Bang! Bang! Bang!

That is sort of the sounds an AP (Armor Piercer) handgun sounds like. It was loud and mildly satisfying. The recoil it gives was strong, and its shells were big.

Its magazine carries five bullets, it was a good gun with a decent amount of damage.

It could pierce through steel without much problem, but that doesn't really say anything because the hide of my animals that is not centered on speed was tougher than steel.

In the shooting gallery where I train my aiming, Lemiya was right beside me and was shooting a round of AP.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Five bullets, one round all hit the bullseye two hundred meters away from her. The AP is known for its unstableness. What Lemiya did was a true fit for a sharpshooter.

That was something good, everyone in the shooting gallery was amazed by her that is until she said the words, "Guns is not my forte, it will slow me down if I try to move fast and attack at the same time."

Because the shooting gallery was filled with people who train in gunmanship, they were pissed off by Lemiya's remark. She was thrown out of the shooting gallery.

Which was fine because it had nothing to do with me.

But as I was together with her, I was also thrown out.

At the age of seven, I was thrown out of a shooting gallery without doing anything. I get the feeling this will not be the last this would happen.

Time went forward like normal, a year passed and now, I am already eight years old in the eyes of many. But my real age is six.

I am now eight and as I aged I began experiencing different things. In the life of every being, there is a phase in life called puberty where a man's voice will change and also their bodies will experience the same thing.

My puberty phase began at the age of eight and at that age, a lot happened. Hair growth increased and the pitch of voice began to be altered. I did not panic because this was merely a stage in everyone's life.

The altering of my voice came in an odd time as I was too young to be experiencing such a thing. But as my body was fully trained, I managed to kind of suit the voice I ended up with.

They say that when I reach puberty, I will get pimples, but it didn't come even after months later.

But as I turn nine, I experienced something new. It was a mere feeling, and as time pass, I find myself becoming interested in a woman's body.

I have read about such a thing, it was called lust. I was intrigued and wanted to learn more. So, I asked Lemiya about the matter who seemed to know about many things.

She is kind of a teacher to me as she thought me how to use a gun and fight. Also, she taught me how to use the UIR and connected me to the World Network where I get the news regarding the current major events of the world.

I read a lot of things in the 'network' and it managed to broaden my horizons by a lot.

Going back, I asked Lemiya about it and asked her, = "What is lust? And what does it have to do with pleasure?" =

Lemiya tilted her head sideways and looked at me confused. After a while, she answered me, = "I… do not know, search for it in the network." =

Lemiya said, and I readily get my UIR, connected to the network and searched for anything that is related to lust and pleasure.

As I searched, I found something called 'SEX' and then breeding. I read the article and then nodded my head in understanding.

= "So, it is an act of matrimony? Hmm, a man and woman who feels love with one another will do the deed? What is this deed? Is this the act of sec? Or is it the act of impregnating the woman? This is confusing." =

I was confused and so was Lemiya, so, we went to ask Sol about it. She always says that she loves the children so I asked her if she had done the so-called deed with the children she loves.

After the two of us asked Sol about a question like that, she got angry at us and gave the two of us a hit on the head each. Though the actual hit did not land as I managed to block it, the sentiment was there.

After that punishment, Sol gave and in-depth explanation about what sex is and the things I learned from her was sometimes contradicting with the words of the book I read and the articles in the network.

Lust and pleasure was beginning to become more and more confusing but it was interesting so I kept the idea in mind and the thing that I learn. Someday, I might just be able to 'feel' the body of a woman.

Oh yeah, the term sleeping with a woman does not apply to merely sleep on the same bed. So, to be clear, I and Lemiya have not done any sex…ing? Is sexing a word? I began researching once again.

In the 7th month of year 987 N.E. five years since I first set foot in the Shining Sun Orphanage, I was now about to head out of the city itself.

It is currently midnight and no one knows I am leaving…

= "Lemiya, come out, I know you are there." =

= "Here." =

It is currently midnight, and only Lemiya knows I am going out. I had been planning to head out for months now but Sol wouldn't let me out, so the only thing I could do was sneak out.

Lemiya and I jumped over the walls of the orphanage and head for the outside city. Everything I own is in the space of my UIR. My gun, my rations, and my change of clothes were inside my UIR.

I am now about to head out, my destination?

Ragus Plains.