Dealing with the First Mission I

I left while it was dark and reached the Red Mountains in three days. I traveled on foot because no one in their right mind provides transport to a monster-infested place like the Red Mountains.

Standing in front of the Red Mountains, I went ahead and entered after taking in a deep breath. In the Red Mountains, there were a lot of monsters and when there are monsters there would be Seekers trying to make a living.

Minutes after I entered the Red Mountains I already heard the sounds of fighting in the distance. I became curious to see what was happening and went to find the people fighting the monster.

I went and followed the sound of the fight and before long I stumbled upon a group of four… three people (The one I counter last just died by being mewled in the face by the fangs of the monster.).

They were hunting a Dark Hound. A Gold-grade rank-3 monster. It was a strong monster with an interesting innate ability. It can transform itself to smoke and then disappear for a few seconds.

The Seekers fighting the Dark Hound was having a hard time trying to fight the monster. I wanted to watch how a monster of such caliber fights so I stayed for a long time and watched if they will succeed or not.

The Martial that was in front of them dashed forth and attacked the Dark Hound. She drew her fist backward and then threw a punch accompanied by flames. The Dark Hound saw this and turned to smoke.

It disappeared shortly afterward it returned to its original form. But when it returned to its original form someone was already waiting for it. The Mage on the back has prepared a spell beforehand.

I heard her faint voice from a distance, = "Lightning!" = A quick cast spell. But why the hell is she shouting so loudly? If this was a fight with another mage she would have been taken out because she announces her spell like that for no reason whatsoever.

Moving on, the Dark Hound was caught in that simplistic trap and the remaining Martial moved in for the kill by sticking out a spear onto its neck. The Dark Hound let out a pained howl before losing its life.

It was a good fight, but it was a shame it only managed to kill one of the humans that tried to kill it. I sighed at this and then left. But something caught my eyes before I left. The three who survived went over to the one who died and began to shed tears.

I could not hear their words because I was too far away but I can tell they were heartfelt.

Such a weird thing to see. Well, that person who just died must have been a family member. For them to shed tears like that is something that only happens when a family member dies.

Putting them aside, I found something interesting and I decided that it would be good if I went out to hunt some interesting monsters. Later after I complete my mission.

I continued moving forwards and encountered a man wearing a tank top. He had ragged facial features and his body was bulky. On his exposed shoulders was a red sword tattoo. He is a member of the Red Sword Gang.

I became vigilant and my mind became heightened.

= "Detect." = I activated a quick cast spell to observe my surroundings, = "There are two more people fifty meters from here. Summon, Regal Money, Swift Death Sparrow."

A dark red-furred monkey and a yellow feathered sparrow appeared just before me. These were one of the many monsters I could summon. They were the smallest and fast-moving monsters I managed to make my soldiers.

Their strengths were both at Gold-grade rank-1. The enemies surrounding the place were Silver-grade rank-1 or rank-2. Killing them swiftly would be an easy task for these two.

= "You kill the one of the left you deal with the one on the right I shall be the one dealing with the one on the middle." = I instructed the two to make their moves and acted the way they were told to do so.

Although they have some sort of inkling close to that of an ordinary beast. The soldiers I possess is nothing but hallow puppets devoid of any mind. They will move as I tell them to but nothing more. Their souls are too weak to become proper pawns.

= "[Movement]. Merciful Water, I ask of you to entrap the evil that wants to harm me, [Bubble Prison]." = my words were subtle and soft.

As I finished casting the spells I heard the sounds of struggling a couple of meters away and as I turned around I saw the man struggling while his head is entrapped in a bubble of water making him unable to breathe.

A couple of meters away the two men were also dealt with without much trouble. I approached the man I trapped in the bubble and cast, [Stone Restraint] to make sure he won't be able to get away.

I popped the bubble and then asked him = "Where is your base?" = I don't need to waste time with this kind of man and I just need to ask him what I want.

But the man does not have any intention of cooperating and just said, = "Let me go, you fucking brat." =

With his response simply being infuriating, I went ahead and trapped his head in a Bubble Prison and sent little Ignis on his body to burn him and inflict pain. \

I continued such an act for a couple of minutes and before long… he cracked and told me what I needed to learn. Dealing with a gang is an easy thing to do if you know the methods.