I have done my research and I learned earlier that the nearest [Danger Zone] I could go to was the Ragus Plains.

The Ragus Plains is a simple unranked Danger Zone so it does not have any monster that uses much mana. The most monsters that could be seen in that place is a Horned Rabbit and some Stone Wolves.

The selection is quite more stack, but the number of monsters I would have to list in order to name them all would be long and a waste of time so I will avoid doing so.

The Ragus Plains is 20 kilometers away from the City of Triss so walk from where we are would take a couple of hours. Walking was not a problem for me as such a menial task is nothing but light exercise.

Having to run a 50 kilometers marathon had been ingrained in my body by Lemiya. I am conflicted as to how I should feel about that one.

Carrying on, I left the city bypassing the checks of the city gates by moving in the morning where the guard was lightest and left for Ragus Plains.

Walking for several hours from the city into the Ragus Plains. In the Ragus Plains, I saw other people looking for prey.

The Ragus Plains was a simple looking place. It had a wide area of green grasses that seemed ordinary but could cut if someone was not careful.

I ignored them and went to find prey on my own. Venturing to a place where not many people wander into, I head in deeper into the plains.

With an AP in hand and a woman in tow, I went to find my first prey.


The winds brushed past the grasses and from my left I hear something. I approached a patch of tall grass to see if something was behind that with caution.

Slowly, I tread the grass, I was calm and my heart was beating normally. I came near the grass and just as I was about to appear in front of it, a horned rabbit came running into me and almost stabbed me on the face.

Thankfully, I slapped it away and as it crashed on the ground, I fired a single bullet. The AP was so strong that by the time the bullet came out, it was an instantaneous death for the Horned Rabbit.

I wanted to try and skin the rabbit, but it was made into a bloody mess. This whole thing with Horned Rabbits coming out to try and stab me occurred plenty more times.

My prey was small but as night approached, the howls of wolves began to be heard.