Down a Peg

"My name is Ferliar, an A-Rank Martial Seeker!"

"My name is Lisa, an A-Rank Mage Seeker!"

Two people came out of the same place we did. It was a man and a woman, Titan, with their strength both at Mythril-Grade.

One is a Tier-7 Mage, and the other is a Martial with equal strength. The ones here are at most, Diamon-Grade (Tier-4), they really take this kind of things seriously.

As I have stated before, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Grade Monster is known as an Elementary Mana Manipulator. And Diamond, White Diamond, Pink Diamond, and Mythril are people known as True Mana Manipulators.

And with my mind going cycling around as I tried thinking what it is that their true intents are, Ferliar proceeded with to talk.

"We are the Proctor of today's examination! Everyone presents here have exceptional circumstances that make you unable to take the regular Seeker Examination.

"In the past, we would have given you a C or B rank Seeker License, but that kind of practise had been abolished 50 years ago since the current Association President took over. As some of you may have been too sheltered to know these kinds of stuff, I am legally required to tell you these things. Now that I finished the briefing let us start with Examination, Draken Dogma, come and step forward!"

Draken got up and slowly walked down. Lisa walked away as Draken is a Martial. A Martial's examination must be administered by a Martial.

Draken walked down and took out a pair of gloves. As he reached the open space of the Amphitheater, Draken finally fitted his gloves.

Ferliar smiled and stretched his limbs.

"Okay, here's the rules to pass the Special Examination. You either make me acknowledge your strength, make us give up or you kill me."

Draken was silent for some time as he stared at Ferliar with seriousness, "Are you sure? I really might kill you if I take it seriously."

"Go for it, bonus score if you can kill me. The Association will give you an S-Rank and even give you Third Level Access to our database. So, why not!?


Almost instantaneously, Draken made his move. He dashed forth and clenched his fist. He gathered his mana and directed it to his fist.

He strengthened his whole being and mumbled, "I won't make this hurt."

Draken was fast. He immediately got below Ferliar and gathered everything threw it at his enemy without hesitation.

His fist oozed of danger, it was fast, and was almost unable to be seen by the eyes.


And yet he hit empty air as Ferliar titled his head slightly to the right.

"What the hell?" Draken failed to comprehend.

Ferliar didn't even need to get to a proper stance. As soon as Draken's fist missed him, Ferliar already made his move and pummeled him to the ground.


Draken's hit the ground, and his feet were lifted to the air. The proud son of the Dogma family had been incapacitated in a single hit.

The smiling Titan Martial looked at Ferliar with a wide grin then spoke, "What? Did you think we'll go easy on you? You're the special cases, correct? It would be best if you were stronger than this. But still, I can see that you'reabove average, you get a D-Rank."

The Special Examination, it is only given to those with prestigious background and special circumstances. At first glance, it is seen as a privilege when in truth, it is used to weed out the useless from the useful ones and bring down the pride of those so-called nobles down a peg.

"So, who's next on the chopping block?"

Ferliar looked at us with an even wider grin.