Chapter 25

I looked around at the dark trees as Hagrid led us into the forest.

Hagrid- "There look!"

Turning our heads we saw the sight of a silver substance that had seemed to have dripped around everywhere. It looked quite beautiful.

Hagrid- "That's unicorn blood, what were going to do is find that poor thing and...and put it out of it's misery if necessary."

I noticed Draco frantically glancing around at the corner of my eye and rolled my eyes.

Adam- "Well be fine we got Fang and Ruby."

I pointed my thumb to the firebird who was asleep in my pocket.

Hagrid Nodded

Hagrid- "Like Adam said, their is no way you'll be hurt with fang or me around."

He puffed his chest up and had said with resolution.

Which didn't at all seemed to ease Draco a bit.

Hagrid- "Righ' now though we are going to split into two parties and follow the trail into different directions."

Adam- "Do you mind if. Rose and I take fang?"

I said this to make Rose feel a bit better as I sensed that she was nervous as she stuck to me like glue eyeing the shadows warily under her bangs.

Maybe this would make her feel more comfortable.

Hagrid- "That's fine but I warn yer, Fang's a coward."

I shrugged

Adam- "We Still have Ruby if things go south."

Hagrid- "Very well"

He then turned his attention towards the rest of us and said.

Hagrid- " Hermione Neville and Draco you guys with me, Ruby, Adam, and Rose. you guys with fang."


For about an half an hour we had walked in utter silence.

Fang had jumped everytime something. shifted in the shadows while ruby looked to my surprise to be in a chirpy mood. although she occationaly stop to look at what ever it was that was in the shadows nothing had seemed to faze her.

Adam -"Welp, she seems happy."

Rose- "Yeah..."

Rose's emerald green eyes danced around at the shadow to what's in front of her warily every couple of seconds.

A couple of minutes for what seemed like eternity passed, we had finally managed to come to a clearing.

Rose suddenly gasp as she pointed at the center with her left while covering her mouth with her right hand.

Rose- "Look"

It was an unnecessary geusture as the object in the center was shining very brightly.

A unicorn.

It was beautiful I had never seen anything like. it upclose. It looked as if it was desperately trying to cling to life it laied in a pool of Silver blood as it's eyes darted towards us becoming fearful.

Rose dashed towards the unicorn almost immediately abandoning all sense of being discreet.

I followed Rose down into the clearing unshething my wand from my pocket. and switching it to Sheild mode more specifically captain America's vibranium. one. ready for the inevitable.

unfortunately I was not ready enough.

I barely managed to block a spell that was sent to my back by the skin of my teeth.

I underestimated how powerful the spell was and ended up sending me sliding back.

My wand instantly shifted to a Lightsaber handle from star wars.

I pushed my magic into it making the light saber form before cutting. another spell that was sent towards me in half, making it sail past me and hit the ground elicting another boom sound.

???- " Impressive " a cold voice said from behind me maki me snap my neck to see quierlmort standing behind me in all his glory with a cruel smirk on his face.

My face changed no longer was I holding any emotion as all that I had gathered and threw away I would not fear someone who names himself runs away from death and spoke very calmly.

Adam- "Hello Voldemort"