Chapter 27: Budding

In an extravagant room, all of the furniture was made of the finest wood and jade. The lavish materials were further highlighted by the many carvings and ornamental inscriptions that could send onlookers into a daze with the infinite patterns. Oddly enough, even the walls seemed to be covered with these inscriptions, although they seemed to serve a separate purpose from architectural designs.

By a barred window, a white-robed young lady, unfazed by material wealth, sat on a cold, jadeite bench and looked out the window, or at least tried to. The black gauze that was wrapped around her eyes had prevented any light from entering. Even if it didn't, she still couldn't see.

To her left, a locked door was opened, and a middle-aged man in purple robes walked in. He emotionlessly looked at the young lady and softly asked, "What's next?"

Seeing no response from the lady, the purple-robed man walked closer and spoke in a graver tone this time. His voice cracked slightly which betrayed his anxiety, but there was also a tinge of excitement.

"What do I do next?"

He waited for a response, and, when he didn't get any, he strode over to the young lady and grabbed her. Without much resistance, she was pulled to face the man whose eyes penetrated into her own to see what was on her mind.

The man's towering figure looked down at the much shorter, thinner lady. Her frail body almost seemed to be crushed by the man's hands, an asset of his burly body.

He was not going away without an answer, "Tell me."

There was no answer.

"Tell me!"

Finally, at the brink of the man's rage, the young lady spoke, "Sire, you must shatter the foreboding alliance that threatens your ambitions."

The man's expression softened but soon grew confused, "The sects? But why? They are weak."

"Sire, you do not know the true power of the sects and what they truly mean."

The man snorted loudly, "I would love to see what power some mere hermits can have."

He looked down at the delicate, young lady and gently caressed her face as if she was pure gold, "I'm sorry I got so aggressive."

"Sire, I am forever loyal to you."

The man nodded and smiled with an awkward hint of kindness, but he quickly realized that the lady was blind. Feeling like a fool, he silently cursed and walked out the door.


The door was locked again.

Still standing there, the white-robed lady was faced with the daunting task of feeling her way back to the bench. Yet, she effortlessly went back to sitting on the bench and staring out into the open.

"You are getting closer," she whispered.


'What the...'

Zhang Qiang's mouth was agape as the provincial capital, Di Yi city, of the Di Yi province, drew closer. As a poor city guard, he had never been to the provincial capital. After all, that type of journey took funds and didn't guarantee a well-paying job in the capital.

Meanwhile, Lu Lan and Lu Ning were unimpressed. They had been here multiple times when their Lu clan was still in prominence. Today, they were here without the backing of the clan, yet it was far more exciting to get so far by themselves.

Ye Tian merely took a glance before going back to his book.

_As expected, the provincial capital is basically an infinite expanse of buildings…_

As the Solar Eagle flew over the many streets and districts, Ye Tian grew even more confident in his conclusion that this city had surpassed the New York city of his old world. Soon, the Solar Eagle had landed in one of the public landing sites. Although beast mounts were not too uncommon, the Solar Eagle's size and aura still won many gazes over.

The power of a sect shone brilliantly.

All the disciples marched off of the Solar Eagle with their chests sticking out. As one of the big four sects in the province, they had the capability to freely strut around. Their eye-catching garments and weapons made every bystander gawk and whisper about the Rising Phoenix sect.

Ji Xuan sent out a spiritual sense message towards the Solar Eagle who transformed into a baby eagle that was the size of a few inches. Perched on Ji Xuan's shoulder, this Solar Eagle had performed one of the many abilities available to rank 2 demon beasts, transformation. A rank two demon beast could freely shapeshift between their original size and mini size, although the latter was uncomfortable.

While the Solar Eagle was performing this act, a servant had already run over.

"The Rising Phoenix sect, right? Follow me to your quarters."

"Have the other sects arrived?" Ji Xuan asked.

"Yes, the Rising Phoenix sect is the 3rd to arrive," the servant respectfully replied.

Without any further words, the group was led through the busy streets of Di Yi city to the Rising Phoenix quarters. This designated area was essentially a giant courtyard with rooms surrounding the open area.

Eying this open area, Ye Tian smiled under his mask. This was a garden with plentiful flora and some benches. It was going to be the perfect environment for reading.

The competition to flesh out weaklings was beginning in a week or two, and the true Soaring Heroes competition would begin a few more weeks after that. As a result, most of the disciples, including Ye Tian's disciples, were interested in going window shopping and exploring this city.

Zhang Qiang shouted with excitement, "Lu Ning! Let's go buy some combat abilities!"

"I think you're better off buying a non-existent weapon that will win you the Soaring Heroes competition..." Lu Ning sighed while wondering why Zhang Qiang just wouldn't listen to Ye Tian's training suggestions. "Senior martial sister, let's go buy some local delicacies and souvenirs."

Lu Lan nodded. Perhaps this was a chance for her to blow off some steam. However, before Lu Ning and Zhang Qiang started to leave, Lu Lan stopped them, "Hold on."

The two looked at her in confusion as she walked towards Rose who was sitting beside Ji Xuan and Ye Tian on the garden benches.

Rose and Lu Lan met eyes as both parties went into silence for a moment. Finally, Lu Lan picked up the courage to speak, "Want to go out shopping with us?"

Having never dealt with others, Rose looked at Lu Lan with visible confusion before turning to her master with assistance. Ji Xuan immediately agreed, "Yes, she'll go with you guys. This poor lass needs to learn how to deal with people. I hope you guys can take care of her."

The baby Solar Eagle on Ji Xuan's shoulder let out a cry in agreement before flying onto Rose's shoulder.

Since her pillar of support had spoken, Rose got up to leave with Lu Lan and the others. Soon, the four disappeared out of the eyesight of Ji Xuan. As for Ye Tian, he was still reading and seemed as if he didn't care.

_It'd be best if Lu Lan can recover by surrounding herself with friends._

He silently summarized and looked up at Ji Xuan.

"Why are you sitting here?"

Ji Xuan got into a lotus position on the bench, "I'm watching over you. Don't forget that you are still a suspicious person."

"Our previous life and death battles in the journey don't prove anything?"

"So long as you are donning that mask. I still don't know who you truly are."

Ye Tian felt his cold, hard mask for a moment.

"You're not going to watch over me the entire time right?"

"I am."

"Even to the restrooms?"

"We cultivators don't use restrooms!"

"Yes, we have extreme constipation."

For a moment, Ji Xuan couldn't help but feel that this journey was going to be a very long one. Seeing no response from Ji Xuan's stone, cold face, Ye Tian picked up his book and went back to reading.

_Looks like this journey is going to be a very long one._