Sullivan Feryal

"Ferliar, get out of there, everyone else is a Mage, it's my turn now."

"Wait, I haven't had my fun yet! Can't you wait for just a moment?"

"No buts and step away, I've been itching to use some spells, so go away. Now, Helia, go, and step forward."

Helia wielded a staff. On the top end of the staff was a crystal skull of some beaked monster.

With a simple nod, Helia tapped the ground with the lower end of the staff, "Please, show me guidance."

The strength of a Diamond-Grade Mage erupted. I felt that her earlier power is Platinum-Grade; it appears that I was in the wrong.

The screeches souls echoed as dark clouds began to spread from the skull's socket. Helia looked at Lisa with unfeeling eyes.

From the gray clouds came out translucent hands of the dead. The deceased and morphed body of souls echoed, and clattering bones resounded around.

The sound was painfully powerful, and yet it didn't attract me at all.

"Are you not going to watch? She��s a Sacred Death Elf. Her ability is sought after in many places. Whether it be in espionage or in war, she is a wanted talent."

It appears that Aria caught my disinterest in Helia. I looked at her from my shoulders before closing my eyes.

"I feel that she's rather bland. Death is nothing special, souls are but a slave, and it can easily be defeated by fire. In short, I have no interest in her."

By this time, my mind had already become detached from the current situation. Helia was an interesting person for sure. Her ability is to call upon the element of the underworld.

The aura of death exploded out and enveloped the amphitheater. But…weirdly enough, I lost interest in her once the screeches of the tormented souls echoed around the room.

Was it because I control the souls of beasts that I fail to understand her glory? In my eyes, the banshees and the specters that she calls are nothing but a defective commodity.

It has no body; it has no form,; and its power depletes at the sight of light. My monsters are monotonous tools. They follow my commands directly and don't have their own emotions.

Their lingering will let them give a choice to remain by my side. And now that I reached Diamond-Grade, I can feel that there's a change and as I stare at the souls gathering about.

The souls rushed to Lisa, but…that is useless.

As Ferliar said, they weren't holding anything back.

Lisa wielded a simple wand. With a single vertical wave, a line was created.

That line was wriggly, like a snake slithering on the ground.

That's the same line I saw Von used in the past. That line is known as the Magic Line, and it commands mana.

Inside the body, the Mana Channels have limited size and length.

And because of that limitation, the more potent spells that need a much larger container and the path to travel in are unable to be finished with the natural Mage Channels. Thus, Mages created their own pathway.

If the innate Mage Channels can no longer sustain the Mana Circulation, then just create a temporary one outside. Thus, the concept of Mana Line was born!

A single wave of Lisa's wand command for a Mana Line to be formed.

As Mana extends out of the body, the spell and the enchanted knowledge are engraved inside the line itself. The process of calculating the spell production is carried within the line, and thus, once the Mana Line is formed, the spell will be complete.

And with Lisa finishing the line, she whispered a single line, "Dragon's Eye."

A slit was created midair. The line then expanded to become an almond shape portal.

The slit became an almond, and then it transformed and eye, and as the Dragon's Eye opened, the rushing specters were all ignited to flames and disappeared without a trace.

"You have lost, miss Death Elf Helia. But that's an unbelievable display. I shall give you a C-Rank."

"Thank you. Then, I would return to my seat now." Helia didn't care, and instead, I caught her staring at me.

Lisa saw her reaction and called out, "Death Elf, I changed my mind; you're B-Rank."

Helia didn't even turn her back to respond. For her, it didn't matter in the slightest. Lisa didn't seem to mind Helia's blatant disrespect.

At this time, Lisa's smile was wide. I saw her turn towards my direction. She's not even hiding her intentions. She licked her lips, and yet she turned away.

"Sullivan Feryal, it's your time now."

"Finally, it's my time. But, shouldn't we just skip this nonsense and just give me an S or something like that? I don't want to kill someone today."

Sullivan Feryal, a man with ten Mage Channels, now, I want to see your capability.

Sullivan stepped up and yawned in front of Lisa. On his hands was also a staff.

"Welp, it appears that you're too stupid in grouping me with these people. Now, let us begin." Sullivan's grin became wider.