CAMP (2)

= "What are you doing, kid? We do not have all day, if you don't move faster, I will kill you!" =

= "I cannot move faster, Mister Reiss. I do not have enough legs to walk normally." =

= "We are wasting time! Do you know what your current position is?" =

= "I do, I am a new blood for your camp. You said I need to move on my own else you would kill me. I am now getting the hang of moving. Please be patient." =

Mister threw his hand in the air and moved toward me in the blink of an eye. He picked me up and then said, = "This is a waste of time. If not for Lyra I would have killed you sooner." =

He picked me up and we moved away from where we originally stood.

Currently, I am about to head to a camp, I do not know what camp this is but I have a general idea what it might be. The most likely is the fact that I might be headed to a camp created by an underground organization.

A blue crown that is tattooed on his left ankle of Mister Reiss, I reckoned he is a member of the Blue Crown. Mister Reiss was the first person I saw when I got out of being entrapped, he was the first face that I saw and he said that I would be a new blood to a camp.

He seemed to have found me by following the orders of someone called Lyra. I do not know who that is as I have not met or even seen her, but I'm pretty sure she is someone above Mister Reiss, else why would he be following her orders?

Also, he seemed to be pissed off by the fact that I have a few limbs missing. It seems like whatever is in that camp, I need all four limbs. He made me walk, and get the hang of movement after saying I lost it from the outbreak a few days ago, I'm pretty sure he did not kill me immediately because I said those words.

A human that didn't die from blood loss even after having two of his limbs severed. He must be interested in what I am capable of, he won't kill me so easily, at least not for now. Consequently, when he tried making me walk to get use to my current body, I picked up the UIR of the dead Seekers.

There were a lot of dead bodies scattered in the surrounding. The mix of corpses from both Seekers and ordinary people was a new experience for me, I had to throw up three times before getting used to the putrid smell that hangs in the city.

The City of Triss that I knew was no more, it was destroyed and it was a sad sight. But in this tragedy, I managed to get some good results. Although I lost two limbs, it is not too late for me, if I can become a Grand Mage in the future or earn enough money that I can afford the services of a high-rank Holy Mage, I might just be able to regrow this limbs.

My current goal has been altered, forget killing the lady, I need my limbs back, I can't kill anyone without having a whole body. And to earn that money, I need to become stronger, and to become stronger I need stronger spells.

That is the reason why I picked up the UIR of the dead bodies without Mister Reiss noticing. The UIR is a form of storage, if in the tiniest bit of hope I can find a spell that is related to fire, then I might just be able to raise my strength in the future.

I can become stronger. No matter what it takes, I will become stronger.

I had my close the entire time Mister Reiss moved. By the time the wind pressure disappeared, I was thrown to the ground and the sounds of clamor was heard. I opened my eyes and saw that there were other children here.

Their age ranged from as young as 9 to as old 12. There was no one older than that. It was the perfect age for youth to awaken as a Mana Manipulator. Everyone around me was human, I was the only one who had the blood of another race.

Of course, with my race and appearance, I became the center of attention without doing anything. The dozen of children around looked at me in contempt, I do not like those eyes. But I have the ability to make those stares disappear, so I must suck it up.

= "Kid, go somewhere and keep silent. Make any trouble and you will be killed by those guys." = Mister Reiss pointed at the few people surrounding us who wore black cloaks.

With that said, Mister Reiss turned and left in haste. I was left there with a single stick and a lot of UIR, I need a place to relax and cool my head. I went underneath and tree. As soon as I disappeared from the center of the bunch, those pesky eyes disappeared one by one.

It was time to check the contents of the UIRs. One by one, I went over all over them and one by one I found nothing but junk. Though there were three things that I found useful, one was a knife, then a rope, and two spellbooks. But there was no wand.

That is a shame, without a wand I can't exactly cast anything. But the spellbooks I got was pretty good. There were two spellbooks a fire and a water spell.

The fire spell was something I was familiar with, Flera Surprentine, the tier-0 spell that I considered buying. The second spell was a water spell called [Azue Reviaria]. It was an incantation base spell, meaning it is as simple as forming it inside the Mana Core.

There is a need for a set of words that need to be uttered to command the Water Mana of the Water Origin World. It is a tier-1 spell, it is pretty good, but I do not have any water mana, I have fire mana inside my body, it is the opposite of my mana attribute.

But now that I think about it, what is water anyway? My thoughts went over to what Water is and the more I contemplated over it the more I realized what Water truly is.

In the end, I came to a single conclusion.

Water is a flow, it is a continuous flow that can be as calm as a tranquil lake that provides easy life and peace for other beings. Or a raging wave that could destroy anything in its path.

Water is another essence of life, but the almost unlimited destructive power it possesses is something that stands on top of nature.

A cool and refreshing feeling entered my veins and into my Mage Channels before entering my Mana Core. The burning Fire Mana inside the Mana Core made way as an azure light took half of the space of the Mana Core.

Today, I managed to unlock an element.