The new chapter

They were all sat by the dining table, a few seats were missing so they had to compromise

They all dined at the living room

Isaac tended to washing the pots after his mother gave up on persisting she should have done the dishes, "Sometimes.. Thats what i love him for" Isaiah said smiling at him from a distance, isaac was very.. How to put this, persistent and stubborn, if he wanted to stay in bed he wouldn't move one inch from the bed, nothing could stop him when he wanted to do anything, Sakura and Quinn were playing on the floor by trying to restart a 1500 peice puzzle with 2 sets of human eyes

Henry and linda were sitting on the couch, she had crossed her legs on the recliner as henry took to the middle of the couch they were both smiling and laughing at each other.

Isaiah was sat on the dining table, one of his legs dangling off of the side

"i miss the days like this" Elizabeth said walking in to sit on the table "Well, there weren't any days like this when we were little, how are you little man?"

"im fine. Im just" Isaiah turned towards her "Confused."

"whys that?" Iz asked looking into his eyes

"Someone's at the door." linda said "Be a darling and invite them in.."