
January 16, 2020

Shit, I messed up again. I forgot to call my friend Molly about the donation matters. We have a Physics quiz, and it took me one hour and thirty minutes to finish it. Because I was very late in finishing my Physics quiz, I began to find her in all the classrooms, but it was late, the class ended. I didn't managed to find her anymore. Their classroom is empty, and only my friend Rome was left there. Rome is my classmate last year who is funny and cute, especially when she laughs.

Rome said Molly left awhile ago. Fuck. Why didn't I managed to catch up on Molly? I've been with her on a couple of days, but why did I even forget her. The bread that I bought will soon expire in fucking 2 days. Stupid son of a bitch, Greg. Why? Why am I still shy in communicating with women? When will I be an extrovert fuck boy who can do everything that I have on my mind. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm gonna promise tommorow, yes this is sure, that I will send all the donations to the Taal victims. I will find Molly. I won't forget things out like an old man do.

Uhh, I fucking hate promises that I made; it always doesn't end well. In the end, I'm still a failure. I'm confident, but in the end, nothing happened. Everything was just like a drawing that is not being colored. 75% of my promises aren't fulfilled. That's why I hate promising publicly. The feedbacks I'll get are terrible if I fail. I would rather surprise people than promising things that might not work out well, especially to things that cancels last minute. Last minute cancel is my personal weakness. If other people cancels their meetings with me, I would be glad as an introvert, but if I cancel my own plans, I would be lying at my bed, having breakdowns.

Tomorrow, I'll ensure that I'll find Molly and give her the relief goods. She knows where to drop them by. I'll be very busy tomorrow, so I might only assist her in carrying the water jugs. I won't let my fucking shyness defeats me this time. Ever since my awkward experience with the girl on the bus, I wanna beat this shy Ego out of me.

Anyways, I think I'll be sleeping now, because I have 4 quizzes tomorrow, all Physics. Fuck Physics. I do manage to enjoy them when I focus myself into it, like 100%. I truly got the part of series and parallel, which is our current topic. It's all about electricity and charges. I dunno, but it's much easier than the rest of the Physics topics we have discussed the past quarters. It's like the combination of the discussions of the past quarters, but it's electric version. Our teacher in Physics subject is Sir Marley of the Physics, the only teacher that we all recognize as a real teacher. Even though you're not that intelligent in math, you would surely understand it when Sir Marley teaches it.

Anyways, have a good night, and see you tomorrow!