*Excited noises *

'Well should we look for that dude

Afteralllllll he is cute ' Elizabeth teased

'he is cute' Quinn said while looking at an old picture of her dad and his (Friend)

'pleaseee hes so cute dad' Quinn joined in teasing

'Oh my god Quinn' Isaac smiled looking at the picture he brought with him Isaiahs smile was so bright so cute and so.. Sweet his eyes were a light green and his hair was a dark brown and his smile just distracted Isaac

'dad?' Quinn had eventually tried making him

Look away 'Dadddd!!' she snapped her fingers smiling.

'oh.. Hey Quinn sorry! Elizabeth do you think he smiles like this still?' Isaac asked

'of course!' she replied ' do you want to call his number?'

'If i still have it, Wait..' he said while scrolling down his contacts 'oh its here'


'hey?..' the voice of the man echoed through the phone 'Who is this?'

'AAHH' a squeal came from Isaac

'Its me! Isaac'

'Baby?.. Isaac! How did you get my phone number? Ah! When can you meet up? Where are you?' a masquer of questions bombarded his phone

'I have my ways, I can meet up today and im at my house'

'Your to little and naive to have your own house' he laughed

'noooo!' Isaac giggled

'Oh mAH gOd DaD hE SoUnDS sO hOt!' Quinn teased

'Quinn! Whyy?' he giggled

'You have a daughter? You- your straight?' Isaiah asked 'Arent you to young to have a kid?'

'hah! She is my daughter by adoption, im too young, afterall I cant create a masterpiece like Quinn, when Can you come over?' isaac wondered

' Um, where do you live?'

'****** **** 42*****'

'ill be there in 20!'

It hung up

Oh god isaac thought

A wailing noise came from Quinn

And a squealing noise came from Izzy