Dealing with the First Mission II

= "Is that them?" = I asked the man, he answered quite honestly as I held him by his wounded shoulders, = "Yes! They are in the same gang as me, I told you what you need, please… let me go." =

= "I can't, I have to destroy you guys so I have to kill you in order for me to survive." = As I said that I granted him a quick death by snapping his neck before throwing his body away.

That was a hassle to complete. I finally managed to pay attention to the people below me. Outside there were seven people, I can't really tell how many people are inside. This is going to be a problem.

However, in terms of fighting strength, I won't be facing any problem.

I know that gangs are just people who band together to create a mildly effective force but damn, this place is a mess. The strongest guard that is watching outside is a mere Silver-grade Rank-3.

Considering this is a Trial meant to weed out the useful ones to the useless. I have thought the enemy would be much stronger. No, I can't let my guard down by being naïve. I have to kill them with utmost cautiousness or else my head will be the one flying away.

= "I will not help you on this one. If you wish to destroy this gang then do it on your own. I shall allow everything to be used other than Grade-3 Spells (Platinum Grade). Oh, depending on the situation I might just ask you what is happening so be on the lookout for that." =

I nodded my head and then said. = "Summon, Everyone." =

Dozens of monsters appeared behind me like ghosts. I stood up slowly and was assisted by the Armored Black Panther.

= "Everyone, heed my command, go and slay everyone in your path and trample them until they can no longer move. Also, retreat if you meet someone you cannot beat." =

Roar! Skriii!

Loud Roars and screeches penetrated my ears. The monsters I have called out descended the small hill and their loud cries shook the entire base of the gang. The gang members were stupefied at the sight of the monsters and their screams were heard.

= "Monsters! Monster is invading the base, quickly take up arms and, wait, no, stay away!!!" =

A man was killed while he was issuing commands. Such a waste that was.

Well, it is about time that I start this thing, = "Elements of Wind heed your companions cry for help and bring forth a gust of wind that shall carry my enemies away, [Howling Breeze]" =

The wind began to pick up as I cast the Howling Breeze. It took me a few seconds to chant and cast the spell. But in terms of the effect, it was pretty amazing. The wind began picking up and the makeshift fort of the gang was starting to get blown away.

And as an added bonus their eyesight was robbed off of them as dust flew all over the place and momentarily blinded them. They screamed in pain and as the commotion became louder and louder a person broke the doors of the base and came out screaming like a madman.

= "You mindless fuckers trying to take us out? Dream on you fuckers!" = It was the leader, how can I tell? Because he was the strongest and the tattoo on his chest says it all. Also, the instant he came out, he began killing and slaying the monsters present without much trouble.

On his chest was a large red sword tattoo, = "The descriptions match, he's the target. Wait, what are my soldiers doing? What idiots, why are they going against him when they are clearly no match for him?" =

The monsters were acting like common cannon fodders. Have they forgotten my commands?

= "Oh, it seems like your soldiers are too low in terms of intelligence that they cannot see what is strong or not. They look like those idiots who attack a master who had one-shotted their leader, do you get what I mean?" =

= "I know but seeing my own soldiers acting like this is quite annoying. I should get better soldiers in the future. A Commander Grade Monster should suffice." = I promptly decided what I would be doing next, and as I watched my monster gets slaughtered slowly, I also noticed the wind was beginning to become fiercer by the minute.

= "Come out, for now, Dusk (Wind), Noon (Fire)." = As I said these words, my Elemental Guardian appeared behind me.

= "Xir, My Friend, what intensity do you wish?" = Dusk still sounds the same as ever. I sighed as I answered, = "Just create a strong enough wind to increase the gust I have sent out, Noon, you are to blow out fire and control it so that the wind is not too distorted. Keep the flow constant and until I say so, do not stop." =

Dusk was in full delight and immediately cast a spell and made my Howling Breeze stronger that it borders a tornado. Beside us was Noon who gathered flames on her mouth and as the wind peaked, she prepared to let it all out.

Seeing this, I shouted out loud, = "My faithful soldiers, retreat!" =

My voice was loud and the monsters instantaneously retreated upon hearing it. The gang leader and members also heard me and shouted, = "You bastard! Are you the one who sent these fuckers here!?" = he asked me while dashing towards me.

I have manners so I answered his question with a simple = "Yes" = Before saying, = "Noon, do it." =

Noon blasted the gang leader on its face and directly incinerated him. The gang leader took the full brunt of Noon's Flame that is even stronger than what I can produce.

= "Aaah!" = The gang leader's screams were loud and annoying but what was more annoying was the screams of the other gang members.

The fire of Noon and the wind of Dusk created a flame tornado and slowly but surely tormented the people that went against me. The Gang Leader was running low on Mana and is slowly getting incinerated and with his screams, he asked.

= "Are you one of the Folde Family's men? Do you not want to save his son? The child you are trying to save is inside our base, and by now he is suffering from your flames, do you not wish to sa…" =

I tilted my head and said, = "You are too noisy, just die with all of them already." =

I sighed, why should I worry over a child? I have no obligation to care for him, I only need to complete this mission.

The face of the gang leader contorted but because his lungs had already burned, the only thing that followed next was his death. A few seconds later, everything was silent.

= "Dusk, Noon, stop it." =

= "Aw, Xir that was too short. Let me have some real fun, don't give me these low lives." = Dusk complained.

= "Alright, I will let you deal with the Python later if it is weak enough to ensure your safety." =

He seemed satisfied so I'm satisfied and called them back. They still can't compress their body to the size of my palms so there is no way they will be traveling with me.

I checked my soldiers and had to shake my head after seeing their number dwindled to 24 after that one fight. Well, I returned them in my body by turning them to marbles but kept the Armored Black Panther for transportation purposes.

I left that place and only took the sword of the Gang Leader as a trophy and proof that I eradicated them. After I left, another group of people showed up and they were all dress in luxurious clothing.

= "What happened here? Who attacks them? Check their base and find the Young Master." =

= "Yes." = three people hurried over to the base of the gang and inside, there was the body of a five-year-old child, the child had his body burnt and sadly the child had already died.

= "NOOOO!" = he howled in grief and quickly after regaining his sanity he quickly ordered, = "Bring the Young Master's corpse back, the Young Master died due to a sudden Monster Outbreak." =

It was here that the youngest child of the Folde Family died because of one mistake and misunderstanding.