* "Xir, in front of danger there are two things you must never forget. First, conquer your fear. You must never let fear devour your heart else you will be incapacitated and killed in a heartbeat. No matter what your opponent is, even if they are one of the four races or a monster. Once they point their killing intent towards you, you must never be devoured as you should be the one to devouring them in fear.

"Fear is an instrument that will make any enemy cower and make them unable to make any right decision. But even if you can't devour their minds in fearing you, conquering your own fear is enough.

"Second would be, kill your enemy without hesitation. Those who show their fangs or blades on you must die and nothing else. Never let your emotions take over and whatever it takes, you must kill them even if you have to suffer an incapacitating injury. If you have to, you can exchange a limb for a head." *

* "If I give up a limb, will that not be a problem? If I lose a limb, what should I do? A limb cannot grow back or can it be reattached unless a tier-7 Mage heals you with Holy Magic. If I have many enemies in front of me, what should I do?" *

* "You do either of two things… await death or struggle to live and find a way. Because once you give up living that will be the time death will embrace you." *

What is this dream? Wait, ugh, I don't want to remember this one. Von was seriously annoying at that time. My head was going in circles, but the sharp pain that lingered in my body overshadowed my irritation.

Opening my eyes as light entered through the light from the sun, I found myself trap underneath the broken walls with little to no room of movement space. I can only lie down and roll to one side to the other.

* [Two limbs, I sacrificed two limbs in order to kill an orc. So, I am now crippled… a limb cannot grow back and both limbs were destroyed, the idea of reattaching them is gone, and I am pretty sure my Mana Core is damaged by the backlash caused by my rash actions.] *

With that said I needed to see if my Mana was truly damage so I meditated while I laid down on the cold floor. I entered my body with my consciousness and bore witness to an undamaged Mana Core, it was the same as before and it sustained no form of damage.

* [It is a little durable isn't it?] *

It sustained no damage and it stood the backlash without a problem. This is good, and the fire mana is still raging inside my Mana Core and as my attention is put into my Mana Core, and mana attribute, a purple flash appeared in the middle of the Mana Core.

I focused my eyes and found a condensed ball. The condensed purple ball was oddly full of life, and the more I focus the more I see that there is something within that purple ball.

* "Is that an… orc? Yes, that is surely an orc, how did that enter my body?" *

Some things are new to me. Both outside and inside me something had changed. Not only are my limbs missing, there is something in my Mana Core. I experimented on the purple thingy and ended up finding out that I could aggravate it using my mana.

If I aggravate it and made my mana enter it, the purple pellet or so I called it will react and will try to devour everything. I do not know its effects so I will find out once I get of this place.

Having said that, I do not know how to get out of this place. I have no wand to speak of and I have nothing to use in order to get out of this place.

I tried screaming for help as loudly as I could when the surrounding had settled down. But no one came. I do not know what happened here, but I am pretty sure that the outbreak had stopped.

Did the population get eradicated? I do not know, what of Sol and the others? I risk my life for them, they better be alright else all of this will be stupidity. Though this whole concept of me helping others is rather stupid and dangerous. I need to change that.

Time passed and I began to feel hungry from all the screaming that I did. I had no food to speak of and soon, as night fell my hunger began to rise.

Another day passed and my hunger had yet to be satiated. Beside me, the corpse of the orc oddly had no blood so did not rot quickly and as my hunger began to increase the corpse of the orc began to seem more appetizing than it should be.

Another moon later, I could not stop myself and began eating the corpse of the orc to satiate my hunger. As I continued to be trapped in that place, I began losing hope, but when I got to its heart, I came across something a Monster Core. And as I did, I smiled.

With the monster core as a makeshift medium, I began circulating my mana inside my Mana Core and then into the monster core before throwing it to the other side of the orc corpse.


An explosion occurred that caused my ears to ring, the delicately placed debris began to lose its form and as soon as it did, it began burying me with smaller rocks. But as I used my remaining hand to claw my way out of that place, I escaped my entrapment by escaping by clawing my way out.

And as I escaped, the thing that welcomed me from that 'prison' was no sun but a face, a grinning face of a man. I looked at him without moving and he reciprocated it and we stayed like that for a few seconds when he suddenly said, = "I found new blood for the camp!" =