Chapter 27

My eyes slowly fluttered opened Groaning before glancing around. My throat throbbed viciously every couple of seconds. I tried to move but that was chosen to be a bad Idea as my head started throbbing even more and my muscles were protesting. My mind went on to what had transpired earlier and thought to myself...

Adam- "Man, what an experience."

While I had glanced around I had spotted Rose passed out on the chair beside me her head on the left side of the bed her mouth open and her tongue dangling out. a bit of drool sliding. down the corner of her mouth.

I smiled softly and ruffled her head. She looked so cute.

because my action had made caused too much pain I decided it would be better if I had layed down as well and get some sleep.

I had thought back over to my battle with queirlmort and was disappointed in myself. I was arrogant, and stupid, Voldemort was a powerful wizard with decades of experience was a bad move, especially since this is a crossover universe. I was seriously underestimating my opponent, and it will not happen again.

I looked at the girl fondly I wonder How long she has been here.

???- "she hasn't left your side since you got here."

I looked up to see madam pomphrey gazing at me with a small smile eyes filled with concern.

Adam- "how long was she?" was what I managed My throat was still very dry

Pomphrey-"You've been out for about a day... The cause was a combination of Magical exhaustion and circulas exposure Something I believe the headmaster will want a word about"

She placed a tray down besides me waving her wand arm while clicking her tongue as she did so.

Madam Pomphrey- "You also seemed to be Recuperating faster than the average wizard. The same with the refilling of your core , so it should be safe to do magic soon enough. You don't seem to be suffering any of the after affects of this curse but you should still drink this.

She handed me a cup of some type of purple substance which I eyed wearily , She glared at me before forcing my mouth open and dumping the whole thing in my mouth to swallow.


Nodding in satisfactory She gave me a few more of those foul tasting potions before leaving. She said she had something else that she needed to do.

I turned my attention back to rose. Who was too be expected still asleep. and started to stroak her hair, a few seconds later she shifted from her spot and let out a soft groan before slowly opening her eyes. Blinking suddenly at the light before rubbing them her vision cleared when she saw me awake and okay. She ran to tackle me in my arms before crying softly.

I smiled softly and said.

Adam- "Hey, don't cry, everything's going to be fine now, I'm alright now."

It took a few minutes but soon enough she managed too calm down, though she didn't look like she was about to let go anytime soon.

Pretty soon she had gone back to sleep, and the atmosphere had become very peaceful.

Unfortunately that was ruined by two people,m one I was ok to see the other not so much.

???- "Ameila lets be reasonable." he said only to be cut off.

Amelia- "One of your students have been subjected to the cruiciatus curse, Albus!"

Yep I knew they sounded familiar

Ameila- "Which means that this is a matter for the DMLE, I'd also like too know whose Idea was it to send five first years into the forest at night with something that was capable of killing unicorns on the loose."

???- "I'd like to know about that as well"

This smooth voice was something I definitely recognized as my father replied

Father- "Especially when two of those students happen to be my sons."

Dumbledore- " Now, Now Lucius no harm done.

???- "NO HARM DONE???!!!!"

Oh boy that voice I automatically recognized as my mother echoed through the halls and it sounds like shes pissed, oh look Now rose is awake.

Dumbledore- "Now now Narcissa-"

Mother - "Don't you Now Now me Dumbledore !"

She interrupted him in which I can imagine her glare burning into his skull.

Pomphrey- "What the bloody hell is going on in here?"

This one I know to be Madam pomphrey.

Pomphrey- "This is a hospital, keep your voices down!"

Bones- "Apologies poppy, is Mr. malfoy ok to talk with us?"

Pomphrey- " he should be, don't take too long though."

The next thing I heard was shuffling of feet, before my mother came in followed by the rest, she poked her head up at the screens before turning towards me. Spotting Rose in my arms she gave me a look to which I shrugged and responded.

Adam- "She wouldn't let go."

Mother's eyebrow was raised but didn't say anything.

Mom- "Do you know who it was?" she asked after a couple of silence.

I opened my mouth to speak but before I could say anything a couple of people came in this consisted of Madam bones, my father ,professor Dumbledore and a few nameless aurors.

they're was various expressions on their faces once they spotted rose in my Arms Lucius held a mixture of disgust and interest Dumbledore's held a worried look. Probably thinking that I'm a dark family or something. Madam bones seemed to be the only one who had accepted it and moved on.

Bones- good evening Mr, Malfoy I am the head of DMLE amelia bones I was wondering if you could tell me about the incident that happened a day ago in the forest."

I glanced back at the expressions of their faces before glancing at Rose.

I decided against it.