It is a weird feeling, for brand new mana to flow in my veins and then enter my body as it had always been a part of me, it was truly weird but oddly refreshing. It was as if I am regaining something that I have lost.

But the feeling of freshness is still not something that I feel content with. The mana that I have is still missing something. I could feel, I can tell that someone or something is telling me that I need to come into contact with the other elements.

There are Four Cardinal Elements, Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. There are other elements that stem from these four elements or appeared far from having any connection with them, but what I am trying is the fact that there are other elements out there aside from these four.

Blood, Dark, Holy, Nature, and many many more elements exist out there. Some exist only for Martials to control while some exist only for Mages, this is a world that is full of bullshit monsters with unknown abilities and magic that knows no bounds.

This is a world that filled greed for power and its search for something more, and I can tell that I am slowly getting devoured by the desires of the world because I am now searching for the other two Cardinal Elements.

But try as I might I cannot come into contact with any idea as to what Wind or Earth Mana really is. The two instances of me unlocking an element was simply a coincidence as my mind is rushed by concepts I do not know of.

It could be said that I achieved enlightenment when I unlocked those two elements.

* [ The other two elements cannot be achieved so easily. This is not so easy that I will unlock the other two mana just because I wanted it to…. life is not so easy! ] *

Time passed and the only thing I could really do was train and train in the way of the mages. The Flera Surprentine spell is being continuously utilized in my head, the form of the serpent had already been formed and the Azue Reviaria's chant has already been memorized.

D * [ I have formed the Flera Suprentine, but I can't use it without a medium. As for the Azue Reviaria, it is an incantation spell so I don't need a wand, but the incantation of the spell is rather long my advantage with my twelve Mage Channels is something I have lost. ] *

I am incapacitated and my ability to properly and effectively fight has been compromised. This is not a fate I can have. This is an unwanted pathway I have treaded, and how did this path? By opening that useless conscience to the idea of Sol being Von.

Emotions are unneeded, Von, you have wished for me to live with emotions but the emotion is really just something a thing I cannot fathom. It is useless and I don't think it has any use other than creating trouble for its owner.

As my mind wandered, I did not even notice the fact that the children that once littered the place slowly got called out by the guards.

By the time I noticed it, the guard with the black cloak was already before me and had given me a kick on the stomach!


I was flung away and hit the tree that was behind me. The guards are not soft… I have registered that information. And the silhouette of the cloaked man and his height had already been registered in my head.

= "Useless cripple, do you want to die!? Get up, the Tester is calling out for you! You are the last one! Now, stand up and walk to the tent of the Tester!" =

The cloaked man was irritatingly loud, I could hear his voice clearly, he need not scream at me. What reason was there for him to shout?

But I cannot ask those questions and only keep them in my heart. I stood up with great difficulty using my stick and my remaining limbs. I slowly head for the single tent around and entered this tent where the Tester resided.

As I entered the tent, what was presented to me was a middle-aged woman with red lips. Her eyes were piercing and weird as if it had the power to see through me. But oddly enough she creased her brows after meeting my eyes.

The middle-aged woman was behind a desk and in front of her was a number of papers. As she sat behind the desk, she rested her hands on her hands as she asked me.

= "What is your name?" =

= "Xiron." =

The woman raised a brow after hearing the answer, she smiled in a mysterious manner as she abruptly asked, = "Are you not interested in what this place is, or where your parents are? The other fifteen asked me a bunch of questions regarding their families, are you not going to do the same?" =

I tilted my head in the midst of her odd question as I answered, = "I have questions, but they have been answered already. But I am quite interested in the reason why I am called here." =

= "Interesting, well it is nothing serious, only a simple question… what do you prefer? A Kinfe, A gun, or something else?" =

So, it really is the Blue Crown.

I finally understood what is going on.