After the First Mission

= "Oh, would you look at that, the Blue Crown messaged me." = Upon seeing the message of the Blue Crown, I read it quickly and then closed it after losing interest, = "So, I killed the Young Master of the Folde Family?" =

= "Hoh, what's this? The one you killed was a noble? That's quite bad, so, what's did the Blue Crown say? Will they give you out?" = Lethias came out of nowhere and then asked me with a wide smile on her face. She seemed to be expecting something.

Sadly, there was nothing to expect, the letter was quite simple and nice and its contents so what was there to be upset about? But there is a little penalty but it's not that bad overall.

= "I do not know what you are expecting, but their words were concise and they are only asking of me to do an extra mission for them. They also said that I should be careful of eliminating other people that is not on the hit list, and as for the mission they asked me to become an official Seeker." =

* New Mission: Become an Official Seeker of the Seeker Association.

Description: You are to head for the city of Polaspe and the Seeker Headquarters there in two months' time. Two more candidates would be given these missions, if you are to meet with one another, it is of your best interest to see who will get the better results.

Note: No punishment will be given to the one who will rank last in the Seeker examination.

= "That's the mission, it is rather easy and I have sixty days before I head to the City of Polaspe so it is quite nice. Being a Seeker will also grant me access to many privileges so my future missions will become easier.

Lethias showed a sour look on her face and then pouted. What is the need for showing such useless emotions? I do not understand her intentions and why she is acting in such a manner but, I just let her be.

At this time I still did not know how to interact with a woman, though I have shared a night with a woman their minds are quite a fickle to dissect.

In my journey to the next town, I was bound to head deeper into the Continent of Thalius and the deeper I head in my journey the more I met Titans. The number of Elves who travel out of their Forested Kingdom was minute so it was to be expected.

But even the number of humans I meet was also thinning out. It was pleasant seeing other races other than humans.

While in my travels, I managed to come across different people. I was on foot in one of the many mountains I passed where I met the Titan tribe of Herba.

The Herba Tribe had been living in that mountain they referred to as Deva Mountains for two centuries. With the long lifespan of Titans, two centuries were merely three generations.

If this was the human lifespan we are talking about the number of generations that had passed should already be quite a few. Moving forward as I am getting distracted, in the Herba Tribe I came across a titan race that still practices their old age teaches.

Though others may think their teachings are not at that old as it had only been two centuries that is only applicable to the time they spent in the Deva Mountains. The Herba Tribe leaves after staying in a single place four-five centuries.

At least a part of them will. The ones who will leave are going to find another place to set up their tribe. Apparently, the Herba Tribe people I met were originally from the Hiban Mountains of East Thalius.

I only stayed in the Herba tribe for a single night and they fed me and gave me a roof to live in for the night. When the sun rose, I left and was seen off by one of the Tribe members.

In my stay with the Herba Tribe, I learned a lot of things. Their culture and way of living were mesmerizing for me. Also, their food was rather tasty and I liked it. It was full of mana and it was palatable for me.

The Titans are a Race that prizes Martials and the Herba Tribe was also the same. Not that they look down upon mages, it is just that with their innate physic, the Titan Race sees physical strength as absolute.

But they accepted a Mage such as myself to stay in their tribe so they are by no means, bad people.

For two weeks, I traveled on foot. It was exhausting and could not summon my Soldiers all that well and I avoid doing so because it strains my Mana Channels and my Mana Core.

Also, my remaining leg is becoming stronger so that's a win. With my Spells and my ever-evolving leg strength, I reached the town of Kilyon, the town of Kilyon was way bigger than the Red Beet Town.

The people of Kilyon were mostly Titans so it was natural for their buildings to be bigger than Red Beet Town who has more humans than Titans. On a side note, the prostitute who serviced me was a human woman, so the size difference was not that big.

Once I entered Kilyon Town, I was met with interest. The people around me were much bigger than I had expected. A normal-sized Titan was two and a half meters big, that is for the males.

As for the women, their average height was two meters, but it is not that rare to see a 1.7 meter Titan female. Titans have a natural tanned skin tone and with the males having well-defined muscles, their tan highlighted the form of their muscles.

As for the females, I had always thought that a female titan would also have a hulking body. But just like what I saw in the Herba Tribe, the female of the Titan Race has a slim body, they have incredible power, but their power lies underneath their frail-looking muscles.

Titan females are somewhat intimidating in some way.

I could go to a restaurant but I already have necessities with me such as dried rations and gallons of water in my UIR, so I don't need anything else.

I looked around town and then saw a well-established bar known as Drunken Giant Bar. I was not allowed to enter at the front when I tried to enter. Only people who reach the age of 18 can drink so it was understandable why I can't enter without a guardian.

It was upsetting, no, that was not the case. I can't enter so what, the thing I need is not to drink, so I went outback.

I hammered the back door five times and then paused for three seconds before announcing, = "I wish to talk with Uncle Reign!" =

A few seconds later a middle-aged man showed up before me with a smile welcoming me.

= "Dear nephew, you have arrived, come, come, I shall prepare you a meal." =

= "Okay, Uncle, but I wish for skewers that had been roasted over low heat." =

= "Is that so, you are demanding as always but I shall meet your demands." =

The middle-aged man welcomed me and the two of us went inside a room. He handed me a stack of paper and a fruity drink popular in the city of Kilyon.

The middle-aged man had already lost his smile and as he stared at me, he asked, = "Did you kill the Young Master of the Folde Family?" =

I turned to him and said, = "I need not say anything to you, I have gotten what I want, now I shall leave." =

I was about to step out, but the middle-aged man had his left leg barge me on my way. I looked at him and asked, = "What are you doing? You are a Keeper in this town and you dare stop me? I am on a mission, now, you are to drop your leg or I shall punish you according to the law of the Crown." =

The middle-aged man was a Titan who had a bulky body and as he looked down upon me with a glare, he suddenly showed a smile saying. = "You have passed the test, I apologize for interrupting your work, I merely did what I was ordered to do." =

= "Did they try to see what my reaction would be?" = I asked, but there was no answer.

I sigh and was about to leave when the middle-aged man suddenly said.

= "The Overseer of the Cavern said to inform you that an observer will be close by, watching your movements." =

I left soon after. It was noon, and I had yet to get some rest. I am a mana manipulator but I am no Martial, I need to rest this body.

I went to find an inn where I can stay.

At night, I opened my eyes with Lethias' words. I sat on top of the King size-like bed that five of me can fit in.

As if managed myself, I heard Lethias speak.

= "Get ready, you are to once again go to the Pleasure Quarters." =

The night was still young.