'Hes my ...........' he stammered

'Hes your?'

'hes my.. Ex. To put it in a simple category'

'so.. You lied to me when you said I was your first' lukas asked

'I didn't lie about that I was little Lukas. Hes older than you!' he answered a little more flustered then before

'okay fine, so why did you mention him?'

'.. I.. You are like him, your kind but hes caring and reckless.' isaac continued 'hes funny and..'

'And what?' luke was getting agitated

'hes there for me, hes in the army. And he practically raised me. He treated me like a kid always having me in his arms and always having me by his side' he answered

'so you think hes better for you?'

'Ive moved on lukas! Hes an amazing man i love both of you to peices and hear me out, i knew him before we hung out, we worked together and would hang out in the park , he was so caring and we loved eachother, we would smoke and drink on the park and would hang out at his, he didnt force anything on me, thats why I care about him so much he-'

' Enough! ' luke said grabbing isaac by the throat' Fuck that guy, and fuck you! '

' Get off of me Luke! ' isaac screamed while squirming

Quinn and liz ran into the room and threw lukas onto the floor with a loud thud

' Are you okay isaac' Quinn asked helping him get up.

'I will be fine, did you find a key?' he mumbled holding his throat in the place luke was

'yeah . Let's get out of here.' Elizabeth answered throwing the keys to him

'now for you.' Quinn walked towards luke

'keep him in here.. Is what we should do'

'yeah. Enjoy getting out of here'

Elizabeth, Isaac and Quinn had left locking the door on lukas

Eventually unlocking it the next day but they had hidden the key so if he were to leave he would have to find it.

'so what were you babbling about?' Elizabeth asked in their room

'oh.. Um..' Isaac was looking around trying to find an excuse for the matter glancing around at the several boxes they had not yet unpacked

Looking out of the window looking in the room any excuse he could of thought of he used

Liz knew he was lying though.

' that one is a lie' she said everytime she caught him out

'Fine, it was about Isaiah' he finally told her the truth

'oh, that boy?' she asked while smiling 'I liked him, he gave me cigars'

'shut it!' he giggled'he gave me more than that' he said seductively while laughing

'you lair, let me guess.. He was jealous?' Quinn asked

'yeah Quinn no shittt' he said bellowing about the multiple things luke had done that year