Beside the Ragnus Plains was the Ragnus Woods it was there where my next targets reside. The howls of the wolves I hear were spine-tingling, I know this is not fear, but my heart was racing.

I didn't even notice it when I was grasping the handle of my gun tightly.

= "Lemiya, the Stone Wolves are inside the Ragnus Woods. I will be entering and as for you, will you come with or will you stay?" =

= "I will go." = there was no hesitation in her words, I kind of like that.

Lemiya and I entered the woods. But before doing so, we needed to reload the gun so we won't have problems. Exchanging gazes we entered the woods with a fully loaded gun.

When we entered the woods, the first thing we did was carefully tread the path. The woods is dark and the only light we have was the moonlight.

We did not have a flashlight that would attract too much attention. In all honesty, my eyesight in the dark was no different than what I see when it is early morning.

Every little detail that could be seen in the light can be observed by myself. I heard elves have similar abilities. Though it is not quite like my night vision, it is more like they have a sharp and clear sight.

My ability to see in the dark must be something else entirely. As I looked around, I heard a rustle on my right…

I turned around and it is merely a Greymouse, an insignificant monster that does not pose any sort of danger. But then, as I looked at the Greymouse, I felt something from my right.

My heart began to beat faster as if something was wrong. An instinctive feeling, I turn around and there I saw a wolf with brown fur and sharp teeth that are over a meter and a half large coming at me.

Shit! Its mouth is already open, I can feel and smell its breath. For a moment, my eyes caught sight of its fangs and as I saw it, my hands move on its own. Turning the gun upwards, I fired from below!


The wolf was hit on its stomach and with a great force coming from the bullet, the body of the Stone Wolf was pierced. Stone Wolves were known for their aggressiveness and tough hide that is comparable to hard stone.

Piercing it was a tough thing to do but I didn't think it was this tough. The AP is a gun that was supposed to make its bodies explode from the force of the bullet, but the Stone Wolf was still flying towards my direction.

The Stone Wolf weep in pain and closed its mouth, but its claws was pointed towards me instead of its teeth.

I raised my hands to defend myself from the monster, but as I waited for the pain, I heard something!


A gunshot was fired and through the space of my arm, the bullet travels in a straight line before piercing the Stone Wolf in the eyes.

With a plop, the Stone Wolf's corpse hit me, my body was dripping with the Stone Wolf's corpse. But that doesn't matter right now, because as I was checking my surroundings I noticed there was a good number of Stone Wolves around.

= "Xir, there are fifteen wolves around us. You almost died just now so, do you think you can survive this on your own?" = Lemiya asked.

= "Do not worry, I have indeed messed up, but that doesn't mean I will die here." =

For some odd reason, Lemiya smiled and then said, = "Do not disappoint me, my 'Garma'."

I didn't quite catch her words as the Stone Wolves began to pounce at my and Lemiya's direction.

With Lemiya watching my back, I was starting to get the hang of killing with a gun and efficiently reloading without a problem. I will fire and then it would hit a wolf.

Every now and then a wolf would get close to me, but every time that happens, I would kick them away from the way I was taught by Lemiya.

I never knew fighting and killing was this fun. Before I knew it, I was already enjoying myself. This kind of feeling was the same when I am reading a book.

The fight continued until the last stone wolf died with my last bullet.

= "Is that the last of them?" = I was out of breath, but as I looked around to find the last Stone Wolf to die, I was rather disappointed.

It was at this time that I heard Lemiya speak, = "Xir, it seems like you also know how to smile." =

= "What did you say?" = I am smiling? That can't be right… I touched my face and I could clearly feel that my mouth was curved into a smile. Hooo, I really can smile.

After this little hunt, Lemiya showed me how to skin and dissect the Stone Wolves. She showed me how to get their cores and told me how they could be sold for credits.

The next day, we went back to the City of Triss and into the Shining Sun Orphanage. We got ourselves a long talking to and was punished to stay in the library.

But that didn't really matter. At night, I went to sleep like always. But the feeling of killing was still present in my hands.

I am feeling satisfied with the current event. But the next day, something was different when everything should have been the same.

Beside me was the lack of presence from Lemiya. Lemiya always gets up after the sun had risen, but now, as I wake up at 5 in the morning, I found her nowhere near me.

In her steed was a paper that says, = "For my 'Garma', Xiron." =