard do need sleep.

Soon, everyone had set up camp in an open area that was in a forest and a mile away from a crystal clear lake.


Lu Lan approached the lake while looking around. It was dark, but the moonlight lit up the surface of the water.

There was no one.

She didn't want to bathe with the other women at the same time, so she had waited. Now that everyone was done, it was her alone time. Lu Lan undressed and waded into the lake to clean herself. The water was cold but that didn't matter to a cultivator. Instead, it felt cool like a gentle breeze of wind.

Soon after, Lu Lan heard a rustle in the bushes which caused her to quickly wade over in a panic to the shore where her clothes and weapon lay.

But she was too slow.

Lu Lan gave an angry glare towards the direction of the noise, but, as soon as she saw who it was, her glare softened.

A young woman, in phoenix robes, with long black hair, walked out of the bushes and froze as her eyes lay upon Lu Lan's body. She had similar thoughts to Lu Lan, but, as both interests collided, neither of them could get alone time.

The allocated time for the women to bathe was running out too.

Without any choice, the young woman sighed, "Excuse me."

She then proceeded to undress herself and wade into the water to clean herself. The two women looked into opposite directions while doing their business.

But more rustling soon came from the bushes.

This time it was accompanied by growls.


Ye Tian put down his book and walked out of his tent. Beside his tent, Ji Xuan also walked out of hers. They looked at each other's appearance which was a silent confirmation of what was to come.

"Rank 2?" Ji Xuan asked.

"Should be. There's no other reason why they wouldn't avoid our Solar Eagle."

The two looked towards the campfire where the disciples sat around to eat and talk. The solar eagle had nested itself besides the fire with some disciples cuddling up to its side. Occasionally, the solar eagle would be fed some food and let out a sound of joy.

Suddenly, the Solar Eagle's head snapped to attention and looked around the forest with wariness.

The disciples had obviously also felt something was wrong by watching the Solar Eagle and seeing the elders out in the open.

"Everyone, prepare your weapons!" Ji Xuan took command and sent out her spiritual sense to the Solar Eagle who took to flight. The gust of wind from take-off almost extinguished the campfire.

Ji Xuan gave the next commands, "Gather together! Form a circle!"

Although confused, the disciples knew that this was serious and they soon formed a circle around the campfire, the only source of light.

Everyone tensed their bodies and looked out into the dark forest with their weapons in hand.

No one made a sound and a deadly silence swept over the camp. But this suffocating atmosphere soon ended as the assailants revealed themselves from the dark.


Although they were of normal size, the four eyes and excess saliva told otherwise. The half-moon mark on their foreheads shone with vibrant moonlight.

Once they showed themselves, the wolves rushed towards the group like a sweeping wave filled with wolves. At the very least, there were at least a hundred of them charging.

'Unknown: Lance'

A gigantic black-red lance conjured out of nowhere and immediately impaled a wolf like a skewer. The lance swung to throw the dead wolf aside before stabbing another one to death. With every step forward, Ye Tian killed another wolf.

Soon, the main course of the night arrived.

A giant silhouette leapt towards Ye Tian from behind the pack.

The spear repositioned for the enemy to skewer itself, but, with a blinding flash of moonlight, the silhouette was already behind Ye Tian.

A streak of blue lightning came from the side and temporarily stunned the enemy.

Ye Tian quickly distanced himself from the attacker and took a good look at what it was.

A giant, silver wolf with three heads, each with a full moon mark on the forehead, growled in pain as sparks of lightning streaked across its fur.

Ji Xuan rushed up to attack the wolf with a sword of lightning while the wolf was still stunned. However, right before she made contact, Ji Xuan was sent flying by an unexpected bolt of black-red qi from Ye Tian.

The three-headed wolf let out an explosion of moonlight that enveloped itself and the surroundings.

Once the light cleared, the grass around the wolf was burnt to a crisp. Meanwhile, the three heads were panting.

The failed attack had taken a toll.

The three heads snapped their focus to Ye Tian. It was this man who had foiled their act.

Before the wolf could act, it was suddenly drowned in a sea of fire.

The Solar Eagle had swooped down and delivered a breath of fire. Without giving any room to breathe, the Solar Eagle bore its claws and quickly swooped down again to grab the wolf.

The eagle succeeded.

All three heads of the wolf squealed in horror and its body squirmed in resistance, but everything quickly went silent once he was thrown from the skies.

Upon hearing the death cry of their leader, the wolf pack immediately began to disperse while being picked off by the disciples. Such an ambush was utterly unacceptable. And if it wasn't for Ji Xuan's command to stop then some of the disciples may have even chased after the remnant wolves.

Ye Tian walked off into the forest, "I'll go harvest the three-headed wolf."

A rank two demon beast, like rank one demon beasts, was more powerful than normal elemental stages, thus hard to get and also precious.

Ji Xuan nodded at Ye Tian's decision and went to check the disciples who were now making a ruckus.

"Wow! Martial brother Lu Ning is so powerful!"

"Oh my god! He single-handedly ended three of the wolves!"

"Thanks for saving my life, martial brother Lu Ning!"

The voices of both men and women alike were squealing while surrounding Lu Ning. Meanwhile, Zhang Qiang tried to hold back his laughter at Lu Ning who awkwardly stood there with no idea how to deal with this newfound fame.

Eventually, Ji Xuan had to come in and break up the group, so the hardcore fans can tend to their own wounds. After checking all the disciples, Ji Xuan felt something was wrong.

'Wait, where's Rose?! And we're also missing another one! There's no way Rose died to these dumb wolves! Where is she?!'

By now, Ye Tian had walked back after collecting the materials while the Solar Eagle had landed in its original spot by the campfire.

Ji Xuan frantically rushed up to Ye Tian and questioned, "Have you seen a girl? She has long, black hair like me. Uhh, she's slightly shorter than me."

Suddenly, Lu Ning had also run up to Ye Tian, "Master! Senior martial sister is missing! Have you seen her?!"

But after seeing Ye Tian shake his head, Ji Xuan and Lu Ning ran around while questioning the female and male disciples when a confused voice rang out.

"Master? What are you doing?" questioned a young woman in phoenix robes whose leg was limp and covered with blood. By her side, Lu Lan helped this lady walk.

"Rose!" Ji Xuan shouted out in relief.

"Senior martial sister!" Lu Ning ran up to hug Lu Lan tightly. "I thought you died!"

Once Lu Lan helped Rose to Ji Xuan's tent, everyone curiously gathered inside. While Ji Xuan tended to Rose's bite wound on the leg, Lu Ning and Ji Xuan asked at the same time, "What happened?"

"The wolves attacked us at the lake and Rose wounded herself after she pushed me away from an attack," explained Lu Lan. "Sorry."

Rose shook her head, "It's fine."

"What is going on..." Ji Xuan muttered.

"It should be because of the recent chaos. The demon beasts may have broken out of their forests." analyzed Ye Tian.

Ji Xuan's brows furrowed, "It's this bad?"

"Seems so," Ye Tian looked at the entrance of the tent. "Looks like this journey won't be easy."