
"You don't seem worried at all. Even after seeing all that, I thought your expression would've at least changed."

What's her problem? I haven't done something wrong and she's already so crabby? Is it that time of the month for her?

Sigh, I wish I know. But I still need to respond to her words else I would seem like an absolute asshole who knows nothing of decorum.

"I apologize if that is not to your liking, but I wasn't gifted with having an expressive countenance."

"Tch, what nonsense."

It appears she doesn't even want to talk…how civilized. Van is much more communicative than this woman here.

I don't know why but I'm pretty sure this lady is out for blood. I recall no instance where I disrespected her so why is she so angry at me?

I did nothing wrong, so, why was she angry? In situations such as this, I think silence may prove to be fatal, and yet if I talk, I risk irritating her.

This fight will be fatal anyway, so why take the risk? I'm pretty sure she wants to make this into a fight to death, how can I tell? From her eyes, that's how.

"Examiner Lisa, please, guide me."

"Hmph, your sweet talks won't get through me. But yeah, I think it's about time we start this little dance. Come, I'll send you to the hospital for another month!"

Lisa waved her hand and I called upon my mana conductor which was also a wand. This wand of mind can take at most a Tier-5 Spell, that's currently the perfect place for me!

Lower your posture, look straight into your opponent's eyes and gather your mana, then…begin!

"Spirit of Flames, guide my strength and…!"

"Magma Ball!"

With a quick cast spell flying towards my direction, I was made to dodge and cancel my chant. I was unprepared and it dragged me back to square one.

Whilst I was casting, I was interrupted by a quick cast spell. Everyone here had been using quick cast spells, I have not fought a Mage one on one before this I don't know how this works, but from this, I can see why they are using quick cast spells.

A Mage has two weapons, I know of this, but my chance of beating this lady using only Quick Cast spells is close to none.

My greatest bet is to use Chants, but that's impossible. But she won't let me cast one so Plan A is a failure. I need to approach this differently.

My decision is clear, and I can see the path that can lead to victory. It is narrow, but it is plausible to traverse.

"Fleeting Steps!"

The first Tier-4 Quick Cast Spell was cast.

"A little wind spell won't do you any good!"

I can hear her words and I can tell that she's serious, and yet, I know that I can win this.

Running around the amphitheater she began bombarding me with a quick-moving fireball.

"Blitzkrieg Willow."

In every Mage, there's a limit on how much spell combination they can use. A unification of magic is not easy, and layering them is the same.

However, I already figured out how to that long before I became a Tier-1 Mage.

Thus, I spoke under my breath, "Fleeting Steps + Fire Boost. Union Spell, Raging Gale."

I cast Raging Gale on one part of my body and stacked it on me two times. I managed to increase my speed exponentially, however, this spell will last a total of seven seconds, but because it's stacked on my body, it will decrease and become three and a half seconds.

And as I finished casting the spell, I sacrificed my attention and is now surrounded by dozens of willows around me!

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

"Fire Wave." I hurriedly cast, but such a weak Tier-4 Quick Cast Spell like such is not something to take note of.

My spherical wall was like paper against her spells. It was awful, my whole body aches and I can tell that most of my bones are broken.

I just healed and yet most of it is already destined to ache for a long, long time!

Lisa smiled at my falling body. I looked pathetic as burnt marks were all over me, I supposed she got what she wanted after seeing me in such a state. She dropped her hands as I was just about to reach the ground.

However, my right leg touched the ground first, and a huge amount of mana burst.

The Raging Wind began to run amok in my right leg destroying my veins, skin, and even bones.

The Raging Wind is a Union Spell that can match a Tier-5 Spell at most. And I can't control something like that much less stacked twice in my body.

And with that, the raging spell began to act without me managing to optimize its strength.


My right exploded with mana, and I was sent flying forward. I was faster than any arrow and faster than any bullet, and surely, I was faster than Lisa.

If I can touch her body, Then I can subjugate her. My creaks with pain, but I can hold her off, and use a spell in point-blank I'll be able to take her out.

The carotid artery is what I must aim for! This Plan B must work.

Lisa's mouth was opened, she was surprised, but she smirked at the sight of me coming to her.


Snapping her fingers, the ground three meters away from her glowed with three magic circles. Three rock spears appeared from below, it sought my limbs and skewered both my legs and an arm!

"So, did you think you can get close to a Mage so easily? Heh, you're too green to challenge me. But I got to admit I didn't expect you to move with a burst by sacrificing a leg. Amazing, but alas, it is stupid…so, does it hurt?"

It's painful, very painful. She fooled me into thinking that she only has one element. The element of earth is useable for her, it seems.

I am trapped, I can't move. But I reached out, trying to see if I can touch her face.

But seeing I can only raise my right hand high enough to match her knee, I decided to shoot her right knee with a gun.

"AAAAAHH! YOU FUCKING BRAT!" She screamed in pain and I lost consciousness.

Later that day, I awoke in the hospital and I earned an A-Rank. Seems like Plan-C worked.