Worthy of life

= "Three kilometres east! It's in an underground cave!" =

= "There's more to it, right? The entrance?" =

= "In a rock that is shaped like a dragon's skull! Underneath it is the base, there's a secret entrance behind that rock!" =

= "You have done good, now, I'll reward you…Fire Arrow!" =


The bandit had done a magnificent job, he had said all that is needed to be said and more. He even said about the level of Martial prowess his boss had, he said it all and I see that as enough, therefore, I should free him off this misery…but, there's an annoyance.

= "What are you doing?" =

It was Feya who asked that question when she was the one who stopped my mercy from being given to the bandit. Feya's sword that is two times bigger than my entire boy and is about as wide as I had blocked my Fire Arrow and she has the gall to ask?

= "It is you who should answer that. Why are you stopping it? I am doing him a favour." =

= "By killing him!?" =

I tilted my head, I was ready to speak the truth but then, I heard my UIR have a message telling me that arguing is useless, and I should proceed with my mission.

This is a bother. I turned to Feya, my mind calm and my irritation already gone.

= "I have no time to lose with your nonsense." =

I shook my head and went east. My speed was quite outstanding but not even twenty meters since I had tried to left, I was stopped once again by Feya.

She stood before me and asked.

= "Where are you going? Are you going to try and kill the bandits?" =

= "No, I am doing my job, now, move." =

Feya said nothing any further, she held her sword right in front of her and I could see mana rising from her body. She yellow mana, meaning she can control the element of earth. So, she was ready to fight.

I have not fought with any half-decent mana manipulators, this before is a martial and at a level who can match me at my suppressed state. She is a problem, I can't fight her and expect she'll live.

= "What is the meaning of this?" = I have to get this situation under control, I should begin now.

Feya looked at me in the eyes, her auburn eyes reflected mine, she then spoke.

= "I don't know your agenda but I was sent here by the Seeker's Association to capture them, you and I seem to have the same agenda. I don't know what is your deal but a child like you should not have blood on their hands, turn back and leave this to me. If you have a grudge with the bandits I will let you see them when I apprehend them." =

So, it's not going to work, huh. I waited for a bit, and my observer only said two things via message, "Don't kill her, finish the mission."

Well, I supposed this is going to be harder than I thought.

= "Earth Dome!" =

I cast a spell and two hallowed earth appeared on her side. It was intended to enclose her but she wielded her sword with finesse and cut the two earth in half.

= "Martial Arts: Earth Strength, Martial Art: Acceleration, Martial Art: Earth Defense!" =

Her sword was fast just as her legs were, she disappeared and reappeared right back in front of me. She swung her sword and I had to call upon a wall of water to slow it down so I can get away.

The water I summoned dispersed and I stumbled as I lost my balance. Feya kicked the ground once more and quickly reappeared before me. She swung her sword once again, this time, it was stronger than it was before.

Did she cast a Martial Art? I can't tell, I didn't hear her, I can't dodge it, I can't defend, attack.

= "Fire Burst" =

My body burst into a blaze of flame, I lit my body up and I received damage. It burns, but it doesn't matter. Feya was caught by surprised as it caught her in the left side of her face. It will not injure her but it caught her by surprise.

= "Oh wind help me repel my enemies, Blast Wind!" = A spell that repels an enemy away using the wind is a defensive spell against other people, but, I used it on the ground and let my body get carried high up, I even blew Feya away so it was an added bonus.

I finally got the distance needed. I saw Feya steadying herself getting ready to jump up.

= "Feather Weight, this should keep me afloat longer. Now, let's start. Spirits of Earth, protect my target from any harm, show them your sturdy defence, Guardian Dome!" =

My spell finished and down below, a dome appeared around Feya. She tried to get strike it away, but her sword bounced off the wall.

= "What?" =

That should keep her in check. I cancelled the effect of Feather Weight and then got down on the ground. After I did, I went ahead and cast a Fire Zone spell, it will bake her but not enough to kill her only drain her energy.

Then I left, the sound of sword banging on the wall could be heard. Shit, if not for the observer I would have killed her with higher tier spells. But it did get me some practice so…silver lining I suppose.

I went to the Origin Mana Bandit's nest and just like the words of the bandit, there was a rock shaped like a dragon's skull, I went ahead and did what he told me and entered that place.

Feya's POV

= "SHIT, how can he cast a spell so fast?" =

I need to get out there and chase after that kid. This is baking me, it's too hot. Dammit, that kid really is a genius.

I need to get out of here.

Do I have to do it now?

Well, I supposed I have no other choice.


There, that should do it!

The boulder was cut and as I kicked the top half of the dome, I am finally free! Phew, that was torture!

Now, I need to catch that kid.

My name is Feya, and I have seen a lot in my time. I have seen people change and I think everyone has the chance to become someone better.

My father always said that if a heart beats, they can still change if you show them the light. That kid, I don't know what it is but he will really kill that bandit, his past, I do not know his past, but…

I wish to help him find the light.

I sped away, trying my best to catch the kid whose name I still do not know. But when I finally reached east, I saw smoke going up.

I drew out more mana and I tried my best to reach the origin of the smoke. Maybe, I am not too late.

But when I reached the stone, everything was already destroyed and dead bodies littered the floor.

I can see the child, was above what remain of the Dragon-like stone. In front of him was the head of the Origin Bandit. His body was already bloodied and was on the verge of death.

He's still alive that is what is important.

I heard him, he was begging for his life.

= "Please don't kill me! I'll repent! I'll change, please, spare me!" =

= "Kid, don't kill him." =

He didn't listen and even though I tried to get to the top of the stone, the head of the Origin Mana Bandit leader was lopped off by a flame whip.

His head flew to the air and died. He has no chance now.

When I finally arrived at the top of the stone, I looked at the kid, my eyes stared at his still clear pupils. At first, I was surprised to see such an honest expression and I asked him, why?

= "Why did you have to kill him? You have enough power to capture him, why did you kill him!? We could have taken him to jail! That should have been enough to punish him off his deeds! He was willing to surrender, to change! Why did you have to kill him!? He didn't have to die!" =

My emotions burst forth and I couldn't keep my voice in check so I shouted at him.

I was afraid he will become scared of me so I tried to say something to smooth things over, but, his calm voice echoed in my ears.

= "That is not enough, he killed anyone who opposed him, raped every woman he successfully kidnaps until they are not but a cold corpse, he sold children to slave traders and slaughtered the nearby settlements for fun, and you claim he didn't deserved to die? If I had let him go and he lived, killed some more people, who will be left accountable? You? Are you going to be accountable for the lives that had been extinguished? Life is a single chance kind of thing, those who reap others must be prepared to die as well. That is life, and that is its cycle, why do you preach of chances when he didn't even give others a chance? Are you a hypocrite?" =

His cold and indifferent voice pierced my ears and then my heart. I wished to say something but I only saw him point at something. Then, for some odd reason, I lost my consciousness as I felt something attack me from behind.

When I came to, it was night and around me were corpses. The kid was no longer present and then I remembered his last actions. I head for the place he pointed at and inside the tent he pointed was corpses of women that had been played with.

I felt disgusted and cried. When I returned to get the bandit I asked to be spared and took him to the Seeker's Association, I asked myself, was what I did correct?


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