Seeker Examination

Everyone around me is geniuses, they are beings who surpass the norm but when all I do is associate with them my view of normal will become distorted.

My normal to other people will become abnormal to them, and what abnormal to me will become a phenomenon to them, this is rather complicated.

The view of humans and any other race is formed through everyday encounters and situations and that is also when common sense is born. Then, if my view is different from the norm and my view is not uncommon in terms of their value does that mean I am the one who has no common sense?

Thus began my search for common sense.

As I searched for it, the trial for idiots continued. People still failed to do any good to pass the test and I still failed to understand how they cannot see the true meaning of this trial. Common Sense Xir, common sense, they are lacking that is the answer, right?

A few minutes passed and a laugh echoed throughout the examination…no that is incorrect this is not the examination grounds is it, this is but the pre-assessment area.

"Hahaha, you useless trash seem to fail the grandeur of this assessment, hmph, useless talentless bastards. Le me, Ferio Hillsman show you how this it has done."

Laughter echoed in the area and a man wearing a fancy looking attire, similar to that of the adjacent nobles. He closed in on the brick formation and stepped forward with mana covering his entire body.

His mana fluctuation began to match the formation's, he was doing good until he chose to step forward when his mana flow is still rough around the edges. He stepped forward and a clash of mana erupted, it disturbed the flow too much and it caused the field to become visible.

Upon seeing the invisible wall before them, the examinees present was in awe. They seem to have truly not seen it before. Meaning the information we received will be useless because the examination has changed.

The man named Fellatio or something stepped forth and crossed the mana wall. And after the embarrassing display that rivals cosmic proportions garnered the awe of everyone present. It was a wonder how these people managed to survive for more than a hundred years.

= "Don't think like that Xir, they are all people, there are those who are gifted and those who are not. A country bumpkin will be surprised by the opening door and talentless people will be in awe of those who are slightly better than they are, simply put, that is life." =

Lethias came from behind and I could only nod my head in agreement for I cannot start an argument over the matter as I am too much in a culture shock.

From then on, more and more people began completing the trial, they seemed to be famous people, how did I know? Because I could hear their names.

Kuwa this, Pussilia that, I do not know who they were but I still recorded their names in my UIR as to not make any mistakes later on. It is such a shame I didn't record Fellatio though.

= "Xir, we need to enter now, there are more people present so they will be trying to rush the formation, we just need to follow the flow and act inconspicuous about our entry." =

Time flowed by and noon was about to come, the fated time is finally about to arrive. The fateful time of entering the formation came and as we got dragged into the mess known as the crowd which seemed more of a rallying crowd rather than examinees.

I could blow them away, but that would cause too much commotion thus I tried my best to hold it in. In the end, we became canned goods as he squeezed through the rest of the people.

It was hard but we did our best at least. We managed to reach the end and using others' attempt as camouflage, we passed through the formation with relative ease if you didn't count the labor of moving through waves of human flesh.

We passed through them and noon came to be.

= "Time is up, everyone who didn't get in, I wish you luck next year." = The old sorcerer spoke with cruel honesty and those who didn't get to cross the formation showed tears of sadness this was their chance to become a Seeker, prove that they have worth yet they failed.

Some are accepting while others, not so much.

= "Hey, do you know how much my family donates to the Association? If you know what is best, then you best take this god damn formation out of the way and let me through." =

= "That's right, there must be something wrong with this trial, even that little brat over there got to enter." =

How did they found me exactly? They just had to throw me into this mess.

The old man who had already turned his back against the failed examinees turned around once more. He looked at the young brat who spoke.

The old man waved his hand and the two who spoke badly of myself and the association floated. At first they flailed all over but their bodies lost control soon after.

= "He passed because he had the capabilities and you didn't, we accept your money because you need us not the other way around, and the two of you will now be banned from any Seeker Examination because you caused a racket." =

Simple words were uttered and with another wave of the old man's hands, two needles appeared from out of nowhere and pierced their glabellas and stuck to their brains.

That needle is fearsome, it carried some nasty mana. Their bracelets broke and then plopped to the ground.

The old man looked at their unmoving bodies and snorted.

= "Arrogant bastards. Everyone, enter the building, the next examination will now start." =

At this point in time, I didn't know if he was throwing his anger at us but as soon as we stepped inside, we were not inside a building, but in a desert with nobody around us.

The examination has began.