Chapter 26

Queirlmort squinted his eyes at me before they widened

Queirlmort- "Your not.. afraid."

Adam- "Should I be?"

Quierlmort- "You know of me do you not?"

Adam- "Voldemort yes"

Quierlmort- "Then you should be afraid."

Adam- " Why?"

Quierlmort.- "Because I'm Lord voldemort!'

Adam- "I still don't know-"

He growled as his irritation levels reached to new heights.

Quierlmort- "I am the strongest darklord to ever live killer of Wizards Lord of the dark. I. am. VOLDE FUCKING MORT!'

Adam- " You are run from death?"

Quierlmort- "What?"

Adam- "That's what it means right?"

Queirlmort- "What?".

Adam-" here, hold on a minute."

Queirlmorts eye twiched as My lightsaber switched to an Android and I started googling his name. Once I found the answer I put itt to his face so he can read.

Adam- "See?"

Voldemort was getting angrier and angrier by the second. Adam was playing the ignorant fool he pulled his phone back and smirked at him.

Adam-"It says it right here, so tell me why should I fear a guy who names himself running from death."

Queirlmort finally snapped.

Queirlmort- "Die!"

The phone swiched back to the sheild just in time for Queirlemort to launch a furry of. stunners and killing curses at me.

Jk you have seriously fucked me up today for thinking that voldemort was at the same strength as the movies and books I should of known he was stronger considering this is a marvel crossover universe...I wonder if he is some type of evil demigod or something.

Was what I thought as I was being pushed back several feet against the several trees.

Adam- " Ach!" I groaned as my head hit the tree and my vison became a blurry

Qeuirlmort- " Very impressive, what's your name boy."

I felt something probe into my mind but something happened making him jerk right back.

"Queirlmort "- Impressive occumency for a boy your age to think it prevented me from entering your mind.... tell me why don't you come and serve me."

I silently thanked whatever thing that was out their that made. me think about that wish

Adam- "Hell no".

Queirldemort- "And why not?"

I gave a weak chuckle

Adam- "Because I am a black and blacks bow to no one I would rather die than to serve a person who doesn't even use his full name, much less have a terrible naming sense like run from death"

Queirldemort Scowled.

Queirldemort- "So be it then"

Queirldemort- "Avad-


a female's voice was heard followed by an angry screech.

Queirlmort--"ahh miss Pott-"

I couldn't see what exactly cut him off, the last thibgl I could hear was an angry bird like screech and saw Ruby's shadow as she soared at him at high speeds followed by a massive Firey Supernova explosion before everything went dark.

Milk is milk and unless you milk that milk always milk the milk because milking that milk is what makes that milk milk. never milk that milk unless you can milk that milk

Happy Mlk day people and peace.